159 Maxwell Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301

Phone: (910) 483-8133 | Fax: (910) 483-0263 |

Baseball for Business Minutes

Greater Fayetteville Chamber, 159 Maxwell Street

Thursday, November 2nd at 11:00 AM

  1. Welcome & Introductions – Tony Chavonne
  1. Baseball for BusinessWork Group Plan of Work Update
  • Updates
  1. City of Fayetteville (Kristoff Bauer)

▪Demolition has begun; construction parking has begun near medical arts building with completion ETA of end of November.

▪Due diligence pieces still being worked with PCH and Barton-Malow regarding.

▪Signage will be more evident to include an interactive map. McLaurin Parking will still manage parking. Site will be more secured the further along development progresses.

▪December 11th date for all things finalized

  1. Astros (David Lane)

▪ Team announcement in December with suite/seat ticket prices.

  1. Prince Charles Holdings (Jordan Jones) –

▪50% through internal demolition with 20-25 crew size with completion ETA of Thanksgiving.

▪Hay Street will not be blocked by cranes due to use of scaffolding - no major disruptions anticipated.

▪Parking garage with 400 spaces estimate with one or two buildings on top of it for high end hotel and office space. Market demand will determine how tall the buildings will be. Residential population will increase by more than 200 people. Planning on 15,000 sq. feet of retail space.

▪December 15th - acquisition of Festival Park office building with BC/BS remaining as content tenants.

▪Bill Wiggins is the contact for Barnhill Construction.

  1. Barnhill/Barton Malow (Roslyn Henderson)

▪Cumberland County is scope of diverse workforce; sub-committee to be formed with Center for Emerging Business to coordinate communication efforts to promote participation by business community in construction. (Diana Potts)

▪Soliciting contract bids between now and mid-January.

  • Review Fayetteville On Deck portal
  1. Questions and Answers
  2. Request submissions for anything noticed missing; recommendation made to break FAQ’s into sub-categories for easier use.
  3. Emphasis made on the need to receive information from all concerned parties to keep website as current as possible. Chamber to proactively reach out to Partners to establish communication channels for information updates:
  4. Barton-Malow - Roslyn Henderson
  5. City of Fayetteville - Kristoff Bauer
  6. Barnhill - Skip Parkington
  7. PCH - Jordan Jones
  8. Astros - David Lane
  9. Map:
  10. Construction is underway, about 85% completed; will be a link on the website in a prominent location, possibly as a slider though static home page would be preferable. Developed in multi-layer format dependent on information searched. We set the expectation for the map’s use; the desire is to be as extensive and with long-term use possibilities.
  11. We agreed that we would like for the map to be the sole downtown map to be used by everyone.
  1. Purpose:
  2. To provide visual comfort to visitors and customers that the downtown is still open for business. Uses Google maps to draw information accessible easily through iphone use.
  1. Next Step:
  2. Chamber and 219 Group to finalize the map and mobile application.
  • Identify remainingpeer cities POCs and discuss our strategy for going forward.
  1. Contacts
  2. Contact information gathering needed from the following cities:

●Diana Potts - Winston-Salem, NC

●Jenny Proctor - Greenville, SC

  1. Questions and Answersfrom stakeholder groups.

●Coordinate a sub-committee meeting with restaurants – Tony/ Isabella Efron/Donna Stephens

●Coordinate a sub-committee meeting with retail merchants – Tony/Molly

●Coordinate a sub-committee of businesses considered major employers - Tony

●Coordinate question submissions of hotels - Lily Schmidt will plan presentation to local hotel association.

III.Chamber Committee work groups update. (David Goodyear/Christine Michaels)

oBusiness Representation: (Brian Easley) No report

oOperations/Major Issues: (Sam DuBose)

  • Sam to prepare a “White Paper” providing status updates on following potential community hindrances to success:


▪Homeless - committee created under scope of Cool Spring to address homeless & panhandling both

▪City has been requested to help manage, through permit, passing out contained food to homeless to contain trash, control health concerns.Cool Spring will work with Kelly Twadell of the Dream Center towards a solution.


▪Public solicitation abuse

▪Public safety perception

IV.Assign tasks

●Diana Potts

○Collect Winston-Salem contacts

○Work with Chamber to form sub-committee to be formed with Center for Emerging Business to coordinate communication efforts to promote participation by business community in construction.

●Jenny Proctor

○Collect Greenville contacts


○Chamber to proactively reach out to Partners to establish communication channels for information updates:

○Chamber and 219 Group to finalize the map and mobile application.

●219 Group

○Chamber and 219 Group to finalize the map and mobile application.

●Lily Schmidt

●Coordinate question submissions of hotels - Lily Schmidt will plan presentation to local hotel association.

●Sam Dubose

●Prepare a “White Paper” providing status updates on potential community hindrances to success.

●Tony Chavonne

●Coordinate a sub-committee meeting with restaurants – Tony/ Isabella Efron/Donna Stephens

●Coordinate a sub-committee meeting with retail merchants – Tony/Molly

●Coordinate a sub-committee of businesses considered major employers - Tony

  1. Set next meeting time
  2. The work group will meet again when the map is updated and available for review.