Mrs. Meissel Room 134 Virginia and United States Government 2016-2017

Blog: (Meissel’s Mysteries in History)

School phone: (757) 925-5790 Email:

Course Description: The purpose of this class is to broaden your understanding of the entity of GOVERNMENT-- how it functions at the federal, state, and local levels. By understanding how the system works, citizens may then become more involved in civic affairs. Since citizen involvement is the foundation upon which Democracy rests, the ultimate goal is to guide you into becoming informed, active citizens who will vote, and can and will become the future leaders of our society.

Because of the constantly changing nature of politics, it is highly recommended that students keep informed of the current state of U. S. politics, through the regular reading of newspapers and other periodicals, online sources such as the New York Times and Washington Post, and broadcast or internet media such as C-SPAN and CNN. We WILL be discussing current events as they arise. They cannot be predicted and assigned in advance!

Throughout this course, participation is REQUIRED – do not expect to sit quietly in the back and complete other assignment.

Class work and Homework assignments will include questions about daily notes and discussion. Frequent quizzes will test student’s knowledge of material covered that week. Be prepared! Unit tests will be more comprehensive, evaluating progress made during the entire study unit. These tests will include objective questions, as well as short answer topics. Quarter exams will cover material from the entire grading period. You will NOT do well unless you make the effort and do all of the work YOURSELF.

Notebooks: You must have a 3 ring binder for this course with 3 sections. Set up as follows:

  1. Warm-Ups, Current Events, Political Cartoons, and your daily Journal
  2. Lecture Notes, Vocabulary, and other assignments.
  3. Returned and graded work.

Several times a semester, you will be given a Notebook Test. This is a test grade, and the Notebook Test will be based solely on what should be in your notebook. You are responsible for keeping your notebook up to date and ready for a test, and I will give you one class period notice that a Notebook Test is coming up. YOU are responsible for updating your Notebook.

Current Events are a very important part of this class. Please keep track of them. There will be quizzes.


(see board for the day’s expectation)

Daily Routine: When you enter the class, do the following:

  1. Turn in overnight assignments in appropriate area.
  2. Have a seat quietly
  3. Open your notebooks and answer the Warm-up question on the board.
  4. Copy Current Event on the overhead, leave a space for discussion and information you will need for Notebook Tests and Current Events Quizzes
  5. Set up your paper for analysis of a Political Cartoon
  6. Copy Quote of the Day and if you wish, begin your journal entry (3 sentence and an example, minimum, response to Quote of the Day)
  7. Participate in lesson, which will be presented as notes, in powerpoint, or another form, and/or an activity for the day.
  8. Submit exit ticket and/or Journal Entry check every day for a grade

Assignments: Do your best work. Use blue or black ink (pencil and colored ink are not acceptable unless specified). Answer all questions in complete sentences, unless I say otherwise.Follow directions. For projects, turn in typed work.

You are also responsible for ALL of your notes on the Notebook Test regardless of whether you are present or absent.

Make up work:

It is the responsibility of the student to make up any work missed during an excused absence. Upon returning to school, students must find out what assignments have been missed. Students must make up all work within five days of returning to school. Students may make up work any morning before classes begin, or after school. Under special circumstances, other times may be arranged. In general, I don’t mind if you come in during the day, during one of my other classes, if you have a free block.

Any work that is not made up within the appropriate time period will result in a zero being entered into the grade book. Do Not come to me the week before progress reports/report cards and expect to be able to make up all of your missing work from the quarter.

Tests and quizzes:

1.All paper and pencil multiple choice tests and quizzes can be retaken once for a better grade.

2.Notebook tests and projects cannot be retaken for a better grade. Notebooks and projects turned in after their due date will be penalized one letter grade for each block it is late.

3.Quarter/Semester Exams cannot be retaken.

4.Complete all special assignments. Special assignments or projects will be given each nine weeks


  1. Classwork must be done in class. It is due at the end of the block. Turn in all work or it will be entered as missing.
  2. Groupwork will be credited to each individual in the group. Each individual must be prepared to share the group’s efforts in class.


  1. Complete all homework assignments. ALL homework assignments are graded for accuracy.
  2. It is your responsibility to check the homework board daily and record it in your agenda or notebook.

