District 7010


Lesson: Public Relations

Instructor: Peggy Hebden

Grader: Doug Fairhall -

(email yourquiz/answers to Doug F!)

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  1. What is the role of the club public relations committee?
  2. Inform the public about Rotary’s service projects and activities.
  3. Develop committee goals to achieve the club’s public relations goals for the coming year
  4. Work with Rotarians in your club to maximize public relations efforts
  5. Understand the components of public relations that will help you promote Rotary to the community
  6. Know Rotary’s key messages and be able to use them when speaking in public.
  7. None of the Above
  8. All of the above


  1. True or False - The primary responsibility of the club public relations committee is to create awareness in your community of your club’s service projects and activities and in doing so, promote the values and work of the organization.

Answer –

  1. True or False - The public relations committee should wait until they start their year in July to begin brainstorming ideas for promoting Rotary effectively.


  1. (Which item below does not apply) There are many ways to promote your club and the organization, including:
  2. Sponsoring special events, such as marathons, recycling efforts, or fundraisers.
  3. Creating exhibits and displays throughout the community
  4. All press is good press.
  5. Advertising club projects and events in newspapers or magazines, on billboards or buses, or in air or rail transportation centres.
  6. Encouraging Rotarians to wear their Rotary lapel pins.
  7. Posting Rotary information on online forums, community calendars, social networking sites, or your club or other organization’s websites.


  1. True or False - In the event that there is adverse publicity on Rotary or your club, your committee should meet to discuss how to avoid the issue.


  1. Which of the following are the most effective tools for promoting Rotary information?
  2. Television
  3. Newspapers
  4. Internet (including blogs and social networking sites)
  5. International wire service
  6. Publications of organizations and institutions
  7. Online publications
  8. Trade publications
  9. Public access cable shows
  10. Radio public affairs shows and talk radio
  11. Corporate newsletters
  12. Billboards
  13. All of the above
  14. None of the above.


  1. True or False - Because there is tremendous competition for media time and space, your club should choose the media type that will be promoting Rotary to your targeted audience.


  1. Which of the following will help clubs get projects covered for magazine articles? (Choose all that apply).
  2. Group shot of your club
  3. News of fundraising dinners.
  4. Great photo’s
  5. Stories that reveal a strong political bias
  6. A newsworthy story.
  7. Cheque presentation.

Correct Answers

  1. In a recent PR survey; which of the following was listed as the most important tool for membership?
  2. Effective Public Relations; A guide for Rotary Clubs
  3. Rotary Basics
  4. This is Rotary
  5. What’s Rotary?
  6. Promoting Peace through International Scholarships


  1. True or False - The most significant barriers to public relations efforts cited in a recent PR survey were lack of interest from the media and lack of funding.


  1. True or False - When writing a press release; it is important to include all of the details in the press release; even if the release is 5 pages don’t miss a thing.


  1. One of best ways to promote Rotary is by speaking about your club and the organization. Which of the following statements best describe Rotary and all Rotarians should be able to answer these questions in no more than one minute. (3 of 6)
  2. What is Rotary?
  3. What does Rotary do?
  4. Why did you join Rotary?
  5. How many times do Rotary clubs meet in a month?
  6. Who are Rotarians?
  7. How much does it cost to belong to Rotary?


  1. Which of the following subcommittees would you see as part of the PR committee in a Club? (3 of 6)
  2. Special Events
  3. Foundation
  4. Media relations
  5. Speaker programs
  6. Advertising/marketing
  7. Ways & Means


  1. District websites should advertise.
  2. District events,
  3. Highlight district activities,
  4. Promote RI resources
  5. Promote RI Convention sections of the RI website.
  6. Promote Rotary in the community by taking advantage of social networking sites and spreading RI news via RSS feeds.
  7. None of the above.
  8. All of the above.


  1. True or False – Only clubs are eligible to apply for PR Grants.


  1. The RI board of directors may approve PR grants annually. PR Grants are designed to assist districts in:
  2. Promoting Rotary
  3. Improving Rotary’s public image.
  4. Support the purchase of TV air time
  5. Support the purchase of Radio PSA’s,
  6. Support the purchase of billboards, banners, ads.
  7. None of the above.
  8. All of the above.


  1. True or False - PR Grant applications must be signed by the Club President.


  1. Which of the following is not a good PR strategy for your club?
  2. Display the Rotary emblem at the gateways of your community
  3. Hire a Town Crier to promote events
  4. Develop a club fact sheet and distribute it in addition to the brochure “This is Rotary” at events and to visitors at club meetings.
  5. Encourage members to always wear their Rotary pins, not just on meeting days or during projects.
  6. Utilize Rotary public service announcements (PSA’s) and other outreach tools prepared for clubs and Districts by Rotary’s PR division.


  1. o Ho HH How many days before an event should the PR committee send out a news release?
  2. Same Same day
  3. 1414 Days
  4. Three to Seven days


  1. How do Public Relations help to attract and retain Rotary members?
  2. By promoting – via the media – club and district activities which address important community issues.
  3. Identify newsworthy story angles.
  4. Develop a Rotary web site and encourage community organizations to link to it.
  5. Solicit third part endorsements of Rotary projects.
  6. Ask the beneficiaries of Rotary service to speak on behalf of the club of district.
  7. Publicize member participation in club and district activities in business and trade periodicals.
  8. Arrange for Rotary displays in local libraries, banks, city halls, etc.
  9. Produce a video of club and district activity.
  10. Promote Rotary’s work with and for young people.
  11. Seek opportunities for Rotarians to speak at community events and in schools.
  12. All of the above.
  13. None of the above.


  1. Link your story to a larger trend or current news event. When presenting a story idea to the media, (3 of 5)
  2. Make sure it is brief and to the point
  3. Find a way to think of how best to present Rotary in 30 seconds.
  4. Tailor your idea to a specific journalist, publication, or broadcast program such as a health segment on a local news channel.
  5. Keep calling them until they agree to attend your press conference
  6. Give them few details so as to be intriguing, maybe they will want to cover the story


  1. How do you measure the success of your public relations efforts?
  2. Keep clippings of newspaper stories that you have initiated.
  3. Keep track of news stories on TV and radio
  4. Post video on face book and measure the hits
  5. All of the above
  6. None of the above


  1. True or False - Always remember to send thank you notes to those who helped promote your club along the way.


  1. How can Promoting Ambassadorial Scholarships help increase membership?
  2. The scholars may be willing to send out a release to their hometown newspapers
  3. Have past scholars act as spokespeople for the program.
  4. Send editors of area college and university newspapers information about the program.
  5. Have the scholar set up a website and report their experiences online as a scholar.
  6. Speak to Rotary Clubs on their return to talk about the program.
  7. All of the above.
  8. None of the above.


  1. You can get Rotary international news, articles and information delivered to your personalized web news reader or club home page through an RSS feed. RSS feeds means:
  2. Rotary Site Search
  3. Rotary Shopping Site
  4. Real Simple Syndication
  5. Rotary Service Site
