2017 Proseminar Research Presentation Rubric

Intended Outcomes:

  • The graduate student will clearly and concisely present his or her research project.
  • The presenter will engage the audience as s/he shares what was learned through the research process, the steps of the research cycle, personal considerations,and the impact of this research on the future.

Criteria Requirements / Exceeds Expectations
4 / Meets Expectations
3 / Approaches Expectations
2 / Falls Short of Expectations
What was learned, presented via specific examples of personal and professional change as a result of the action research experiment. / Includes numerous specific examples that indicatea high level of personal reflection that allow the student to share specific evidence of personal change as a result of the action research experience. / Includes more than two specific examples that indicate a high level of personal reflection that allow the student to share specific evidence of change as a result of the action research experience. / Includes at least two specific examples that indicate personal reflection that allow the student to share specific evidence of change as a result of the action research experience. / Includes fewer than two specific examples that speak to the student’s personal reflection that would allow him or her to share specific evidence of change as a result of the action research experience.
Research cycle:
Introduction - The passion or question that drove the research study and the outcome that was sought. / Presents a clear and poignant story of the passion or professional question that drove the study and the outcome that was envisioned as a result of the action research that was conducted. / Presents a personal story of the passion or professional question that drove the study and the outcome that was envisioned as a result of the action research that was conducted. / Presents a story that includes the passion or question that drove the research and the outcome that was envisioned as a result of the action research that was conducted. / Fails to convey the passion or the question that drove the study or the results that were envisioned as a result of the action research that was conducted.
Research cycle:
Literature Review - Includes a brief but compelling review of the current and relevant literature that provided the foundation for the study. / Includes a few compelling sentences about the current and relevant literature on the topic, including four or more examples from the literature with specific findings or evidence from which comparisons could be drawn. / Includes a few compelling sentences about the current and relevant literature on the topic, including three examples from the literature with specific findings or evidence from which comparisons could be drawn. / Includes a few compelling sentences about the literature on the topic, including two examples from the literature with specific findings or evidence from which comparisons could be drawn. / The presentation fails to present a compelling review of the current and relevant literature with only one example from the literature.
Research cycle:
Methods - briefly the design of the study, the participants, the procedures, the research tools, and the methods for analysis of the data. / Includes a compelling, complete, but brief description of the design of the study, the study participants, the procedures that were followed, the tools that were utilized to collect the data for the study, and how the data were analyzed in a way that expertly utilizes the visual aids to enhance the verbal presentation. / Includes a complete, brief description of the design of the study, the study participants, the procedures that were followed, the tools that were utilized to collect the data for the study, and how the data were analyzed in a way that utilizes the visual aids to enhance the verbal presentation. / Includes a description of the study design, the participants, the procedures, the tools, and the data analysis. / The presentation fails to include one or more key features of the methods.
Research cycle: Results of the study – The presentation briefly shares key results from the study. / Clearly, succinctly, and eloquently presents the key findings from the study. / Clearly and succinctly presents the key findings from the study. / Clearly presents the results of the study. / Results are presented in a way that leads to some confusion about the findings that were reached.
Research cycle:
Discussion of the findings –briefly compares and contrasts to findings that were reported in the literature. / Effortlessly ties several of the findings from the study to previous literature on the topic and adds personal anecdotal information about the importance of the findings. / Ties at least three of the findings to previous literature on the topic and adds personal anecdotal information about the importance of the findings. / Ties at least two of the findings to previous literature on the topic and adds statements about the importance of the findings. / Fails to discuss findings in a way that compare or contrast to previous findings in the field or to personal beliefs about the findings.
Impact of research on the future. / Several clear and compelling ways that the research will impact the future. / At least two ways that the results of the research will impact the future. / At least one way that the results of the research will impact the future. / Fails to provide evidence that the results of the study will impact the future.
Presentation / Professional presentation
Within 15 minute time frame
Clear, confident voice
Clear, compelling visual presentation
Personal and engaging presence / Professional presentation
One of the four requirements (time, confidence, visual presentation, or engaging presence) was not present in the presentation. / Two or more of the required elements (time, confidence, visual presentation, or engaging presence) were not present. / Fails to present a professional presentation within the given time frame
Total Points

Student Name: ______

Faculty Name______

Date of Presentation: ______

Total Points Awarded for Presentation: ______