Government Pacing Guide

Topics / Standards of Learning / Time Frame
(month & # of blocks)
Citizenship, Character, Civics & Social Studies Skills / GOVT. 1; GOVT.17; GOVT.18; GOVT.19 / All year
First Nine Weeks
Origins and Foundation of American Government / GOVT. 2 ; GOVT.3; GOVT.4 / September (8)
The Constitution; Framework for Government in The United States / GOVT.5; GOVT.11 / September-October (9)
The U.S. Federal System of Government / GOVT.5 a, b, c, d / October - November (6)
Second Nine Weeks
Policy Making, Political Parties, Voting and Interest Groups / GOVT.5; GOVT.6; GOVT.9 / November (7)
National Government: The Legislative Branch / GOVT.5; GOVT.7 / December (5)
National Government: The Executive Branch / GOVT.5; GOVT.7 / December - January (5)
National Government: The Judicial Branch / GOVT.5; GOVT.10 / January (5)
Third Nine Weeks
Economic Education and Financial Literacy Objectives / Objectives 1 – 15 / February (4)
U.S. Economic Policy / GOVT.14; GOVT.15; GOVT.16 / February (4)
U.S. Foreign Policy / GOVT.12 / February - March (4)
Comparative Political & Economic Systems of Government / GOVT.13 & Govt.14 / March (4)
Civil Rights & Liberties / GOVT.5; GOVT.11 / March - April (6)
Fourth Nine Weeks
Civil Rights & Liberties (Continued) / GOVT.5; GOVT.11 / April (4)
Virginia & Local Government / GOVT. 6; GOVT.8; GOVT.9; GOVT.12; GOVT.16 / April (4)
Comparative Government and Foreign Policy / GOVT.12; GOVT.13 / May (4)
Free Market and Other Economic Systems / GOVT.14; GOVT.15; GOVT.16 / May (4)

MrsMeissel’s Government EXPECTATIONS

Appropriate behavior is expected. With inappropriate behavior come consequences. If you fail to turn in assignments, have unexcused absences or tardies, talk during work time, or engage in disruptive behaviors, I will embark on the following course of action.

  • Parents will be contacted.
  • Detentions will be given.
  • Referrals will be made.
  1. Respect Others. Treat all people as you would like to be treated. Listen and participate in classroom discussions.
  2. Respect Teachers. Treat teachers with respect and you will find that the respect gets returned to you in the same manner, especially in my class.
  3. Respect Yourself. Be prepared, be on task, contribute to class, come prepared, try your best, and have your work done on time. Stay awake and alert at all times. This class is required for graduation, and you can perform better when you are alert. Notebook, textbook, pen, and colored pencils are required for all classes.
  5. ALL school rules are enforced in this class. There are no exceptions. Don’t ask.
  6. Teacher discretion on passes out of the room. Use passes wisely. Students are not permitted to be excused from class during the first 20 minutes OR THE LAST 10 MINUTES of the block.
  7. Stay seated at the end of class until you are dismissed. I dismiss you-not the bell.
  9. Do your own work. No cheating. Cheating of any kind on any type of assignment will result in a ZERO. You cannot think for yourself or prepare for life after high school, if you depend on others.
  10. Be on time. GO TO THE RESTROOM BETWEEN CLASSES!! When the bell rings, the door will shut; 1st tardy—warning, 2nd tardy--warning, 3rd tardy—After School Detention, 4th tardy—Saturday Detention, 5th tardy—OSS.

Letter Grade / Score Range
A. / 100-93
A- / 92-90
B+ / 89-87
B. / 86-83
B- / 82-80
C+ / 79-77
C. / 76-73
C- / 72-70
D+ / 69-67
D. / 66-63
D- / 62-60
F. / below 60

Grading Rationale:

Minimum Number of Grades / Percentage of Nine Weeks Grade
Tests/Major Projects / 3 / 40% of 9 weeks grade
Quizzes/Short Term Projects / 5 / 30% of 9 weeks grade
Daily work / 8 / 20% of 9 weeks grade
Homework / 7 / 10% of 9 weeks grade

ForCalculation of Final Grade:

1st 9 weeks average / 43% of 1st semester grade
2nd 9 weeks average / 43% of 1st semester grade
Midterm exam / 14% of 1st semester grade
3rd 9 weeks average / 43% of 2nd semester grade
4th 9 weeks grade / 43% of 2nd semester grade
Final exam / 14% of 2nd semester grade

Parent’s signature:______Date: ______