Title of Policy:Private Sector Leasing – RBG Managed scheme
Review / Version / Final
Date / Effective date / December 2014
Policy timetable / Date of next review / December 2017
Approval: / Owned by: / Housing Service and Procurement Team Manager
6 / Policy Objective
Implementation & Performance
Related Procedures & Documents
1. Policy Objective
1.1This policy is required to enable The Royal Borough of Greenwich (RBG) to lease a property from a private sector landlord and allocate it to homeless applicants as temporary accommodation.
2.1Temporary accommodation is a limited resource used by RBG to offer to homeless applicants requiring urgent housing where no other suitable housing is available.RBG use a number of quality accommodations throughout the borough and the surrounding areas for this purpose.
2.2Our leasing scheme is at present used to accommodate homeless families. Most families stay in the accommodation for 6-9 months at a time. Most lease landlords have little contact with tenants throughout the term of the tenancy and there are no void costs to the landlord during tenancy changeovers.
2.3The Housing Services and Procurement team (HSPT) are responsible for procuring and managing the property.
- The Procurement team procures the properties from private landlords or agents, liaises with Legal services to draw up the leases, communicates with Disability & Home Improvement Team about any grants, arranges lease renewals, and confirms rental payments to landlords with Housing Finance.
- The Temporary Accommodation Teamallocates the property and is responsible for the housing management: rent collection, reporting and monitoring repairs with the landlord, reporting landlord rental deductions to the Procurement Team,and all other aspects of tenancy management.
2.4Most of the properties managed through this scheme are within the Royal Borough of Greenwich, but properties can be procured in neighbouring boroughs if they meet the needs of our homeless applicants.
2.5Homeless applicants are offered temporary accommodation for the following reasons:-
- To enable The Royal Borough of Greenwich to make enquiries and fully assess an applicant’s housing needs, to ascertain if we have a statutory duty to house the applicant.
- To enable The Royal Borough of Greenwich to explore a suitable housing option for the homeless applicant.
- To enable the Royal Borough of Greenwich to suitably house applicants whilst they wait for permanent rehousing or another suitable housing option.
3.1The Royal Borough has duties to assist homeless people, as set out in the Housing Act 1996, Part 7. This includes duties to provide advice and assistance, temporary accommodation or long term accommodation, depending on the applicant and their circumstances.
3.2Where a full homelessness duty is accepted RBG can ‘discharge’ or end that duty in a number of ways, including through an offer of Council or Housing Association accommodation under Part 6 of the Housing Act 1996. This requires the Council to provide reasonable preference to applicants who are homeless applicants and eligible for assistance. RBG can also end our duty through the offer of suitable and affordable private sector accommodation under Part 7.
3.3Accommodation is offered under the Homelessness Act 2002.
3.4Housing Act 1996 (sections 188 and 193 as amended by the Homelessness Act 2002) enables local authorities to lease accommodation for use by homeless persons.
3.5Any furnishings remaining within the property must meet current safety regulations as set out in Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended).
4.1 Properties accepted for use on the scheme
4.1.1 The property does not have to be in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
4.1.2 Properties can be procured by the HSPT or Disability & Home Improvement team. This may include approaching landlords we are already using.
4.1.3 All properties will be viewed by HSPT or Disability & Home Improvement team prior to being accepted.
4.1.4 All properties must have a gas safety certificate. This will need to be renewed annually.
4.1.5 All properties should have a recent electrical safety certificate (dated within the last 6 months).
4.1.6 An Energy Performance Certificate must be provided for all properties.
4.1.7 All properties musthave a cooker installed and ready for use by the time of the letting.
4.1.8All properties must have curtain rails above each window and ready for use by the time of letting.
4.1.9 All properties must have safety detection and protection in the form of a working smoke alarm and/or heat detector (where a property is open plan) and a carbon monoxide detector.
4.2 Royal Borough of Greenwich responsibilities
4.2.1 The Royal Borough of Greenwich (RBG) will visit all leased properties offered that meet our requirement for size, type and area.
4.2.2 RBG will guarantee rent fora minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 5 years. This will be paid quarterly in advance.
4.2.3 RBG will return the property to the Landlord with vacant possession. We will give 3 months’ notice if we intend to return the property to the landlord.
4.2.4 RBG will manage the letting process and tenancy management function on behalf of the Landlord: including but not limited to rent collection, dealing with tenancy issues and regular inspections of the property.
4.2.5 RBG will pay for any damage caused by the tenant throughout the lease but not for wear and tear or for general maintenance or items covered by buildings insurance. RBGreserves the right to recharge the landlord for emergency work that falls outside this remit where the landlord cannot be contacted in an emergency situation or where they fail to complete work as requested and the repair poses a health and safety risk for the tenant.
4.2.6RBG reserves the right to recharge the tenant for property damage.
4.3 Landlord Responsibilities
4.3.1 The landlord is required to provide proof of ownership of the property
4.3.2 The landlord must have permission from their mortgage provider to leasetheir property to RBG.
4.3.3 The landlord must have buildings insurance and must advise their insurer that they are leasing their property to RBG.
4.3.4 The landlord is required to give 6 months’ notice, following the first year, if they intend to no longer lease the property to RBG.
4.3.5 The landlord is required to provide emergency contact details to RBG.
4.3.6 The landlord is required to carry our repairs that fall under their remit.
5. Implementation and Performance
5.1 RBG will review and monitor the number of properties required on regular basis.
5.2RBG will monitor the standard of these leased properties through property inspections and liaison meetings with landlords.
5.3RBG will advertise this policy via through our website, Greenwich Time, via lettings agents and promote the scheme through our Landlord Business Club.
6.Related documents
- Private Sector Leasing procedure – RBG Managed scheme
- Discharge of Duty policy and procedure
- Housing Services and Procurement Policy
- Private Leasing Scheme procedure