FE Admissions Policy

Author / Elaine Andrews
SMT/CMT Owner / Nik Walker/Michael Dillon
Approved by SMT/CMT: / CMT / Date: / 16 June 2017
Approved by Governing Body: / Corporation / Date: / 20 July 2017
Version No. / 06 / Next review date / 20 July 2018
  1. Policy Statement

Stockport College is committed to meeting local needs and widening participation of post 16 applications, has an open and transparent post-16 admissions process which meets Matrix Standard and ensures that there is no unfair discrimination against any individual or group.

  1. Context & Scope

This Policy outlines the process by which applicants may access learning. This Policy includes the following programmes:

  • Post 16 full-time Study Programmes
  • Post 16 part-time programmes (which require interviews)
  • Adult funded programmes

Stockport College offers impartial guidance throughout the admissions process to ensure that applicants are supported to choose the right course at the right level. Staff providing guidance are trained to be able to fully support applicants throughout the process.

Stockport College ensures confidentiality for applicants throughout the applications process and complies with the Data Protection Act 1998.

  1. Objectives

The College operates an admissions policy and process which is:

  • Easy to use and understand;
  • Client centred;
  • Consistent with Matrix Standards;
  • Impartial; and
  • Assists with the retention and achievement of students.
  1. Roles and Responsibilities

Role of Applications and Enquiries Team

  • Acknowledge all application forms received within two working days
  • Input all application forms to Pro-solution within two working days of receipt and generate unique Student Reference number.
  • Contact the learner by telephone to invite to an interview event and follow-up with confirmation letter/email.
  • Telephone applicants who list more than two choices and arrange a further guidance discussion with IAG trained staff within five working days of receipt.
  • Set up an applicant file held in MIS. This will include the original application form and a copy of any correspondence sent to applicant.
  • Advise Heads of Study of numbers attending the interview events and provide interview paperwork.
  • Contact those that do not attend an interview to offer re-arranged appointment or further guidance arrangements. A maximum of three appointments will be arranged and failure to attend these will rest in withdrawal of application – an applicant may re-instate their application at any time.

Role of the interviewer

  • Interviews will be conducted in accordance with the Admissions Policy. The interview must be recorded on the New Student Action Plan to include the outcome and the top copy given to the applicant. The applicant will also receive, where appropriate, an offer letter.

Role of Wider College Management Team

  • Observations of interviews will take place and will be conducted by the Quality Manager, Marketing& Applications Manager or Associate Director of PDWB
  • Head of MIS and Marketing & Applications Manager coordinates enrolment times and invites prospective learners who have been offered a place on a full time course advising them of their enrolment details.
  • Deputy Principal, Director of Funding & Planning and Marketing & Applications Manager will meet frequently throughout the year to plan for the enrolment of learners to ensure that efficient and effective enrolment systems are in place.

Role of Applications and Enquiries Team after the interview has taken place

  • Record details of offered programme on Pro-solution using the New Student Action Plan form
  • Carry out any further action arising from the interview
  • On receipt of acceptance form Applications and Enquiries Team will secure all details for that applicant together and retain in the subject folders in the MIS office
  • A system is in place to monitor and chase any prospective learner who has been made an offer of a place but not accepted
  1. Procedure/Implementation of Policy

This section can be used to provide further detail and the high level procedures which should be used to implement the policy.


The Applications and Enquiries Customer Services Team will manage enquiries by:

  • Answering the enquiry in accordance within one working day in accordance with Colleges Service Standards
  • Liaising with teaching staff to gather necessary information andto provide this to the enquirer
  • Referring or signposting to other services or providers for courses that are not available at Stockport College


Full time study programmes

Applicants for (post 16) full-time study programmes will be invited to attend an interview, carried out regularly throughout each academic year.

Experienced curriculum staff will interview. Interviewers will undergo training and will be observed when carrying out interviews at least once a year.

At the end of the interview applicants will receive:

  • A copy of the New Student Action Plan
  • An Offer Letter

Part-time courses

Some part-time courses will also require pre-enrolment interviews prior to enrolment. This will be declared on the course information details.

