American Senior High School

AICE General Paper2016 – 2017Ms. L. Turner-Dixon


The aims of the Cambridge International AS Level General Paper are to: promote the skills of rational thought, persuasion, analysis, interpretation and evaluation; promote maturity of thought and clarity of expression; encourage the broad exploration and appraisal of social, cultural, economic, environmental, political, philosophical, scientific and technological issues; promote understanding and appreciation of individual, societal and cultural diversity; encourage independent, critical reading.


American Senior High School

•Identify, select and interpret, through reasoned consideration, material (including knowledge)appropriate to a specific task.

•Apply knowledge, understanding and analysis in relation to a specific task (e.g. in drawing inferences, providing explanations, constructing and developing arguments, understanding the implications of a suggested course of action or conclusion, etc.).

•Exercise evaluation and discrimination in assessing evidence, ideas and opinions in order to formulate a supported conclusion.

•Communicate information, ideas and opinions in a clear, concise, logical and appropriate manner.

GRADES: Classwork/Homework – 35% Exams – 35% Writing – 30%

A= 100% - 90% B= 89% - 80% C=79% - 70% D=69% - 60% F= 59% and below


•Composition BookBlack or blue pensNotebook paperFlash drive

•HighlighterIndex cardsRed ink pens2 Pocket folder or Binder


•BE ON TIME, in your assigned seat, and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Three unexcused tardies will result in a DETENTION. Excessive tardiness may result in referrals and accelerated disciplinary action!

•BE POLITE, AND RESPECTFUL of yourself, others, and your environment.

•BE PREPARED to make the best of the learning experience; complete all work in a timely manner and actively participate in class.


•ITEMS such as food, drinks, gum, candy, electronic devices, and *cell phones are prohibited in class, and use of these items will result in an automatic DETENTION! (*may be used based on teacher discretion)

•ADHERE TO THE RULES described in the M-DCPS Code of Student Conduct.

If you choose to break a classroom or school rule, there will be varying degrees of consequences as listed:

1st Verbal warning 2nd Teacher – student conference 3rd Detention – before or after school

4th Parental contact5th Referral to Assistant Principal


If you have an excused absence, it is your responsibility to make up the missed work. All students are responsible for assignments given in class. Make-up work should be turned in no later than one week from the excusedabsence.(However, please read the exception given below.)


Homework assignments and projects should be turned in at the beginning of the class period on the scheduled due date. Late assignments will be marked down one letter grade each class period they are late. Late assignments more than a week late will not be accepted. Homework assignments can be found on my class website:


I can be reached at , or