
York Parent Carer Forum, SENDIASS, City of York Council, Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group. Tees Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust.

Partnership Agreement 25.7.17



This agreement will support how we work as individuals and as organisations. The purpose of our joint agreement is so that families of children and young people with additional needs or disability benefit from the best support, advice, and meaningful participation opportunities possible. We believe that early participation and co-production in planning, development and review of services should lead to improved outcomes for children, young people and families.

The six principles

We believe the following principles which will underpin our work together will facilitate an effective partnership.

  • We will have a shared belief in and work to raise the quality of life, improve outcomes and opportunities for all disabled children and those with SEN and their families
  • We will respect and understand one another's roles
  • We are committed to working together to support, train and empower parents to be their own voice and represent the views of others
  • We acknowledge we will need to adapt practice to meet needs and circumstances
  • We will work together in an honest and solution focused way
  • We will publically support and champion each other


Our shared objectives

  • To bring ideas for future development and issues to address to joint meetings and seek solutions together to improve outcomes for children and young people and their families
  • To plan together and identify priorities to ensure parents and carers are engaged meaningfully and in a timely manner and parents know the difference their involvement has made
  • To reach out to a wider range of parents, including those who don't wish to formally be part of the parent carer forum

Our agreed code of conduct

  • We will behave with respect and in a professional manner towards each other
  • We will communicate in an open, constructive and honest way that is still diplomatic and not personalised.
  • We will continue to work with each other when there are challenges or differences, seeking to come to agreement where possible for the best outcomes for children and young people.

Building positive working relationships

  • We will support each other, recognising volunteers and organisations will have limited capacity
  • We will agree key priorities, so we can coordinate our efforts and plan ahead through strategic meetings engaging all appropriate partners
  • We will promote each other's roles, the importance of co-production and feedback the outcomes and demonstrate effectiveness
  • We will share information and success stories across organisations through meetings, events, informal discussion sessions, newsletters and social media
  • We will plan together so that events and co-production activities are timely and positive for parent carers

Part 2

The partner organisations have agreed the following key work areas for 2017/18

1. / SEND reforms – the continued implementation and review
2. / The autism diagnostic pathway
3. / All Age Autism Strategy
4. / Children and young peoples’ mental health, emotional health and wellbeing,Single point of Access
5. / Transition to a new phase in Health and Education / preparing for adult life including the Not in Education Employment Training Strategy
6. / Short breaks
7. / Training / support on how to represent YPCF at strategic meetings including parent / carer participation and co-production. Raising awareness of parent carer participation and co-production for practitioners
8 / Inclusion and Progress 8


Overview and updates on the work areas will be tabled at the Strategic Partnership for Integrated Services for Disabled Children and other meetings as appropriate.

Evidence Base

Evidence on progress and key issues raised by parents and carers will be collected by partners by the following means:

Events, informal discussion groups


Social Media including closed groups

Implementation reviews / project milestones

Part 3 Signatories

The following organisations agree to the principles of partnership working and are linked to specific workstreams.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Single Point of Access: Limetrees Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Tees Esk &Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust.


Dawn Potter: Chair York Parent Carer Forum Date:

Jessica Haslam: City of York Council Date: 25th August 2017

Paul Howatson: VOY Clinical Commissioning Group Date:

Gillian Bucklow: York SENDIASS Date:

Sally Smith: As Designated Medical Officer and on behalf of Date:

York Hospitals Teaching NHS Foundation Trust

Carol Redmond:

Tees Esk & Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust Date:

YPCF Partnership Agreement final version ,reviewed in August 2017, next review date 2018