Entry Requirements and conditions of entry

Entry requirements are in place for all courses to ensure that the applicants are supported to make fully informed choices. Stockport College offers fair and transparent conditions of entry system. Entry criteria is clearly published in all course information.

In cases were achievement of specific grades are required to secure a place, this will be discussed in detail at the admissions interview. In cases were awarding bodies or other stakeholders have entry requirements in addition to college criteria this will also be clearly stated on course information.

Offers of places for all courses

Offers will be made in line with the published Entry Criteria and will usually be issued at interview. In cases where a decision has to be deferred the reason will be clearly stated and the applicant will be notified of a date the offer decision will be made to them.

Conditional Offers: The College may make an offer of a place that is dependent on meeting entry criteria before enrolment can happen, in such cases the applicant will be advised of this and informed of the date that they need to provide evidence of entry criteria. When these conditions of entry are met the College will confirm the offer and enrolment procedures will take place. In cases where the condition of entry is not met the applicant will be offered further advice and guidance.

Unconditional offers: The College may make an offer of a place immediately if the entry criteria have already been met the learner will be advised of this and given a date to enrol.

  1. Monitoring and Review

The policy should be reviewed annually by the Director of Funding & Planning, Associate Director of PDWB and Head of Marketing & Applications. Approval of the policy should be sought by CMT.

Failure to comply with the Admissions Policy could result in complaints from learners, failure to provide impartial advice and negative impact on applicant choice.

  1. Location and Access to the Policy

This document will be held on the College intranet and on the College website. The document will be made available on request to external parties as required and may beconvertedto other formats if appropriate (Braille, Large Print, Other Languages etc.).’

  1. Related Policies, Procedures and Documents

List of other associated policies, procedures and relevant documents.

  • HE Admissions Policy
  • Tuition Fees Policy
  • Mental Health Policy (not in place yet)
  • Fitness to Study Policy (not in place yet)


Within Special educational needs and disability code of practice:

The duty to admit a young person if the institution is named in an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan. Young people have the right to request that an institution is named in their EHC plan, and local authorities have a duty to name that institution in the EHC plan unless, following consultation with the institution, the local authority determines that it is unsuitable for the young person’s age, ability, aptitude or SEN, or that to place the young person there would be incompatible with the efficient use of resources or the efficient education of others.

Colleges should give all applicants an opportunity before or at entry and at subsequent points, to declare whether they have a learning need, a disability or a medical condition which will affect their learning. If a student makes a declaration the college should discuss with the student how they will provide support. Any screenings and assessments should be differentiated and proportionate to the likely level of SEN

Applicants with criminal convictions

If an applicant declares a criminal conviction at interview stage they will need to complete a criminal record form, this will be passed to the Associate Director of PDBW and could result in a supportive guidance discussion with a member of the Student Services Team. In cases where the Student Services Team consider it necessary a Risk Assessment meeting may be held to discuss the disclosure further.
Disclosures made verbally at interview or at enrolment will all be referred to the Associate Director for PDBW who will decide on an appropriate course of action.

Applicants with additional learning needs related to mental health

Learners who disclose an additional learning need related to their mental health will be referred to Student Services and / or Additional Learning Support to ensure reasonable adjustment and / or risk assessment are in place, in line with the College’s Mental Health Policy.

Non-European Union students (or EU students that have not been resident in the EU for three years or more)

The College does not currently hold a Tier 4 Border Agency Licence and therefore only accepts applications from EU and EEA residents or those who have lived in the EU or EEA for more than 3 years. You may be asked to provide supporting evidence regarding residency to process your application.

Excluded students

Students that have been excluded from the College’s post 16 provision may usually re-apply for admission in the academic year following the year of their exclusion. This does not guarantee them a place at the College. Applications from excluded students will need to be referred to the Associate Director for PDBW who may wish to interview the applicant before proceeding further.

