
First Nine Weeks

Unit: Heroes and the Search for Justice

Questions to define the unit:

·  What qualities define a hero?

·  How do authors present and create heroes?

·  How does character development influence and define thematic ideas of justice and injustice?

**Note** This schedule is tentative and subject to change as needed. Please be prepared for various quizzes throughout the nine weeks, as well as tests at the end of each unit.

Week one-BEFORE we jump into Unit 1

·  Icebreakers

·  Syllabus

·  Handouts (rhetorical toolbox)

·  Receive books

·  Summer reading assignment

Ø  Discuss essay response questions

Ø  Share responses (document reader)

Ø  Discuss theme, characterization, annotations (briefly-will come back to this in a couple of weeks), detail

Ø  Turn in responses

Week two-Begin Unit 1:Heroes and the Search for Justice

·  S will analyze lyrics describing heroes and complete a graphic organizer listing the qualities of heroes and the evidence given.

o  S will receive lyrics and graphic organizer in class

·  Write a paragraph about someone you consider to be a hero and discuss the qualities that make that person a hero.

o  Share paragraphs/turn in

·  Read "The Scarlet Ibis"

o  Focus on the way the author creates tone and mood (Use handouts)

o  How does the author develop character and how do these literary devices develop theme

o  Annotations (pg 12-13 handout)-We will work through a passage of "The Scarlet Ibis"

§  We will focus on characterization

§  S will identify diction, imagery, figurative language, detail, etc.

§  S will annotate passage

o  Dialectical Journal #1: We will do this TOGETHER :)

Ø  Analysis of tone/mood (16-) (activity 1)

Ø  You will use your annotations to help you complete this journal

Ø  You will be given the tone and mood journal (handout)/You will be required to give at least 3 textual examples with corresponding contexts, inferences, and commentary

Week three-

·  We will look through another passage and focus on characterization. You will then use annotations to complete journal #2

o  Dialectical journal: Analysis of character (activity 2)

o  Again, you will be required to give three textual references and corresponding information

·  Discuss elements of narrative fiction, focusing on characterization

o  Introduce the fact that thematic ideas can be identified in "The Scarlet Ibis"

o  Review common themes in Literature (document reader)

o  Passage annotation 3 for Theme analysis

Ø  Dialectical journal-Analysis of theme (activity 3)

·  Review how author uses diction, detail, imagery, and figurative language to address tone/mood, characterization, and theme

·  Putting it all together: " The Scarlet Ibis"

o  Handout

Week 4-

·  Grammar review using "The Scarlet Ibis"

·  We will begin working towards our character analysis paragraph

o  Using quotations effectively (handout)

o  Activity one (Writing a Character Analysis)- journal entry about Doodle (handout) (47)

Ø  After completing paragraph, highlight assertions in blue, evidence in green, and commentary in yellow

Ø  Guided revision process

·  Begin reading To Kill a Mockingbird

o  Introduction/background info.

o  Timeline of reading assignments

o  S will receive writing prompt that will be used for the novel (pay close attention to due dates!)

o  Activity 2 and 3 (handout) (48-49)

·  Vocabulary (throughout the reading) Expect quizzes and test

·  Stylistic analysis (handout p91)

o  after reading the first couple of chapters, we will begin focusing on syntax techniques, analysis of text, and close reading skills

Week 5-

·  Determining theme through character study (p98)

o  Begin writing essay

·  Continue vocabulary

Week 6-

·  Lesson: Determining the theme lesson

·  Continue working on paper/pay close attention for homework assignments and important due dates!!

·  A Syntax lesson based on Killgallon's sentence composing

o  Grammar instruction

·  Continue vocabulary

Week 7-

·  S will complete a Killgallon-style lesson on "The Scarlet Ibis"

o  Revise paragraph of character analysis from "The Scarlet Ibis" for sentence variety

·  REVIEW writing thesis statements, topic sentences, and meaningful commentary (Creating Effective Thesis Statements) Teacher note**Move to Module 2**

o  Practice writing thesis statements/topic sentences

o  Practice multiple choice questions (p15)

o  Review literary and poetic devices and complete analysis of "If We Must Die" (p21) and "Sympathy" (handout)

o  Peeling back the layers of the poem (p20) (handout)

o  Poetry analysis prompt (p22)

Week 8-

·  Continue reading novel

·  Poetry: Pre-write

·  Nonfiction: Informational text "Legal View" Representing Unpopular Clients-"What are the Ethics?"

·  Timed writing

·  Black Men and Public Space-Brent Staples

o  Focus on authors purpose (pg43)

Week 9-

·  Review and revise poetry paragraphs

·  Turn in poetry paragraphs

·  Post Mortem of Protagonist (pg39)

·  Finish novel/test

*Please be prepared for multiple reading quizzes throughout the unit*