Report Category / Sub Category / Report
Prescribing Comparators / Potential Generic Savings
Specialist Drugs
Cost Comparators / All Prescribing NIC/ASTRO PU (non-standardised)
All Prescribing NIC/ASTRO PU (standardised)
Antibacterial Drugs NIC/Item
Enteral Feeds (Other) NIC/PU
Enteral Feeds (Paed) NIC/PU
Enteral Feeds (Sip) NIC/PU
Enteral Feeds (Tube) NIC/PU
Inhaled Corticosteroids NIC/ADQ
Ulcer Healing Drugs NIC/ADQ
Volume Comparators / Analgesics ADQ/STAR PU
Antibacterials ADQ/STAR PU
Antidepressants ADQ/STAR PU
Antiepileptics Drugs ADQ/STAR PU
Antiplatelet Drugs ADQ/STAR PU
Benzodiazepines (caps & tabs) ADQ/STAR PU
Bisphosphonates and Other Drugs ADQ/STAR PU
Bronchodilators ADQ/STAR PU
Calcium-channel blockers ADQ/STAR PU
Laxatives ADQ/STAR PU
Report Category / Sub Category / Report
Cox-2 Inhibitors ADQ/STAR PU
Drugs Acting on Benzodiazepine Receptors ADQ/STAR PU
Drugs Affecting the Renin Angiostensin System ADQ/STAR PU
Drugs for Dementia ADQ/STAR PU
Drugs used in Parkinsonism and Related Disorders ADQ/STAR PU
Inhaled Corticosteroids ADQ/STAR PU
Lipid-regulating Drugs ADQ/STAR PU
Minocycline ADQ/1000 patients (Sept 16)
Oral Antibacterial Items/STAR PU
Percentage Generic Items
Proton Pump Inhibitors ADQ/STAR PU
Ulcer Healing Drugs ADQ/STAR PU
MO KTT / 3 Days Trimethoprim ADQ/Item(Retired Q1 2015/16)
3 Day Courses of Antibiotics ADQ/Item
ACE Inhibitor % Items(Retired Q1 2015/16)
Antibacterial Items/STAR PU
Antidepressants (selected): ADQ/STAR PU (ADQ based)
Antidepressants: First choice % Items (2015)
Antidepressants: First choice % Items(Retired Q1 2015/16)
Cephalosporins & Quinolones % Items
Co-amoxiclav, Cephalosporins & Quinolones % Items
Dosulepin % Items
Hypnotics ADQ/STAR PU (ADQ based)
Hypnotics ADQ/STAR PU (Cost based)(Retired Q1 2015/16)
Blood Glucose Lowering Drugs(Retired Sept 16)
Lipid Modifying Drugs: Exetimibe % Items(Retired Q1 2015/16)
Long-acting Insulin Analogues
Low Cost Lipid Modifying Drugs(Retired Q1 2015/16)
Minocycline ADQ/1000 Patients(moved to Volume Comparators Sept 16)
NSAIDs Ibuprofen & Naproxen % Items
Omega-3 Fatty Acid Compounds ADQ/STAR PU(Retired Q1 2015/16)
Other Lipid Modifying Drugs % Items
MO KTT Dashboard
Wound Care Products: NIC/Items(Retired Q1 2015/16)
Report Category / Sub Category / Report
Prescribing Monitoring / Out of Hours Care
PD2 Summary
Personally Administered Items
Practice Detailed Prescribing Information (PDPI)
Programme Budget Categories
Prescribing Analysis Report (PAR) / Comparison of Cost per Astro PU
Prescribing Costs by BNF Level
Prescribing Costs, Volume and Average Cost per Item
Prescribing Dashboard
Prescribing Trend
Total Practice Prescribing
Twenty Leading Cost Drugs
Repeat Dispensing (inc EPS Items) / Repeat Dispensing % Cost
Repeat Dispensing % Items
Sub Category / Report
Dispensing Monitoring / MIS (Management Information Spreadsheet)
Out of Pocket Expenses Reports
Report Category / Sub Category / Report
Financial Management / Itemised Prescribing Payment Report
Prescribing Monitoring Document
Remuneration Reports / Remuneration Recharge Report
Remuneration Values and Information Report
Report Category / Sub Category / Report
CD Monitoring / CD Comparators / Buprenorphine items per 1000 Sched 3 CD items
Diamorphine injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Diamorphine injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Diamorphine, Morphine & Oxycodone injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD Items
Diamorphine, Morphine & Oxycodone injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excl Methadone
Fentanyl lozenge items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Fentanyl lozenge items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Fentanyl patch items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Fentanyl patch items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Morphine & Oxycodone oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD Items
Morphine & Oxycodone oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Morphine injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Morphine injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Morphine oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Morphine oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Oxycodone injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Oxycodone injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Oxycodone oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Oxycodone oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone per 1000 Total items
Sched 2 CD items per 1000 Total items
Sched 3 CD items per 1000 Total items
Temazepam items per 1000 Sched 3 CD items
Report Category / Sub Category / Report
CD Monitoring / CD Analysis / Buprenorphine items per 1000 Sched 3 CD items
Diamorphine injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Diamorphine injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Diamorphine, Morphine & Oxycodone injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD Items
Diamorphine, Morphine & Oxycodone injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excl Methadone
Fentanyl lozenge items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Fentanyl lozenge items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Fentanyl patch items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Fentanyl patch items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Morphine & Oxycodone oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD Items
Morphine & Oxycodone oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Morphine injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Morphine injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Morphine oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Morphine oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Oxycodone injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Oxycodone injection items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Oxycodone oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items
Oxycodone oral presentation items per 1000 Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone
Sched 2 CD items excluding Methadone per 1000 Total items
Sched 2 CD items per 1000 Total items
Sched 3 CD items per 1000 Total items
Temazepam items per 1000 Sched 3 CD items
Report Category / Sub Category / Report
CD Monitoring / CD Analysis
CD Comparators
CD Requisitions
Private CD Analysis
Report Category / Sub Category / Report
Home Oxygen Therapy Reports / CCG Payment Claim
Report Category / Sub Category / Report
Common Information Reports / Dispensing Data / NHS England Team items and fees dispensed
Pharmacy Contract
Organisational Data / Contractor Details
Dispensing Practice Name Address
PCO List Size and GP Count
Practice List Size and GP Count
Prescriber Details
Prescribing Data / Practice Items
Information Services Portal Report List (12 Feb 2016) (V8) 1