Geometry Syllabus
Mrs. Tracy Banks
Room 111
“If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.”
~John Louis von Neumann
Teacher Contact Information
Planning period: 6th period 12:55 – 1:45 pm Telephone: 666-7511 ext 243
Course Overview
Welcome to Geometry! In this course we will formalize and extend students’ geometric experiencesfrom the middle grades. Students will explore more complex geometric situations and deepen their explanations of geometricrelationships, moving towards formal mathematical arguments.
Course Outline
The following is a tentative list of topics covered in Geometry:
Unit 1 – Lines and Angles
- Chapter 1 –Points, Lines, Planes and Angles
Points, Lines and Planes; Linear Measure and Precision; Distance and Midpoints; Angle Measure; Angle Relationships; Polygons
- Chapter 2 - Reasoning and Proof
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning and Conjecture; Logic; Conditional Statements; Postulates and Paragraph Proofs; Algebraic Proof; Proving Segment and Angle Relationships
- Chapter 3 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Parallel Lines and Transversals; Angles and Parallel Lines; Slopes of Lines; Equations of Lines; Proving Lines Parallel; Perpendiculars and Distance
Unit 2 –Triangles
- Chapter 4- Congruent Triangles
Classifying Triangles; Angles of Triangles; Congruent Triangles; Proving Congruence; Isosceles Triangles
- Chapter 5–Relationships in Triangles
Bisectors, Medians and Altitudes; Inequalities and Triangles; The Triangle Inequality; Inequalities Involving Two Triangles
- Chapter 6–Proportions and Similarity
Proportions; Similar Polygons and Triangles; Parallel Lines and Proportional Parts; Parts of Similar Triangles; Fractals
- Chapter 7 – Right Triangles and Trigonometry
Geometric Mean; Pythagorean Theorem; Special Right Triangles; Trigonometry; Elevation and Depression; The Law of Sines and Cosines
Unit 3 – Quadrilaterals and Circles
- Chapter 8 - Quadrilaterals
Angles of Polygons; Parallelograms; Rectangles, Rhombi and Squares; Trapezoids
- Chapter 9 – Transformations
Reflections, Translations, Rotations, Tessellations, Dilations, and Vectors
- Chapter 10 – Circles
Circles and Circumference; Angles and Arcs; Arcs and Chords; Inscribed Angles; Tangents; Secants; Segments and Equations of Circles
Unit 4 – Area and Volume
- Chapter 11 – Areas of Polygons and Circles
Areas of Parallelograms, Triangles, Trapezoids and Rhombi; Areas of Regular Polygons and Circles; Areas of Irregular Figures; Geometric Probability
- Chapter 12 – Surface Area
Three-Dimensional Figures; Nets and Surface Areas; Surface Areas of Prisms, Cylinders, Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres
- Chapter 13 – Volume
Volumes of Prisms, Cylinders, Pyramids, Cones and Spheres; Congruent and Similar Solids; Coordinates in Space
Classroom Operation/Rules
- You are required to follow all school rules while in this classroom. Refer to the student handbook and code of discipline. Pay special attention to the Make-up and Late Work Policy on pg. 11 of the Student Handbook. This policy will be strictly enforced.
- Noelectronic devices (including cell phones and i-pods) are allowed in class. Also, no hats are allowed. These will be taken and turned in to the administration.
- All work (assignments, tests, etc.) must be done in pencil or you will receive a grade of 0% on it. No ink pens are to be used on any work.
- Homework policy in accordance with the Make-up and Late Work Policy located on pg. 11 of the Student Handbook.
- Cheating on homework, tests, quizzes, etc. will result in a grade of 0% for all parties involved.
- Do not ask to leave the room except for an emergency. Emergencies do not happen on a daily basis.
- Attendance is very important. You will have daily bell ringers and/or exit slips to complete. These cannot be “made up” in the event that you are absent so you must do your best to be present daily.
- You need paper, pencil, textbook, and a 3-ring binder on a daily basis.
Grading Policy
The grade that you earn will follow the school scale and will be determined on the following criteria:
50% Assignments (bellringers, homework packets, classwork, projects, otheractivities)
50% Assessments (tests, quizzes)
*An final exam will be given at the conclusion of the course and will be part of your grade.
**I do not give individual bonus credit. Please do not ask.
Note: This syllabus is a general course guide and may be revised or altered during the course of the school year due to changes in federal, state, or district level curricular changes.
Other Important Items
- I keep many important items (assignments, printable worksheets, class notes, test dates, etc.) on my class webpage, which can be reached from the school homepage.
- Help is ALWAYS available! I will do the very best I can to meet your individual needs. I frequently stay after school, come in early, and pull individual students out of elective classes to provide extra help.
- I know I am going to enjoy having you in class and look forward to both teaching you, and learning from you.
Please Return
I have received a copy of Mrs. Banks’s Geometry syllabus for the 2012-2013 school year.
Student Signature
Parent Signature