Morecambe Town Council
Festivals and Events 2017/18 Provision – Application for Grant Funding
Please ensure you:
- Complete one form for each event you intend to organise
- Answer the following questions as far as you are able
- Refer to the Notes for applicants included with this form
1.About You
2.Aboutthe Festival
3.1 We may wish to contact your references before any decision or award is made. Please ensure that your referees are aware of your application.A Referee can be someone who is aware of your Group/Organisation and its activities, but not directly involved with the Festival/Event for which you are applying for funding for.
3.2 Referee One
Postcode / Telephone/Email
How do you know this person?
3.3 Referee Two
Postcode / Telephone/Email
How do you know this person?
4.1 To the best of my knowledge the information I have given is true and accurate4.2 I agree to be bound by the conditions of the Grant. I confirm that this application is made on the basis that if it is successful, monies received will be used for the stated purposes only
4.3 If successful, Morecambe Town Council will be acknowledged on all publicity material associated with the festival/event
4.4 I agree to submit a full evaluation report after the festival/event to include accounts and receipts and the estimated number of people attending if tickets were not sold or details of tickets sold
4.5 I understand that funding will be subject to Contractual arrangements with the Town Council and will only be paid after the event has taken place and upon production of receipts except where the Council has agreed otherwise
4.6 I understand that Festival/Event organisers are responsible for all Health and Safety provision (including Risk Assessments) and cleaning of the Festival/Event site (including removal of litter) after the Festival/Event (costings for this must be detailed in 4 above or a statement provided as to how you will be undertaking the cleaning of the site
Signed: ______
Position in Organisation: ______
Date: ______
Please return this form no later than 3rd March, 2017either by email to or in a sealed envelope marked APPLICATION FOR FESTIVALS FUNDING addressed to:
David Croxall
Clerk to the Council
Morecambe Town Council
Town Hall
Marine Road