Pupils under 16 years of age

Any learner under the age of 16 years is expected under government policy to be enrolled in High School, however, in extremely exceptional cases under 16 learners can apply for a place at Stockport College. Any application would then be made to the appropriate funding agency regarding fees. A decision to accept an under 16 lies with the Principal & Chief Executive and appropriate funding agency.

English Testing

All programmes of study at Stockport College are delivered in English. The College will not allow admission onto the course if the appropriate level of English cannot be demonstrated. Learners whose first language is not English may be referred to an ESOL programme before progression onto further programmes is agreed. In such cases the ESOL team will assess the standard of English.

Refusal of admission

The College reserves the right to refuse admission to an individual. Written statements of refusal will usually be issued and will advise of the reason for the refusal along with any length of time that may apply. Refusal of admission will be administered by the Marketing & Applications Manager who will act on the decision of refusal issued by the Associate Director of PDBW or the Deputy Principal. Appeals against refusal of admission should be made in writing to the Principal & Chief Executive.

Procedure for processing applications for full time courses for post 16 students

This procedure covers the following stages:

  • Application for a course
  • Acknowledgement of application
  • Interview
  • Offer of a place
  • Decisions about places
  • Enrolment

The College uses Pro-solution to record and monitor all student applications for all programmes.


Aim of the interview:

The interview is a critical part of the student recruitment cycle and is an opportunity to create a good impression of the College and it should be friendly and relaxed as well as informative and well planned and of great use to the applicant.

As a minimum each interview should include the following:

  • The student’s preferred programme of study and options available to them
  • The applicants prior attainment or predicted attainment
  • The implications of their choice of programme
  • Progression opportunities and career options
  • The entry requirements of their course as per agreed College policy
  • Information relating to progression routes, HE study, career options and employability as a result of FE and HE study
  • An assessment of the suitability of the programme given applicants’ interests, goals, and attainment
  • Support available for students, learning support, financial support, service support etc
  • Details on transport to College (N/A for HE)
  • Discussion of continued Study of maths and English post 16
  • College Culture and Mission

Before the Interview

For applicants aged 16-18, parents will be encouraged to attend the interview and will receive an invitation letter explaining the process. If applicable, applicants will be requested to bring along to the interview the following:

  • For Creative Arts courses a portfolio of relevant work
  • For Dance and Drama a satisfactory audition

After the interview

Interviewing team members to return the interview file with the copy of the New Student Action Plan for each interviewed applicant to Admissions and Enquiries Team.

Initial Assessment

All applicants included in the full-time application process will be required to complete an initial assessment. This process will not apply to HE applicants.

An initial assessment is not a condition of entry to the college but will form a part of the admissions process along with examination results and any other conditions of entry will assist Curriculum staff in making decisions about suitable enrolment / transfer to a more appropriate level of course.

Continuing Learners (Year 1 to Year 2)

Enrolment for continuing learners will be managed from the Director of Funding & Planning, Associate Director of PDWB and the Marketing & Applications Manager. Pre-printed continuation paperwork will be completed prior to the summer break.

Progressing Learners (Level to Level in the same curriculum area)

During February – April each year all potential progression learners will have an interview with a Learning Mentor to discuss their next intended level of study. Discussion outcomes will be recorded and MIS notified in order to prepare enrolment forms. Progression learners will not be required to attend an Interview Evening if they are applying for the next level in the same Curriculum Area. If they are applying for a new curriculum area they will be invited to attend an interview evening so that both applicant and parent/carers get the chance to explore their options fully.

Continuing and Progression Applications will be included in the monthly applications report.

Exceptional Entry / Probationary Contract

At the time of enrolment if the Heads of Studyfeel that a case for Exceptional Entry may be made this should be referred to and authorised by a member of CMT. If Exceptional Entry is agreed this will be documented on an appropriate form which will be attached to the enrolment form. If a probationary period is agreed this will be documented on an appropriate form – 3 copies are to be kept as follows:

  • Student Services Student Files ( for Learning Mentors)
  • Curriculum Team files
  • Given to the learner concerned

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