- David Carter
- Sarah Sexton
- Brendan Heil
- Freddie Cruz
- Leslie Standard
- Clare Gravens
- Ted Czaplicki
- Kevin Kerr
- Brittany Baron
- Ray Coatoam
- Chauncey Keller
- Ryan Schiely
- James Gianfagna
- Taj Hussein
- Adrian Piergallini
- Margaret Whitmore
- Mike Henderson on behalf of ESLA
- Kyle Arce, 1L guest
Adoption of Agenda- all in favor
Reading and Approval of Minutes- Waive reading of the last meeting’s minutes; adopted by unanimous vote
- Introductions of Senate and Exec
- Upper Level Orientation is at noon or 5pm this Tuesday
Officer Reports
- President
- Thank you to all who helped with First Year’s First Week
- Needs to appoint someone for CSU Parking Appeals
- Committee chairs should take minutes of their meetings so we have a record of this
- Vice President
- Nothing
- Treasurer
- Last year our gen fee account was at 87,300 to start. Our agency account will receive a boost after locker sales
- Director of Development
- We will be starting locker sales tomorrow, the first day of school, Monday, August 19.
- Instructions given for locker sales and for use of the iPad square credit card reader
- Secretary
- Just sent around store hour list to everyone’s email. Please sign up for an hour that works consistently for you each week for the semester.
Committee Reports
- Programming
- First Year’s Social was last week.
- Next event- Welcome Back social. We’re trying to move it to W. 25th from W. 6th. Still working on exact location.
- Barrister’s possibility- the Casino?
- Fundraising
- Covered in report
- Finance
- Finance request from Entertainment Sports Law Association.
- Total Cost- $1,700 for two of its members to attend the Thomas Jefferson Negotiation Competition in San Diego, CA. Mike Henderson, Director of Operations of ESLA, presents the request.
- Freddie explains that these student org requests come from our General Fee Account and that although we have to be cautious with funding because we want to be able to finance Student Organizations as equally as possible, we have to zero out of Gen Fee balance at the end of the year.
- Freddie moves to finance the ESLA request in the amount of $800.00 per the finance committee recommendation.
Discussion on motion-
- Brendan Heil moves to fund in full
We will communicate to them that a future funding request maynot be funded in full and should be discounted by their own fundraising. This is with the idea in mind that they haven’t had the opportunity to fundraise for this event because it is at the beginning of the year.
Vote on amendment- 3 yays, rest opposed- the discussion returns to funding at the rate of $800.00
- Call to question- all in favor
- 2 nays, 1 abstention, all others in favor to fund in the amount of $800.00.
- Senator Baron moves to reconsider and fund at the rate of $1,000.
- Move to call to question
- All in favor
- All in favor to fund at the rate of $1,000.- ESLA will be funded $1,000.
- Academic Committee- nothing to report
- Election Committee- 1L elections will be Tuesday, September 24 & Wednesday Sept. 25.
Old Business
- Agenda, Last meeting’s minutes, Committee assignments have been provided tonight.
- Moves to adopt all the committee appointments.
- All in favor.
New Business- none
Open Floor
- David Carter wants to thank 1L guest, Kyle Arce for coming
Move to Adjourn
- All in favor