OTN Executive Committee Conference Call Meeting
November 15, 2010, 2-3:15 p.m.
In attendance: Interim President Belinda Greenfield and Interim Secretary Louise Polansky; Regional Representatives as follows: Region I, Hilary Jacobs, MA; Region IV, Spencer Clark, N.C.; Region V., Rich Weisskopf, IL; Region VI, Phil Hall, ARK; Region IX, Jared Yurow, HI; and Region X, Dennis Malmer, WA; Rick Harwood and Marcia Trick, NASADAD.
OTN Operating Procedures. Belinda called the meeting to order, explained that this is the first meeting of the full executive committee and that the group had not been called together earlier because of challenges encountered in identifying mutually agreeable meeting times. She explained that the first order of business is to obtain agreement from the regional representatives on the November 8 draft of the OTN operating procedures document so that we are clear on our roles,can establish the OTN structure and can map out next steps. The current draft had been agreed upon by the interim officers and NASADADfollowing a November 8 meeting.Belinda shared that once the regional representatives have approved the operating procedures, the document will go before the December 2-3 NASADAD meeting for approval and acceptance by NASADAD of the OTN as part of the National Treatment Network (NTN). Belinda reminded the group that all officers are interim and that the first OTN officer election will occur at the June, 2011, annual NASADAD meeting.
Belinda guided the group through the November 8 operating procedures document and asked for representatives to provide input, including on the modifications made to the document during the meeting earlier this month. Concerning the third paragraph under A. Regional Representation, Spencer Clark asked if the year in the second line of the paragraph reading “Exception – in order to establish the pattern of elections outlined above, the OTN Regional leaders elected in 2010….” should read “2011” since elections will not be held until 2011. It was agreed that the year should read “2011” and that the words “EVEN-NUMBERED Regions” should be modified to read “ODD-NUMBERED Regions” as a result. Some discussion followed on the wisdom of staggering the election years, and it was agreed that this is a good idea.
No changes were suggested pages three or four. Regarding the last sentence in the C. Nomination of OTN Officers section on page 5, changes were agreed upon to the effect that “Only if the nominee is willing to serve and has appropriate authorization to serve from the SSA or if not in person, a proxy saying that the individual is willing to serve and has the SSA’s authorization to serve”. NASADAD’s Rick Harwood and Marcia Trick agreed to wordsmith this language and language for the change on page two to assure that it reflects the group’s wishes as expressed on the call. No changes were made to changes in IV. OTN Meetings, C. and D. on page 6, both of which had been deleted, and no issues were raised with changes which had been made to V. OTN Executive Committee: Composition and Roles, B. Vacancies d. Treasurer and e. Regional Leader. Likewise, after discussion of the listing of all States in Region VIII, including those which currently do not have opioid treatment programs, it was agreed that all States will be retained in the list to prevent having to open up the document at a later date.
Marcia offered to make the revisions by later today or early tomorrow and to circulate the document to the entire executive committee immediately so that the document can be approved by no later than tomorrow morning and placed in the materials being assembled at this time to go before the December 2-3 NASADAD Board.
Regional Representative Role. Belinda initiated discussion of the Regional Representative role, which is to collect information from respective States about relevant issues, challenges, new projects, etc., to share with the executive committee for general benefit and possible future action, and discussion followed concerning the frequency of regional meetings or other regional communication method. Belinda shared that the interim officers will be meeting on a quarterly basis. Discussion followed. Spencer shared that he had communicated with State SOTAs in his region through both email and conference call and had had better response with email. Spencer suggested that the executive committee meet more frequently than quarterly in the period prior to the June NASADAD meeting, and it was decided that the executive committee will have another conference call in early January, and Marcia agreed to send out a meeting request proposing January 5, 6 or 11 at either 2 or 3 p.m. EST. Spencer suggested that among agenda items be the OTN’s relationship with the CSAT Division of Pharmacologic Therapies with the goal of improving the relationship. Belinda shared that she had met with Nick Reuter and Bob Lubran at AATOD and understands that CSAT is very open to working with the OTN on a collaborative basis. Discussion followed about the need for the executive committee to meet face-to-face, including with CSAT representatives, and how travel could be funded. Belinda pointed out that it will be important for the OTN to weigh in on the expenditure of CSAT dollars pertaining to opioid treatment, including current expenditures for SOTA training. Rick Harwood suggested that OTN executive committee communication with CSAT be done in conjunction with Rob Morrison of NASADAD to assure that the proper protocol is being followed, and agreement was obtained on approach.
Next Steps. Marcia will be revising OTN draft document to send out and finalize by tomorrow morning for inclusion in the December 2-3 NASADAD meeting materials. Marcia will also survey the committee to decide on an early January committee conference call.
Somewhat respectfully submitted, Louise Polansky, Interim OTN Secretary