CPC Minutes (October 23, 2014)
900 Oakwood Street
342U EMU Student Center
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Meeting Opened
7:01 p.m.
Officers Present
All officers present
Delegates Present
ΑΓΔ / ΑΣΤ / ΑΞΔ / ΔΖ / ΣΔΤ / ΣΚ / ΣΝΦ / ΣΣΣSenior / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Junior / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Special Guests
· Desmond Miller- What issues should Student Government should be focusing on? The food needs improvement and serving styles. More options of food being gluten free and being aware of allergies. Year around 24 hours library access. Have a Redbox in the student center. During the winter have better plowed streets for students with disabilities. Looking at adding an additional bus for COB and safety concerns associated with it.
· Monique- Corner Health Center serves young adults under 22 years of age. Offers normal doctor’s office services but offer reproductive services and mental health services as well. We do not turn anyone away if they cannot afford health care that they need. Contact at Cornerhealth.org or (734) 484- 3600. On the website you can live chat with the doctors and have anonymous question section on website to answer any questions that you may not want to ask in person. Provide care to children of their patients as well. Can get all the care in one place. Corner Health Center throws a block party every September that always need volunteers for. Every visit earns points, those points can used to get items from their store.
Officer Reports
· President
o Elections
-Slate will be on November 13th at 7PM in Greek Life Office - Need one delegate from each chapter present.
-Elections will be December 4th - If you cannot attend elections but still wish to run, you can have your letter read by a member of Executive Council.
· Executive Vice President
o Glass Dates
- Glass 2: Sunday, November 9 from 12 PM – 2 PM in RM 360. Last one of the semester!
-Please make sure your chapter members are filling out the RSVP form to attend GLASS. There is not a deadline when they have to have the RSVP in by, however it helps Kathy Walz to be prepared for the session and we would really appreciate it.
o J- Board Meeting
-Last meeting of the semester on Thursday, November13th at 7 PM in Greek Life Office
· Vice President of Membership
· No Report
· Vice President of Education
· Photovoice
– If anyone is interested in being a part of the Photovoice committee please have them e-mail me at
· Study Tip & Joke
-Tip: Get Strong and brainer at the same time. Research has just found that a half an hour of aerobic exercise can improve our brain- processing speed and other important cognitive abilities. Jog a few laps around the block and see if you do not come with a few more IQ points
-Joke: Q: What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water?
A: “The C”
· Vice President of External Affairs
· Make –A- Wish Standings
-CPC: $1300
Alpha Gamma Delta: $575
Sigma Kappa: $425
Sigma Sigma Sigma: $130
Alpha Xi Delta $60
Alpha Sigma Tau $50
Sigma Delta Tau $40
Sigma Nu Phi $20
-IFC: $530
Phi Sigma Phi $470
Sigma Nu $20
Alpha Kappa Lambda $40
· Service Challenge Update
Service Challenge Hours:
AGD- 153.5
DZ- 420.5
SDT- 122
AXiD- 14.5
AST- 9
- When inputting service hours, if multiple sisters go out to an event please put those hours all in as one lump sum.
· Vision Service Date
–Friday, November 7th Community Development. Working with Giving Garden by clearing pots and preparing them for winter. If you want to carpool meet at the circle drive at 9 AM the service event from 10AM- 12 PM.
· Sigma Delta Tau
-Soup Kitchen- Late November/ December. Contact Jen Lange for more information
· Adopt A Family
- If your chapter is interested in adopting a family for the holiday season at
adoptafamily.michigan.org. The requirements are you buy at least one
article of clothing, toy per child and a meal.
· Vice President of Internal Affairs
· Chapter of the Month
– Alpha Xi Delta is the chapter of the month!
Alpha Xi Delta was founded in 1893 by ten young women at Lombard College, Galesburg, Illinois, who shared a vision and a dream of a national organization dedicated to the personal growth of women
- Symbols
The Coat of Arms-The Coat of Arms of Alpha Xi Delta consists of a shield supported by two griffins. In the golden band across the center of the shield is the Quill. Three conventional roses are at the top of the shield, and a broken sword is in the lower portion of the shield. Above the shield on the knight's helmet is a twist of ribbon in alternating blue and gold, and a blossomed rose.
Colors-The colors of Alpha Xi Delta are double blue (light and dark) and gold.
Flower-The Fraternity flower is the pink rose, as chosen by our Founders.
New Member Pin-Alpha Xi Deltas wear this pin during their new member period.
Colony Pin-The colony pin is used in place of the new member pin for founding members of a colony. A new chapter of Alpha Xi Delta is called a colony during its initial pledging period.
Quill-The Quill, which is worn by initiated members of Alpha Xi Delta, represents our open motto "The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword."
The Fraternity has a recognition Quill, which is a miniature Quill that may be worn on coats, suits or other appropriate outer clothing where the badge may not be appropriate. Learn more about the history of the Quill.
Mascot-The Fraternity adopted Al Fuzzie teddy bear as a mascot in 1974. BetXi Bear mascot (left) was adopted in 1989.
Flag-The flag bears the coat of arms; ten gold stars, one for each Founder; and the Fraternity name written out. The flag is often used in chapter meetings and for display purposes.
Banner-The top bar of the banner bears ten gold stars, one for each of the Founders; the middle bar, the Fraternity letters; and the bottom bar, a gold Quill.
National President's Medallion-The National President's Medallion, a gold disc, is worn by each National President during her term of office. On one side is the name of the Fraternity, the Coat of Arms and the Gavel. On the other side is the Oath of Office by which each elected member of the National Council pledges her loyalty and service
· Fundraising Ideas
- The order form for the CPC Water Bottle Fundraiser is due on Thursday, November 20, 2014. Once all orders are turned in your chapter will be billed with the final cost for the chapter.
