1Hamtaro Adventure: Kingdom Hearts 2

Rated PG: Violence, Language

Arc: Hamuja Kingdom: Main Visit

Chapter 51: Howling Wind of Dark Ambitions

*Hollow Bastion: Merlin’s House.*

Merlin: “I see. Well, Thank you for telling us.”

Mickey: “No prob. I figure we need to extend the investigation to the castle walls anyway.”

Rosy: “We tried to get close, but those Wyverns knocked us out of the sky!”

Leon: “You may have to take the long way around.”

Ivy: “Aw, we have to walk!?”

Daisy: “That stinks!”

*A Pulse line went through Bo’s head. He felt a strong presence, then smiled.*

Mickey: “What’s the matter? You got an idea?”

Bo: “No, but I just felt Andre’s power.”

Leon: “Andre? You mean that new Hamster that’s with Sora?”

Bo: “Yep!”

*An image of Amitie pulsing came into Bo’s mind.*

Bo: “Andre is going to unleash his true force soon! I can feel it!”

Rosy: “You mean...”

Bo: “Yes! The Knight of True Orange’s power will be revealed to our friends! I need to get over to where Andre is Right away!”

???: “Allow me to help.”

Everyone in the room: “HUH!?”

*A portal appeared ad Tierdex steps out.*

Mickey: “Tierdex!”

Tierdex: “Don’t be alarmed!”

Bo: “Huh?”

Tierdex: “I’ve been branded a traitor in the Organization’s eyes. I’ve decided to help James on his journey, by helping others.”

Merlin: “So, you say you can help King Bo get over to Andre’s position?”

Tierdex: “Correct.”

Mickey: “Well, I’m glad you finally came to your senses, Deiter!

Tierdex: “Well said...Mickey.”

*Hamuja Kingdom: Moat entrance*

*Everyone boarded the Vehicle. And began to drive off towards the Desert Ruins.*

Beast-ham: “Andre, something wrong?”

Andre: *?* “No, it’s nothing.”

Beast-ham: “Alright, did something happen?”

Andre: “Me and Bijou chatted about a promise about going back to France to say hello to our friends.”

Beast-ham: “Hm. Alright.” *?*

*Beast-ham notices Amitie pulsing.*

Beast-ham: “Hey Andre, something funny is going on with your sword.”

Andre: “Something funny?”

*Andre unsheathes Amitie which startles Penelope*

Penelope: “H-hey! Watch where draw your sword, Mr. Andre!”

Andre: “Sorry about that, Penelope.”

Beast-ham: *Looks at Amitie very carefully.* “Andre, did something happen?”

Andre: “Well, I suppose if you really want to know...I’m not just the Knight of Orange.”

James: “Slamming the brakes! Brace yourselves!”

*James slammed the brake, everyone braced themselves.*

James: “Not just the Knight of Orange? What are you talking about?”

Andre: “A Knight of Color has two ranks: The Basic Knight of Color, and The Knight of True Color.”

Hamtaro: “Knight of True Color?”

Andre: “A rank given to Knights of Color after completing an ‘Essential Mission.’ Everyone of the knights has a different mission.”

Okini: “So, what was yours?”

Andre: “I had to kill the cat that killed my parents. The cat’s name was Gargamel.”

James: *Laughs* “Gagamel!? That’s got to be the most stupid name I ever heard of!”

Andre: “Say what you want, but I had to get rid of him. Not just for revenge, but it WAS my mission. After I defeated him, King Bo appointed me the new rank. But I haven’t used my power ever since I joined the ranks.”

*James started to drive again.*

*Desert Ruins: Entrance.*

*Everyone exited the vehicle.*

James: “How do you activate your True Color state?”

Andre: “It’s just like your Keyblades: I call upon it during many situations. However, I haven’t activated yet, because there wasn’t a situation I needed to activated my power.”

Hamtaro: “I guess we’re too strong for our own good. Shera, is the documents here?”

Shera: “Yes, but...I’m not sure what father meant by underneath the sands.”

Hamuja: “I think we’ll find out soon enough.”

*Desert Ruins*

James: “Damn it! We’re too late!”

*The Desert Cat Laughed as the group entered the area and saw a document.*

Desert Cat: “I only found the Document of my sweet Shera’s marriage. That’s all I need to take over this Kingdom!”

