Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hartley Public Library – 91 1st Street SE – Hartley, Iowa

Vision: Every child, pre-birth through age 5, will be healthy physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

Mission: Early Childhood Iowa: Lakes Region will provide services collaborative to families and children pre-birth through five years for the purpose of improving the quality of life for families with children.


Voting Members Attending Perspective County

1. Kristi Robinson Business O’Brien

2. Dan Friedrichsen Board Supervisor O’Brien

3. Merlin Sandersfeld Board Supervisor Osceola

4. Carly Shaw Human Services Clay, Dickinson, O’Brien, Osceola

5. Bill Leupold Board Supervisor Dickinson

6. Linda Swanson Board Supervisor Clay

7. Paula Edwards Health Dickinson

8. Luke Wynja Parent Representative O’Brien



Quorum present *Recorded excused absence

Voting Members that are absent Perspective County

Neil Wehmas Faith Osceola

*Mary Sloan Education Clay, Dickinson, O’Brien, Osceola

Others Present (Non-Voting) Agency

Carol Chicoine ECI Fiscal Agent- UDMO

Pam Juber BCBB Director Osceola

Jessie Hansen KIDS Coordinator

Paige Duncan CCR &R

Shakira Meyer UDMO Hand in Hand Director

Holly Giesen ECI Lakes Region Program Coordinator

Before the meeting began we were invited by DCAT to attend a brief presentation by the Cherish Center. This presentation was very informative of all that the Cherish Center does to help people and the community in which it resides.

1. Call to Order/Adopt Agenda/Comments from the Public

Dan Friedrichsen called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m.

Adopt Agenda: Agenda was sent out prior to meeting. Motion was made by Kristi Robinson to approve the agenda with the addition of a farewell and welcome of Board Members; Second by Luke Wynja; All ayes. Motion passed.

Comments from the Public: Board members and public attendees introduced themselves.

Welcome and Farewell of Board Members- Dan Friedrichsen, the entire Board and community members offered a Farewell to Merlin Sandersfeld for his service as a board member as he will be exiting the board. A warm welcome was given to Luke Wynja to the ECI Lakes Region Board as he is now the Parent Representative. Luke briefly introduced him and gave the Board a little bit of his background.

2.  Approval of Minutes:

The November 3rd, 2016 ECI Lakes Region’s Board meeting minutes were e-mailed out to all the Board Members to review prior to the meeting. Motion was made by Linda Swanson to approve the amended minutes; Second by Bill Leupold; All ayes. Motion passed.

Treasure’s Report:

The financial report was emailed to Board members prior to the meeting. Carol Chicoine and Kristi Robinson reported and reviewed on the October 2016 financial report and expenditures. Board asked questions. Carol and Kristi answered all question to their satisfaction. Motion was made by Carly Shaw to approve the Treasurer’s report; Second was made by Merlin Sandersfeld; All ayes; Motion passed.

3.  Director & Program Director Reports:

Director’s Report: Paulette Karolczak, Director

The report was emailed to Board members for their review in advance of the meeting.

Program Service Coordinator’s Report: Holly Giesen, Program Service Coordinator

The report was emailed to Board members for their review in advance of the meeting.

Motion to approve the Director & Program Report by Kristi Robinson; Second was made by Luke Wynja; All ayes; Motion passed.

4.  Old Business

A. Local Legislative meeting- Linda Swanson informed the Board & Community Members that the Legislative meeting will be held Tuesday, December 20th at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Milford with our local legislators. Senator David Johnson and Representative John Wills will be present. Representative Megan Jones and Senator Randy Feenstra are unable to attend due to other obligations. Kim Scorza, President and CEO of Seasons Center, and Melissa Juhl, Regional Director for Child Care Resource and Referral, will be presenting on issues of child mental health and child care & early education.

New Business

Hand in Hand Presentation- Shakira Meyer presented a power point to the Board members and attending programs and community members. She informed them what the program entails. She stated that HH offers trainings such as EC-PBIS, Power of Mental Health, Baby Signs and TPOT. She stated that then she provides individualized coaching, mentoring, and support services to promote the implementation of training content. She has made contact with centers and in-home providers in the past several months in hopes to continue to expand their services. Board members asked questions and Shakira did a great job answering the questions completely.

B. ECI LR Funded Programs Monitoring- Holly Giesen informed the Board members that Paulette and herself will be scheduling the monitoring visits for ECI Funded Programs in January and February. We encourage all members to attend the visits with us if possible. She asked if there are days that they have open to please email us and we can try to work with them.

5.  Future Agenda Items

A. I-Smile Presentation

B. Needs Assessment?

6. Adjourn:

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kristi Robinson; a second was made by Luke Wynja. All ayes. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Holly J. Giesen,

ECI LR Program Service Coordinator

The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 5th, 2017 at 9:30 a.m.

at the Hartley Public Library, 91 1st Street SE, Hartley IA.

Board members are encouraged to access the

Early Childhood Iowa State website at

Early Childhood Iowa Lakes Region local website at