November 2010 Doc: IEEE 802.15-10-0927-00-0psc
IEEE P802.15
Wireless Personal Area Networks
Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)Title / Personal Space Communications (PSC) Study Group minutes for November 2010
Date Submitted / 16 September, 2010
Source / [Peter Murray]
[Self-Employed] /
E-mail: [
Abstract / PSC Study Group.
Purpose / To develop interest in this technology with a view to determine its possible standardization within the 802.15 WG.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
These are the minutes of IEEE 802.15 PSC Study group meeting held at the Hyatt Regency Reunion Hotel November 7th – 13th. 2010.
Monday November 8th, 2010
1. The 802.15 opening plenary was held on Monday morning.
2. There were no scheduled SG-PSC meetings today.
Tuesday November 9th, 2010
3. The Chair called the meeting to order at 19:30
4. Chairman: Peter Murray, Secretary: Peter Murray
5. IEEE Patent Policy slides were shown.
6. The chair asked if there were any questions. None heard.
7. The agenda for the meeting is: 15-10-0640-00-0psc-psc-study-group-september-agenda.xls
8. Attendees were asked to use both the sign in sheet provided and the IMAT system for attendance.
9. A motion to approve was made:
There were no objections and it was approved unanimously.
Motion passed
11. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the last meeting.
There were no objections and it was approved unanimously.
Motion passed
13. The chair confirmed that the PAR had been withdrawn from the EC agenda at the Monday EC meeting.
14. The EC chair, Paul Nikolich said “we will withdraw the PAR from consideration. Heile will circulate a request for comments from the EC on the PAR with a time line for responses”.
15. Dr. Heile indicated that this error has been actively discussed. The submission is technically incomplete and so according to P&P, it was not submitted within the 30 day window.
16. The comments received to date have been collected and appropriate replies will be generated and the full group will continue to review comments and replies.
17. The future meetings were discussed and the decision was to aim for a revised PAR and 5C to be prepared and presented at the January meeting for approval by 802.15 and forwarding for approval at the next Plenary meeting in March.
18. After general discussion the meeting closed at 20:50
Wednesday November 9th, 2010
19. The meeting reconvened at 08:30.
20. A member has agreed to be the editor and collate responses.
21. It is anticipated that the responses will be available to the study group for the am 1 meeting on Thursday.
22. The group moved into independent study at 9:15 am until am 1 Thursday.
Thursday November 10th, 2010
23. The meeting reconvened at 08:00
24. There will be presentaions from Prof. Soo-Young Chang on the comments received for the PAR and 5C along with our responses and Kapseok Chang who will present suggested edits to the 5C.
25. Members of the group commented and suggested further edits during the presentations.
26. It was agreed, within he mebers present, that our documents would be refined in the weeks before the next meeting.
27. The revised documents would be the starting PAR and 5C revised documents for review, editing, circulating for review by the commentors on the output documents.
28. The goal for the January meeting is to complete and present the PAR and 5C documents to the WG for approval and forwarding to the EC for approval and forwarding to NesCom.
29. The meeting closed at 10:30
The 802.15 SG-PSC next meeting will be an iterim meeting in January at the Hyatt Century Plaza Los Angeles.
Peter Murray / Self / 1 / X / X/X
Soo-Young Chang / CSUS / 2 / X / X/X
Kapseok Chang / ETRI / 3 / X / X/X
Hyung Soo Lee / ETRI / 4 / X / XX
Jinkyeong Kim / ETRI / 5 / X / X/X
Eckard Bogenfeld / Deutsche-Telecom / 6 / X / X/X
Seung-Soon Joo / ETRI / 7 / X / XX
Myung Lee / CUNY / 8 / X / /X
Sang Kwon Jeong / Seehoo Info. / 9 / X
Cheolhyo Lee / ETRI / 10 / X / /X
Myling J. Lee / CUNY / 11 / X / X/X
Junghum Kim / TTA / 12 / X
Cahng-Seop Ahn / CUNY / 13 / X / X/X
Hyung Soo Shin / LS Cable / 14 / X
Tae Jeam Park / ETRI / 15 / /X
Jung-hwan Hwang / ETRI / 16 / /X
14 / 12 (small x indicates the Thursday attendance)
Nikolich presented dot00_NOV_2010Nikolichdraft01public
1.pdf, slide 17
Thompson asked that item 4 be removed as the submittal was incomplete.
Heile indicated that this has been actively discussed. The submission is technically incomplete and so according to P&P, it was not submitted within the 30 day window. However, this PAR has generated a lot of discussion and he would like to continue the process so that the group can get comments to improve the PAR or that this work is not appropriate for 802.
Sherman asked for clarification on the process.
Nikolich said that we would do the crossgroup comments and responses.
Heile said that there is now a response to the missing item and he will circulate it to the EC.
Rosdahl said that we should not say that we will withdraw it from the Friday agenda, but rather put in comments that indicate that we would vote against it due the missing item.
Thompson said that the PAR process is an aggressive review time line. He is not in favor of the current process and would prefer a 5 pm Wednesday deadline for comments from the WGs.
Thaler said that 802.15 needs to reach out to 802.1 on how this will fit in the 802 architecture.
Sherman's current view is that it should be ruled out of order as incomplete.
Jeffree said that we are in danger of constructing process on the fly, in which case the deadline is Tuesday 5 pm.
Thompson said it would not be fair to put it through the same process as the other PARs
Nikolich said that we will withdraw the PAR from consideration. Heile will circulate a request for comments from the EC on the PAR with a time line for responses.
psc-sg-minutes-Dallas-November-2010 page 1 Peter Murray, Consultant