*The group could only watch as the document of marriage was burned by a match.*

Desert Cat: “Now there’s nothing stopping me from taking you, my sweet!”

*The Desert Cat changed into his cloud form to try to take Shera*

Shera: “NOOOOOO!!!!!!”

*Hamtaro and Hamuja stepped in front of the Desert Cat, Knocking him back with their weapons.*

Hamtaro/Hamuja: “Leave her alone!”

Desert Cat: “You little rodents!”

*The Desert Cat flipped back and returned to his normal form.*

Desert Cat: “You all became a thron at my side for too long! I’ll finish you punks myself! That was the main idea of luring here in the first place!”

*The Desert Cat tossed 9 cat statues onto the sand. At a snap of his fingers, the statues turned into armored cat knights that are as big as the Desert Cat.*

Pashmina: *Surprised face* “Okay, that’s cheating!

Desert Cat: “Aren’t all villains?”

*The Desert Cat also clad himself in armor.*

James: “We’re not about to let you win!”

*Everyone grabbed out their weapons.*

Desert Cat: “Those toys swords and magic tricks won’t abide to my power!”

*Boss Fight: Desert Cat. Defeating the armored cats will make this battle much easier!


Mace slam: Slam the ground with the mace.

Command: Command the cat soldiers to attack with their lances.

Heal: Recover health by casting spell*

Cappy: “Graviga!

*Cappy casts a Graviga spell to flatten 5 of the Cat soldiers. When they were flattened, they reverted into their statue forms and disappeared.*

James: “Cappy, you just found the ultimate weakness! Crushing the armored cats also crushes the metal armor!”

Cappy: “Alright!”

Desert Cat: “You’ll for this you little rat!”

*The Desert Cat thrust the mace he held into the ground, trying to attack the group, but misses, but the rest of the armored cats swung their lances and clubed the whole group towards the place where Hamtaro played the staff. James, Goofy, And the Ham-hams with out a Keyblade had stars above their head.*

Sora: “What do we do? We’re seriously outmatched! Whenever the Desert Cat misses, the armored cats gets us!”

Hamtaro: “Huh?”

*Hamtaro remembers the staff.*

Hamtaro: “Hamuja! The Staff!”

Hamuja: “Right!”

*Hamuja tossed the staff towards Hamtaro, who caught it. He then proceeded tp the top of the platform. He then started to play the song he played the last time he was here. However, the Desert only laughed.*

Desert Cat: “That trick won’t work this time!”

James: *Snaps out of the dizzy trance* “What!?”

Desert Cat: “I had earplugs in my ears so I could bypass that weakness! You’re in trouble now!”

*Desert Cat swung his mace at Hamtaro, who took the blow of the attack, and lands a foot away from the area he tried to play the staff on.*

Everyone in the group: “HAMTARO!!”

Riku: “This isn’t good!”

*Desert Cat proceeds to Hamtaro. Bijou rushed over to Hamtaro to stand in front of him to protect him.*

Desert Cat: “What’s this?”

Bijou: “Leave Hamtaro alone!”

Hamtaro: *Weakly...* “Bijou...run...”

Bijou: *In tears* “I won’t! This can’t end this way! I won’t let it end this way!”

Desert Cat: “Alright then, I’ll just kill you both!”

Bijou: *Flinches, closing her eyes.*

*As the Desert Cat Prepares to swing the mace for the final blow, Everyone yelled “NOOO!” Andre did not, however. As he walked in to stand in front of the blow, Time slowed down all around him. As the Mace reached the point the Desert Cat could not stop. Andre raised Amitie, who then blocked the mace without difficulty by the tip of his blade. Time returned to normal.*

Desert Cat: “WHAT!?”

Bijou: *?*

* Bijou opens her eyes to see Andre blocking the blow without problems.*

Bijou: “Andre!?”

Andre: “Leave this to me.”

Desert Cat: “Who do you think you are!?”

*Andre’s eyes were off screen.*

Andre: “Andre Bresson: The Knight of True Orange.*

*An orange aura erupted out of Andre completely covering him. The Aura blasted away Desert’s Mace and armor. When the aura dispersed, Andre was wearing an orange cloak.*

James: *Laughs the next words* “Whoa!! That is AWESOME!”

Beast-ham: “Andre’s true power: The Knight of True Orange.”

