CC User Group Meeting Agenda

October 12, 2016

2:00-3:30 pm, CDT

Call: 701-328-1601 Passcode 63125#

Roll Call

Admissions-Charlene Stenson VCSU – Karen Erickson BSC

Student Records –Crystal HotchkissWSC, Rhonda Kitch

Financial Aid- Lindsey Benson MiSU

Student Finance- Chelsea Larson UND, Carla Swenson NDSCS,

Human Resources -

Finance -

Campus Solutions –Heather Hoyt, Tom


Not Present: Katie Nettell LRSC, Becky Lang LRSC , Scott Correll UND , Allison Peyton, Mary Bergstrom, Sheri Gilbertson, Lisa Johnson

Minutes taken by:Karen Erickson, BSC

Old Business:

Jody French will be reviewing each topic

1)Residency Handbook

  • Lisa was unable to attend, we will keep this on the agenda for next month.

2)Bio-Demo handbook, SSN/ITIN collectionRegarding Bio-Dem and the Social Security Card

What exactly is this item detailing? As time has passed, the details have blurred. – Chelsea

  • BIO Demo: Chelsea sent out information to the group to update everyone on where the discussion was
  • Tom- This discussion needs to go to a higher level. Tom will bring this to Jody French to help get the overall system answer to this discussion
  • Rhonda has heard conflicting information on how to keep SSN for customer accounts, etc.
  • Campuses need the SSN for various reasons and many offices need this information from customer accounts to financial aid
  • Next Steps: Tom will be bringing this forward to Jody and should have an update next month

3)HRMS overriding SSN’s entered into CS side: Chelsea

Chelsea emailed the group notes about #2 & #3

  • Heather indicated that there is a SSN audit report (DR 258, Report is under NDU Campus Community: Student Info By Campus, NDU History of NID changes) this report would indicate who made the change
  • Campus Solutions has indicated they do not have the ability to dictate what HR Does
  • TOM: there may be a point where the two systems need to develop a business process with regards to how you update SSN’s.
  • Can we have the HRMS group inform Campus Solutions of their business process? Heather indicated they HRMS group told them they do require the SS card to make a change.
  • Chelsea will ask Becky Lang to discuss with the HRMS group

New Business:

1)Addition of preferred gender in Campus Connection - Student Records requested. Each module was to take this item back to their groups for discussion and approval.

  1. Approved by SRUG
  2. Approved by Financial Aid group
  3. Student Finance group?
  4. Admissions & Recruitment group?
  • TOM: this is not a matter of approval; it is a matter of WHEN
  • This is being talked about in Oracle. Lisa Johnson will be taking this to AAC and SAC
  • This will impact our institutions and the HRMS will also need to be included
  • Once Oracle comes out with thisprovides an answer as to when they will deliver this, NDUS will then need to decide how to move forward

2)The Institute of International Education does not want institutions reporting data for online students from outside the U.S. in the annual Open Doors report. Request to add a new visa type, with a description of “No Visa Currently – Student permanently outside the U.S.”. The students could be excluded during reporting and an additional flag for advisors and various departments.

  1. Approved by SRUG
  2. SFUG was meeting in later July?
  3. Admissions & Recruitment FUG ?
  4. Approved by Financial Aid FUG
  • The SRUG will be discussing this further and we can expect an update next month from the user groups. May be a different solution rather than adding a visa type that is not approved by the Federal gov’t.

3)Preferred gender was to be discussed with the different modules.

  1. SRUG would approve
  2. Financial Aid approved
  3. SFUG?
  4. Admission and Recruitment?

4)Request to Turn On Delegated Access - Chelsea

A list of priorities was to be sent by Tom. Not sure when this could take place. Any further discussion?

  • Tom had no update on this at this meeting

5)LRSC and NDSU had students that had an unacceptable address that was pulled in from production control. This prevented a student loan/PELL from originating with the DOE Common Origination Disbursement site. The address included the below lines. Is there an edit on an unacceptable address when production control performs an add/update to biodemo information? - Katie

Address Line 2 is NORTH DAKOTA (ND)

Address Line 3 is NORTH DAKOTA (ND)

The parenthesis are not acceptable characters

  • Admissions offices should be looking at address from the application and fix address that have invalid characters, etc.
  • Karen will put this on the Admissions user group agenda

Standing Agenda Items:

1) Second Parent Address in C-ND- Rhonda & Sandy

Need for a mothers & fathers address

  • SRUG wrote a DR. –Crystal
  • This has been submitted
  • Crystal will update the DR and submit it again (update relationships and phone numbers)
  • Who prioritizes? Tom, usually they look at the prioritizes and prioritizes within

Admissions, Recruitment, and Campus Community Development Report: CTS update

  • Heather: there hasn’t been much change. Heather has been busy with the BND application event
  • No other updates at this time

Address Updating Document- Chelsea sent out to the group on 10/12/2106

  • There is a need to be consistent within NDUS on how an address is updated/changed
  • Report F will show errorsstill run, but will not report a student’s origin if a student has no valid addresses
  • Heather: W2’s: HR does not have anything in place put HRMS will run a process for anyone who has invalid addresses. If HR sees an invalid address it is frowned upon
  • Who do we visit with to bring to the HRMS? HRMS is part of CTS: Tom will outline this one and bring this to Jody
  • Heather indicated there isn’t anything in the handbook about inactivating address
  • Tom had indicated that probably isn’t the best approach (inactivating)
  • Karen will put this on the next user group agenda for admissions
  • Crystal will also bring this to their user group.
  • IS CTS able to tell where address usage affects reporting? Tom, no. Not easily, there are reports across all the user groups that use addresses

Tom: System Outage Calendar

  • They have been doing some development work behind the scenes. Hopefully this will allow campuses to look at all the outages over the next two/three months. This would give campuses the ability to know what is coming up
  • Tom will present this to the NEXT campus community user group to get some global feedback from this group

Additional Agenda Items:

Future dates & times - 2nd Wednesday of the month @2:00-3:30

  • October 12, 2016 Minute taker – Karen Erickson
  • November 9, 2016 Minute taker – Chelsea Larson
  • December 14, 2016 Minute taker – Crystal Hotchkiss
  • January 11, 2017 Minute taker – Lindsey Benson
  • February 8, 2016 Minute taker – Carla Swenson
  • March 8, 2017 Minute taker – Scott Correll
  • April 12, 2017 Minute taker – Katie Nettell
  • May 10, 2017 Minute taker – Chelsea Larson
  • June 14, 2017 Minute taker – Karen Erickson