I would like to welcome you to an exciting year in Forensic Science! Please find below some general information to help us start out the year. Parents, please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or comments. You can reach me at the above e-mail address (preferred) or telephone number.

Materials/Supplies needed daily:

  • Pencils with ERASERS and pens for work.
  • 1 bound composition notebook OR spiral notebook - THIS WILL BE A GRADE!!!!!
  • Loose-leaf notebook paper (8.5” x 11”). Any work turned in for grading should be on loose-leaf paper ONLY – No torn spiral pages.
  • 2 rolls of paper towels or 2 boxes of Kleenex - THIS WILL BE A GRADE!!!!!

Class Expectation:

  1. Be ON time IN dress code. This means sitting in your desk when the bell rings!
  2. Bring ALLmaterials to classEVERYDAY.
  3. Listen carefully and Follow ALLdirections.
  4. Be respectful to EVERYONE at ALL times.See professionalism signature page attached. Read it with parents/guardians, have it signed and returned with other signature pages.

AISD Science Grading System per Student Handbook:

Tests: (40%)– There will be two to three major tests per nine weeks. Calculators provided by the teacher may be used for the tests when mathematical computations are necessary.

Labs: (40%)– Lab grades are based on completion of pre-lab assessments, participation during lab, adherence to safety regulations, housekeeping, and the written assignment. Pre-labs should be done prior to coming to class. This will help ensure the safety of all who will be working in the lab. Any students with long hair should ALWAYS keep a tie in their backpacks for lab days/activities.

Failureto comply with behavior expectations can result in removal from the lab activities and a low lab grade. A safety contract will be sent home and filled out by the student as well as the parent/guardian. These documents will be kept on file and are needed before a student can participate in any lab.

Quizzes: (20%) – There will be quizzes. Prepare yourself by doing your homework and paying attention in class as well as during lab exercises.

Homework (20%)- Most days you will have ample time to begin the HW assignment and ask questions before leaving class for the day . Homework will be due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated. Some homework will be graded for accuracy, some for completion, and some will be non-graded practice assignments to be reviewed in class the next day.

Tardy Policy:Tardy in Mrs. Lewis’s class meansnot in your seatwhen the bell rings. Tardy includes: in the doorway, on your way to your seat, and running down the hallway. You must be in your seat and ready to work (paper, pencil, homework on your desk, bell ringer activity started) when the bell rings.

Absences:Absences are not expected on test days or lab days. In the event of absences due to school business, trips, religious holidays, etc., arrangements for assignments should be made prior to the function. It is theSTUDENT’Sresponsibility to make up all work missed due to absences whether the absence was excused or not. The number of days allowed for makeup work will equal the number of days absent.LABS, TESTS, AND QUIZZESMUSTBE MADE UP DURING TUTORIALS.


  • Check the white board at the front of the room, the red hanging folder holder beside it or the online class calendar on my school website.

Tutoring:A tutoring poster for the science department will be posted in each science room as well as on the teacher’s website. I encourage all students to take advantage of tutoring, especially if they are having difficulty in class.

I am very excited to have you in my class and look forward to an exciting and challenging year.

Mrs. Lewis 

Parent Acknowledgement

Please acknowledge that you and your parent (or guardian) has received the Manvel High School Forensic Science Course Information sheet and syllabus. I understand the class expectations by signing and returning this page to me by Wednesday, August 28, 2012.

Professionalism Acknowledgement

Forensic Science is a course designed to teach students different aspects of Forensics Science. During the instruction of this course, students will be asked periodically to leave the classroom during investigations in order to collect evidence, investigate crime scenes and other class related activities. While engaged in these activities, students need to maintain a professional (very mature, goal-oriented) attitude. If students are found OR reported to be misbehaving, roaming the halls, or interfering with other classes, these excursions will be DISCONTINUED to the determent of ALL students so please stay focused and on task for this course to be as rewarding as possible.

The offenders will lose grade points as well as receive disciplinary action!

______Student signature/date

______Parent signature/date

______Parent contact email address

______Parent contact phone number