Instructor: Carolyn Ikuta Telephone: (714) 996-4970 Ext. 10204

District E-mail:


Japanese language courses are aligned to the foreign language framework adopted by the state of California and to the national standards for foreign language learning.

Students will read, write, speak, comprehend and translate Japanese at the first year level. Writing will consist of hiragana, katakana, and numbers in kanji. Classroom instruction will be primarily in Japanese.


Textbook: Adventures in Japanese 1

Hiromi Peterson and Naomi Omizo; Illus. by Michael Muronaka and Emiko Kaylor

²  Supplementary materials: Literature selections, comics, song lyrics, etc.

²  Internet Japanese learning materials, Google classroom


The grading policy is based on percentage (no curve)

50 percent tests and listening comprehension

30 percent homework and classwork

10 percent participation (effort to speak in Japanese)

10 percent finals and projects

Grading Scale

100% A+ 87% B+ 77% C+ 77% D+ 67% F under

91% A 81% B 71% C 71% D 61% 59.5%

89.5% A- 79.5% B- 69.5% C- 69.5% D- 59.5%


Homework is assigned daily except for Fridays. Homework can vary from a written assignment, on-line reading assignment, recording assignment or review for a test on-line with Quizlet.

LATE HOMEWORK POLICY Late homework is accepted anytime during the semester for half credit.


Students may retake any vocabulary test or quiz for full credit within 2 weeks of the original test date.


Participation points are calculated monthly and account for 10 percent of the overall grade. Students are granted points for volunteering to ask and answer questions or by winning paired games in class. Participation points are deducted from students who speak in English or who are off task.


Periodically assigned for ENTIRE class


Grades updated almost DAILY on AERIES.


Students are encouraged to use their electronic devices in order to enhance their Japanese study. This includes usage of on-line dictionaries, educational websites in Japanese, writing essays, text messages or blogs in Japanese. Students will also frequently use their cellular devices in order to answer queries from the teacher.

Usage of cellular devices unrelated to Japanese study is strictly forbidden.


Tutoring is available most mornings before school and most days after school. Please contact the teacher to schedule an appointment.



Students are encouraged to learn together, for example, in study groups furthering their knowledge and understanding through interaction and cooperation. Therefore, students may receive assistance from other students on specific points of homework. However, it is a violation of academic honesty if a student provides another with homework to merely copy.


Students are expected to do their own work on tests, neither giving assistance to other students nor getting assistance from other students or sources. The use of mobile phones and electronic devices is strictly prohibited during written tests.

Japanese Class Expectations


1. Follow all directions

2. Be in seat when tardy bell rings.

3. Treat everyone in the class with courtesy and respect.

4.  Stay on task

Ø  Participate in all individual, group and class activities

Ø  Communicate with teacher and classmates in Japanese

Ø  Work only on Japanese class materials


1.  Anyone who behaves in such a way as to cause injury to himself or others will be immediately referred to his counselor or the office.

2.  Any student who cheats or helps another cheat will be referred to his counselor, in accordance with the Valencia High School Honesty Policy.

3.  Any student who violates the PYLUSD Sexual Harassment Policy will be referred to his or her counselor.

TARDY POLICY for tardies accrued during one semester

1st Tardy Warning

2nd Tardy Warning

3rd Tardy Warning, detention in classroom

4th Tardy Student conference, detention in classroom, call to parents

5th Tardy Parent contact and after-school detention assigned

6th Tardy Parent contact and after-school detention assigned

7th Tardy Parent contact, referral to attendance director

8th Tardy Referral to attendance director, Saturday Work

Program assigned, Parent conference

9th Tardy Referral to Attendance Director, Parent conference

Withdrawal from class


I have read and understand the Syllabus and the Classroom Management Plan for Japanese

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______