Explanatory Writing Tasks: Grades 6-8
Definition (according to the state):
Ø Explanatory Writing Tasks are presented in the following formats/types:
1. Topic is introduced through and based on a topic familiar to students
2. Topic is introduced through and based on quotation or adage
(both formats provide a springboard for an essay)
Ø These tasks ask students to share knowledge and to covey ideas and experiences by writing an essay that informs the reader
Ø Writing may be based on the writer’s personal knowledge and experiences or information presented to them
FORMAT 1: Familiar Topic
Grades 6-8 (from the state of NJ)
Many students enjoy doing something special for their family and friends. For example, they may take care of their younger sibling or help to cook a favorite meal.Write a letter to your family or friends that describes something special that you would like to do for them. Explain why this would be something special and how your family or friends might react. Be sure to include details and facts to support your explanation.
Grades 6-8 (from the state of NJ)
Life can be full of pleasant surprises. Identify a time when you experienced a pleasant surprise.Write an essay about a time when you experienced a pleasant surprise. Explain why this surprise was unexpected and how it affected your life in a positive way. Be sure to explain your choice by using details and examples.
FORMAT 2: Quotation/Adage
Grade 6 (from the state of NJ)
You are submitting an essay to the annual essay competition at your school. You have been asked to consider how the following quotation is related to you.“You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person”
-Scott Sorrell
Write an essay explaining what this quotation means to you. Use details and examples in your essay.
Grades 6-8 (from the state of NJ)
Consider how the following quotation is related to you.“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
--Will Rogers
Cherokee-American, cowboy, comedian, and actor
Write an essay for your language arts teacher explaining what this quotation means to you. Use details, reasons, and examples in your explanation.