*A portal appeared beside James. Tierdex and Bo stepped out.*

James: *!* “Dad! King Bo!”

Bo: “So Andre activated his True Color power.”

Tierdex: “I can feel his power. It seems to surpass my own almost, but I still would have the upper hand.”

James: “What can you tell me about Andre’s new form?”

Bo: “A Knight of True Color basically has more strength, more speed, better health, and more smarter. His sword is also more powerful too.”

James: “Uh, by how much?”

*The Desert Cat reactivates his Armor form, and grabs the mace. When the Desert Cat tries to attack Andre with his mace, Andre cuts through the mace, slicing it in half.*

Bo: “That much.”

James: *Surprised face, Sweatdrop* “Uh... I seriously wouldn’t mess with him. I’d be done like dinner.”

Pashmina: “He slashed through that mace like no one’s business! Wow!”

Desert Cat: *Screams* “My Mace!”

Andre: “Now do you understand what are you dealing with?”

Desert Cat: “You little rat...I’ll finish before you-“

*Desert Cat paused before Andre sheathes Amitie. Desert Cat’s Armor was sliced off.*

Desert Cat: “What...was that?”

James: “The Sound of defeat.”

*Desert Cat: Health: zero.*

*The Desert Cat’s hands turned into pink smoke. Then the Desert Cat exploded into smoke. It began to spiral. Andre carried Hamtaro to the group and Bijou follows along.*

James: “Are we done?”

Andre: *Sets Hamtaro down.* “No we’re not.”

Bijou: “Huh?”

*Hamtaro manages to get on his feet. The Castle was covered in pink smoke before returning to spiral. The Castle looked just like it was when the Desert Cat was bottled up once again. The Armored cats also reverted into their statue form.*

James: “What’s going on?”

Andre: “I can sense it. The Desert Cat’s Desire to rule this place was a dark ambition. That ambition drove him down the path of darkness, which in turned made him into a Heartless.”

James: “So how can we get rid of him?”

Hamtaro: “Maybe the same way with all Heartless.”

Andre: “That’s the general idea.”

*Tierdex opened a portal and he steps inside it along with Bo.*

James: “Looks like they were here just to see you change forms.”

Andre: “Guess so.”

*The Pink spiral Turned Black.*

Oxnard: “It’s going to be a big one!!”

Pepper: “Oh no!”

*The Dark spiral then formed into the shape of Darkside: A Heartless Sora fought before.*

Sora: “I know that Heartless! It’s called Darkside: One of the Strongest Heartless without an emblem.”

James: “Methinks we should take it out.”

*Darkside: Health *6 Notches and ½ bar of health


Ground slam: Slams the ground with a dark charged fist. Shadows appear when vortex created.

Dark Shot: “Shoots balls of Darkness. Increases shots until 5th shot.

Dark storm: Grabs an orb of Darkness from the ground and shoots into the air. It will rain dark globs that will damage by contact.*

Andre: “This should be no hard task.”

James: “Easy for you to say.”

*Andre Unsheathes Amitie and uses the attack that he used against the Desert Cat. When he sheathes Amitie again, Darkside didn’t flinch. Health 2 notches and a full health bar.*

Andre: “Didn’t get him that time.”

James: “What did you do anyway?”

*Andre shown it in a demonstration.*

Andre: “I simply stopped time and hacked the Heartless as much as possible. I call it Omnislash.”

James: “Sounds simple enough.”

*Demonstration ended.*

Hamtaro: “My turn now!”

*Darkside uses Ground slam. Soon, Shadows appear out of the ground. The Non-Keyblade wielders defeats the Heartless. Hamtaro Ran up Darkside’s arm and began to attack its face. Health: 2 Notches.*

James: “Right in the kisser!”

Pashmina: “Riku! Do you think our attacks can hit that far away?”

Riku: “Let’s go for it!”

*Riku and Pashmina used their respective aura attacks. Health: 1 notch and ½ bar.*

Okini: “Sky-ham! Think you can fly me near its face?”

Sky-ham: “Only one way to find out...”

*Sky ham Grabs Okini’s hand while flying by on hang glider.*

Sparkle: *Annoyed look* “Don’t think you’re the only one with a plan to hammer its face!”

*Sparkle jumps off James’s head and grabbed onto its arm to climb up.*

James: “Watch who you’re jumping off of!”

