Mass Schedule at Sacred Heart Church
Mass Intentions This Weekend
Saturday Reverend Gregg LeStrange req: John & Rosalie Folino
5:30pm Dan Gillman req: Bob & Regina Newell
Valerie McCormick req: Alice & Bill Conlon
Sunday James O’Connor req: John & Janet Hafner
9:30am Margaret “Peg” Johnson req: Mike & Betty Johnson
Betty Wattendorf req: Michael & Kathy Dorman
Week of December 14thMass Intentions
Monday Rose Lane Storin req: sister, Diane Storin
8:00am Vincent Gambacorta req: family
Wednesday Mickey Onofrietto
8:00am req: Bob & Vicky Layton
Friday Lena DePaola req: Anne Verlezza
8:00am Larry Cauda (4th Anniversary) req: wife Kitty, Joe & Fam
Saturday Valerie McCormick (5th Anniversary) req: Mom & Dad
5:30pm Edmund Gecewicz req: Family
Mary Boomer req: Kathy & Tim Campbell
SundayRyan Vincent Kelder req: Sisters-in-Stitches
9:30am Mickey Davis (1st Anniversary) req: Family
Daniel Gillman req: David LaPan, Matthew LaPan
& Richard Hess Families
Saturday Evening Worshipers…We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers to serve at the 5:30 p.m. Mass.
Please consider joining this wonderfully rewarding Ministry. Training is provided. Please call Rosalie at 744-2049.
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors…Christmas Eve Christmas Day & New Year’s Day sign up sheets are posted in the Minister’s Sacristy. Please sign up if you are available to serve.
Awarm and beautiful Adventwelcome to all who worship in our Sacred Heart Catholic Church! May the Word of God bring you peace and joy. If you are visiting, please consider us your parish away from home. We welcome all visitors coming to Lake George in joining us for Eucharist during your stay. May you have an enjoyable visit and vacation.
Please pray for the sick and homebound,
as well as the men and women in service and Pray for all priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, lay ministers and seminarians of our Albany diocese. Please check our online prayer list for the sick of our parish at:
Your Stewardship of Treasure:
Regular Offertory Collection
Last Week:$2,736 Last Year: $2,887
Monthly Reduction of Debt
Last Week: $1,127 Last Year: $1,158
November electronic giving total: $1,475.50
Thank you!
We "rejoice" on this third week of Advent. We rejoice because our salvation is near. As we light the pink candle on the advent wreath, we are reminded that the full light of Jesus Christ is drawing near. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, let the light of Christ in each of us, shine by acts of mercy toward others. May we be a more gentle and compassionate church. May each of us a spark of "gaudeamus" in our world. Let us help someone else to rejoice and be happy because we care.Happy GaudeamusSunday Fr. Berardi
Advent Reconciliation Service…
Join us this Tuesday, Dec., 15th 11am in the Sacred Heart Church for our Advent Reconciliation Service. Afterwards, we invite you to join us at our Soup Lunch in the Parish Center. Everyone welcome.
FREE Community Dinner … every Wednesday,5-6pm.
December 16, Team 7 will be serving Turkey Roland’s with stuffing. Please join us and bring a friend who dines alone. Please note this is the last dinner till January 6th so that our wonderful and dedicated volunteers have the time to enjoy the joyful Christmas season.
Advent Ecumenical Book & Faith Sharing…every Wednesday during Advent (every Wednesday during December)…12:30pm – 2pm in the Sacred Heart Parish Center. An Ecumenical reflection and study of Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si” Care for our Common Home. Bring a bag lunch, beverages & study booklet provided.
Christmas Mass Schedule
(here and area churches)
Christmas Eve Vigil Christmas Day
Sacred Heart ~ Lake George
4pm & 8pm 9am
Blessed Sacrament ~ Bolton
6pm --
St. Cecilia’s ~ Warrensburg
4:30pm 10am
Our Lady of the Annunciation ~ Queensbury
4pm, 7pm & 9:30pm 10am
St. Mary’s ~ Glens Falls
4pm, 8pm and Midnight 10am
St. Michael’s Church ~ So. Glens Falls
4pm, 7pm & 9pm8am & 10am
At St. Michael’s Church…South Glens Falls…A BLUE CHRISTMAS PRAYER SERVICE: Many people find the Christmas & New Year holidays sad, lonely or ‘dark’. The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, also invokes a tinge of darkness, leaving some feeling ‘blue’. If you or someone you know & love feels ‘blue’, this is an ideal opportunity! Please come to our Blue Christmas prayer service NEXT Sunday, December 20 at 6:30 pm at St. Michael’s Church. It will try to lift your spirits a little and shed at least a little light in your heart to try to better enjoy this season of hope and grace. All are welcome!
Knights of Columbus Corner….Bulletin Sponsorof the Week….Tell them you saw their ad in our weekly bulletin!