- Looking into having a Dine N Donate at Buffalo Wild Wings. Will be coming back with more information when dates are finalized
· Website Audits
- All senior delegates and chapter presidents should have received an e-mail regarding your chapter’s website audit. I highly encourage your chapter to look over any suggestions that were made and make any corrections to your website before next semester’s open recruitment.
Advisor Report
Unfinished Business
· Recruitment Proposal Dates
- A motion to propose recruitment dates for the 2015 school year starting from Thursday, September 17th and ending on Sunday, September 20th with philanthropy and sisterhood being on September 18th.
- A motion to propose recruitment dates for 2015 school year starting from Wednesday, September 16th to Sunday, September 20th.
· Resolutions
-Panhellenic motions to resolve that The College Panhellenic Council at Eastern Michigan University believes that chapter executive boards should hold GPA greater than that of the all sorority GPA requirement.
- Panhellenic motions to resolve that The College Panhellenic Council at Eastern Michigan University discourages hosting or participating in social events on weeknights and finals week.
- Panhellenic motions to resolve that The College Panhellenic Council at Eastern Michigan University encourages new members to uphold a GPA of 2.5 or greater.
New Business
· Panhellenic motions to resolve that The College Panhellenic Council discourages organizations from advertising any inappropriate themes or publicizes these themes on any items such as trinkets, posters, flyers, T- Shirts and other clothing items.
· Sigma Nu Phi makes a motion to amend to Article XVII Section III
Section III Party Ban
A. All fraternity women and chapters shall strictly abide by the rules governing Party Ban. Any events which involve alcohol and Potential New Members should not be used as a recruiting opportunity, and should be reduced or eliminated. An example would be seeing a girl at a local bar or restaurant where alcohol is present and asking her to come to recruitment. A PNM should never be avoided, but interactions should remain positive and values congruent at all times.
B. Active members may not attend any Registered or Un-registered parties as defined by Greek Social Policy from freshman move-in day until Bid Day.
1. No active member may talk to a PNM at a registered party about recruitment and Greek Life is applied to any events involving alcohol and PNMs
C. According to the Greek Social Policy, a party is defined A party is any gathering in which more than 20 attendees present are not affiliated with the host organization(s) and alcohol is present.
Section III Party Ban
A.Any events which involve alcohol shall not be used as a recruiting opportunity. Any conversation regarding Greek Life or sorority recruitment at any event involving alcohol at which a PNM is present, is strictly prohibited. A PNM should never be avoided, but interactions should remain positive and values congruent at all times.
B. Members may not attend any party, as defined by Greek Social Policy, from Disassociation until Bid Day. This includes registered parties, and parties that are in violation of Greek Social Policy (defined as an unregistered party).
C. Members may not attend any event involving alcohol at which a PNM is present, that takes place on Eastern Michigan University's campus.
· A Friendly amendment has been made to omit subsection C from Article XVII Section III
Section III Party Ban
A.Any events which involve alcohol shall not be used as a recruiting opportunity. Any conversation regarding Greek Life or sorority recruitment at any event involving alcohol at which a PNM is present, is strictly prohibited. A PNM should never be avoided, but interactions should remain positive and values congruent at all times.
B. Members may not attend any party, as defined by Greek Social Policy, from Disassociation until Bid Day. This includes registered parties, and parties that are in violation of Greek Social Policy (defined as an unregistered party).
· Sigma Nu Phi makes a motion to amended Article XVII Section V
Section V Recruitment Process
A. Recruitment Chair, Advisor, and New member surveys are to be passed out by the College Panhellenic following the conclusion of Fall Structured recruitment.
1. Surveys are due to the VP of Membership two-weeks after receiving them.
2. Failure to turn in surveys before the due date will result in a Panhellenic absence.
U. Recruitment Chair, Advisor, and New member surveys are to be passed out by the College Panhellenic following the conclusion of Fall Structured recruitment.
1.Surveys are due to the VP of Membership two-weeks after receiving them.
Omit subsection 2
· Inter Fraternity Council makes a motion to amend Article 2 Section 1 of Social Policy from“A party is any gathering in which more than 20 attendees present are not affiliated with the host organization(s) and alcohol is present.“ To amend to:“A party is any gathering in which more than 30 attendees present are not affiliated with the host organization(s) and alcohol is present.”
· Sigma Nu Phi new member is having a Dine and Donate at Tower Inn next November 10,2014 from 5- 10 PM. 20% of the proceeds made will go to the SOS Crisis Center.
· Delta Zeta wants to thank you for coming to our date auction! We raised enough from that event alone to send 1 child to camp. The Mr. Greek pageant is on November 16, 2014 at 7 PM. There is a$3 suggested donation.
· Women on top of the Town Leadership Mixer will have the Mayor of Ypsilanti, sex therapist and local business owners will be present. November 17, 2014 at 7 PM in the Student Center
· Leadership Exchange between Case Western and EMU students and will be a student center learning weekend in Cleveland Ohio. Application can be found on the Campus Life Website
· Alpha Xi Delta is having their Puzzle Palooza this Saturday, November 8 in McKenny Ballroom. Puzzle competition to raise money and awareness for Autism speaks. $5 per person. 2-4 people per team and registration begins at 9 AM. There will be food, cash prizes and fun!
· Sigma Kappa is having their 2nd Annual Turkey Bingo on Monday, November 10 from 6- 9 PM located at Cross and Resurrection Lutheran Church at 812 Ann Street Ypsilanti, Mi. Come win themed Baskets. The grand prize is a Thanksgiving themed basket with a turkey. $6 for 8 bingo sheets. All money goes to the Sigma Kappa Foundation to benefit Alzheimer’s research.
Meeting Closed
8:18 P.M.