Intermediate Term RFO Week ending: August 13, 2010
Questions and Answers
1. Could I bid my unit at an intertie saying that if selected I will get it pseudo-tied/sign a PGA?
Yes, the pseudo-tie arrangement would need to be for the entire delivery term. As a non-qualified resource, such an offer, if selected, would require the posting of pre-delivery term security equal to $10,000 per MW (see RFO protocol Section III).
2. PG&E’s RFO protocols require an offer to be firm and to remain open during the offer review and negotiation phases. My resource has been shortlisted in another solicitation. Can I still offer it into PG&E’s RFO?
Yes. The contingent nature of the offer should be clearly noted. Such offers should be formally withdrawn from PG&E’s RFO should the resource be accepted in the other solicitation.
3. My unit is located in SP15. Will that affect the evaluation of my offer?
Possibly. Section IV of the offer protocols states that a resource’s location in SP15 will be considered in the evaluation of Portfolio Fit. As a northern California load serving entity, PG&E is limited in the amount of resource adequacy it can count from resources located south of Path 26 as the CPUC has established a RA transfer limit on this transmission path. In this RFO, an offer from an SP15 resource could be scored lower overall depending on 1) the remaining RA transfer limit PG&E currently has on Path 26, 2) the amount of offers received in the RFO from SP15 resources and 3) the offer’s relative ranking within that group of offers.