Deb’s Treasures…Meeting Place and so much more! How about a gift certificate for one of Debbie’s wonderful massages? 683-2670 or ‘like them on Facebook’. Email:
If our new Mass schedule in not convenient for you, please visit any of the other Catholic Churches in our area. You are more than welcome (and encouraged to!) to attend any of our neighboring churches. And if you place your Sacred Heart Church offertory envelope into their collection basket, the parishes do a weekly exchange of these envelopes, and your contribution to Sacred Heart will be sent to us. If you haven’t considered signing up yet for our Electronic Giving Program, now would be a perfect time to support your church and community.
Cut and Post It!
Following are the churches in our immediate area, and their Mass schedules. All are within a 15 minute drive(except for Holy Mother and Child in Corinth).
Sacred Heart – Lake George
Saturday: 5:30pmSunday: 9:30am
Our Lady of the Annunciation – Queensbury
Saturday: 4pmSunday: 8am & 11:30am
Blessed Sacrament Church – Bolton Landing
Sunday: 10:45am
Holy Mother & Child – Corinth (Luzerne closed for winter)
Saturday: 4pmSunday: 9am
St. Cecilia’s Church – Warrensburg
Saturday: 4:30pmSunday: 10am
We thank you for your support, your prayers and your understanding as we as a faith community and church prepare for the future.
Special Christmas Music Rehearsals…are you interested in singing, playing or joining the choir at any of our 3 Christmas Liturgies? Please call Regina Newell at 747-3453 by Sunday, December 13th so she can plan….
Christmas Flowers donations…in memory of or in honor of…envelopes are available in the back of church. Please return this week so that we can put the names in next week’s bulletin.
Entertainment Books…$25 in the Cloister
FYI – Family Faith Formation.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th…last session until March. 9:30am Mass with sessions to follow in the Parish Center.
Make a Joyful Noise! We are gathering on Sunday, December 13th at Caldwell Presbyterian Church to bring Christmas Joy to our Village. We will gather at 3pm (at Caldwell) to go a-caroling, and then after, share in hot chocolate, cookies and fellowship in the Caldwell Parish Center. Please join as for a wonderful holiday afternoon! No RSVP required.
Can you help…the Open Arm’s Crisis Pregnancy Center, in Glens Falls, is in desperate of items for BOYs, (blue), sizes Newborn to 5T. They need everything clothing, hats, socks, diapers. Items can be dropped off at 471 Glen St or brought to the Sacred Heart Parish Center (clearly marked), and someone form Open Arms will pick up. Thank you! Also…new Christmas Gifts for children
Big Cookie Bake Sale…THISweekend… Stop by and check out our goodies after the 5:30pm or 9:30am Masses, made by the extraordinary baking community of Sacred Heart. And as a special our new Parish Cook Books are on sale for $10 AND (for your convenience, specially wrapped for Christmas!)Entertainment books and Gift Shop will be open.
Are you interested in a few informal dance gatherings? Nothing fancy, nothing too serious, just an opportunity to get out and make some new friends, learn a few moves, and have lots of laughs and fun.We are exploring the possibility of having instructors teach us to: Line Dance? Swing Dance? Ballroom Dance? All for FUN and EXERCISE! This social will be extended to the neighboring parishes and community. Your input is needed! Please call Cathy Mac at (518) 791-7756 or .
Looking for a way to help someone…? The American Cancer Society is looking for volunteer drivers through their program Road to Recovery. Volunteer drivers take patients for their weekly chemotherapy and radiation treatments. For more information call 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit
Happy birthday Lucy Abrahams…
Pope Francis continues to call for prayer and dialogue with our Muslim brothers and sisters. He reminds us that we share the Covenant of Abraham together. Maywe work and pray to have greater understandingand to combat irrational fears and behavior toward the Muslim community.May we denounce those who would divide us and incite hatred and violence against our Muslim sisters and brothers. Fr. Berardi
Electronic Giving Program… You can go to our web site, () and click the link on the left side of page (On Line Giving) and follow that link to our new, safe and secure electronic giving page, where you can set up your own contributions.
Help us grow…Consider scheduling a recurring electronic contribution today.
Have you heard the BIG NEWS…??? Father Tom’s mother, Mary Berardi will be celebrating her 100th birthday on December 19th! If you would like to send her birthday card, her address is: Mary Berardi
206 1st Ave. Kingston, NY 12401
Please note: So that the staff may enjoy time with family, there will be LIMITED office hours the weeks
of Christmas and New Years
Christmas Eve., Thurs. December 24: 9am – 12noon
Closed Friday, Christmas Day, December 25th
New Year’s Eve – Thurs., December 31: 9am – 12noon
Closed Friday, New Year’s Eve, January 1st
Decorating the Churches …Tuesday, December 22nd at 9am…please join us as we prepare our churches for Christmas.
New Church Calendars are available…Many thanks to our friends at Regan, Denny & Stafford Funeral Home for their donation of our beautiful New Year calendar. Pick one up today after Mass.
Peace in my Heart
Peace in this Place
Peace in our Land
And throughout the World
Did you know that St. Michael’s Church (80 Saratoga Rd., So. Glens Falls) has Sunday evening mass (each week) at 5:30pm?