Sparkle: “Ha-ha! Sorry!"

James: “No respect.”

*Sparkle got on the left shoulder when Okini landed on the Right shoulder.*

Sparkle: “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

Okini: “Right on top of its head? You’re on!”

*Okini uses Gravity Slam while Sparkle uses her unique Technique: Fire Slam, A fire version of Gravity Slam. Health: Zero.*

*Darkside collapses in front of the group, it then fades away, revealing a hamster in white robes.*

*Aftermath: Hamuja Castle.*

*The Hamster lays unconscious on a bed.*

James: “Who do you think this is?”

Hamuja: “My father.”

James: “Your old man?”

Shera: “Don’t talk to daddy that way!”

James: “Sheesh. Sorry.”

Maxwell: “I don’t get it. I thought his heart was taken away by the Heartless...”

Hamuja: “I don’t know either.”

Pashmina: “A miracle happened, I bet!”

James: “I don’t know...”

*Hamuja’s father begins to wake up. We’ll refer to him as HF*

HF: “Wha...wha? What happened?”

James: “You want to the long story or short?”

HF: “Short one please.”

James: “You turned into a Heartless, we kicked the witch out, battled a cat that was released, and then battled a Heartless that came out of the cat.”

HF: “That wasn’t short.”

James: “Okay , real short version: We came, we saw, we kicked some cat tail.”

HF: “Then what happened to the Desert Cat then?”

Hamtaro: “We don’t know to tell you the truth. He faded away.”

HF: “I see...Well, At least we don’t use this anymore!”

*HF grabbed out a re-pieced vase the Desert Cat was sealed in.”

James/Hamtaro: “You got to be kidding me.”

Bijou: “You mean you reconstructed the vase that mean cat was in?”

HF: “Of course!”

*Everyone else fell Anime style. James whacked HF’s head with his fist.*

James: “You Stupid old man! You could’ve gave that to your son so we didn’t have to get that cat to skat forever!”

HF: “I know, but now that I know that the Desert Cat is gone, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

Shera: “Father...”

HF: ”Oh, I apologize in advance if I were to scare anyone.”

Hamuja: *Sigh...* “I guess it’s no big deal.”

Andre: “Hmph. Dispel.”

*Andre’s Cape disappears.*

James: “Why’d you do that?”

Andre: “I can call upon it at anytime, like your Keyblades. Just save the excuses for later.”

James: “Alright then.”

Andre: “And before anyone forgets, that cat destroyed the document clarifying that Shera and Hamuja are married. You’ll have to re-marry to make it official again. I’ll see you guys near the exit.”

*Andre left the room.*

Shera: “You guys are going so soon?”

Sora: “Yeah. Other worlds are calling.”

Hamuja: “Wish you guys could stick around for the wedding.”

Sora: “Yeah, but we gotta make sure that Maleficent doesn’t cause any trouble to other people.”

Shera: “Ok. Thank you all for everything!”

Hamuja: “We’ll miss you all.”

Hamtaro: “Yeah...”

*Everyone proceed down the stairs.*

*Exit to the Clubhouse.*

Hamtaro: “We Have to keep this place a secret, okay? No gabbing it out to ANYONE, okay?”

*Andre, Beast-ham, Okini, Sky-ham, Sparkle, Oshare, Stucky, Shiron, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and James Gave an agreeing grunt.*

Hamtaro: “Let’s go.”

*Everyone but Beast-ham proceeded through the portal.*

Beast-ham: “...”

*Beast-ham had a look of satisfaction on his face.*

Beast-ham: “Let’s see how strong Andre really is. It’s about time for my rematch against him anyway.”

*Hollow Bastion: Postern*

*Bo and the Rainbow Girls were flying into the entrance through the main gate.*

*Hollow Bastion: Library*

*Bo and the Rainbow Girls were closely examining each book. After a while of searching...*

Bo: “It’s no goode. We can’t find ANY Info on the information we need.”

*When Bo leaned back and hit his head on a bookcase, a book came out. It bounced off Bo’s head before landing on the table.*

Bo: *Ow!* “Huh?”

*The Book was titled The Secret Ansem Reports.*

Bo: “Paydirt!”

Rosy: “What is it?”

Bo: “It’s a diary of Ansem’s! Maybe this could give us clues on where Ansem is!”