Thurston County

Administrative Manual


Table of Contents

Purpose 1

AIS Format and Required Language 1 – 3

AIS Submittal 4

Board of Health 5

Appendix A – Clearance from Offices and Departments 6

Appendix B – Clerk of the Board Information 7

Issue Date: September 1, 1994 Agenda Item Summary

(Rev: December 16, 1997) Policy 1.

Thurston County

Administrative Manual

Agenda Item Summary

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Agenda Item Summary (AIS) is to provide the necessary information for placing an item on the Board of County Commissioners’ regularly scheduled meeting agenda, and to provide the board with a clear understanding of the request and the action/motion that needs to be taken. The AIS process for the Board of Health is similar to the process for the Board of County Commissioners and is detailed in Section 4.

2.  AIS Format and Required Language

An AIS must be submitted through the Sharepoint Agenda Item Summary System (AIS) using the default font settings (Verdana, size 10). Do not use italic type, acronyms, or abbreviations in the document. For details on filling out an AIS, go to the AIS system in Sharepoint under quick links or follow this link: http://share/dept/bocc/Pages/ais.aspx. Next to the header Agenda Item Summary System, click the link entitled How to use the AIS system.

a.  Agenda Date

Select your preferred agenda date from the drop-down box. This is the date your item will appear on the board’s agenda.

b.  Agenda Item Number

This space will be filled in by the clerk of the board.

c. Item Title

Provide a brief statement of the item. For example: Set a public hearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendments.

d. Type of Action Needed

Select from the drop-down box the type of action needed. If the action is not listed, choose Other.

e. Class of Item

Select from the drop-down box into which class your item falls in. The county commissioners, county manager, and clerk of the board will meet five days prior to the board meeting to review items submitted for the agenda. If it’s determined that the class of item should be changed, the clerk of the board will notify the submitting office or department of this decision.

(1) Consent

The board approves these items as a group in one motion; each item is not discussed individually. Items that are appropriate for the consent agenda include:

·  Approval of a room rate extension

·  Final plat acceptance

·  Approval of orders in Hearings Examiner appeals

·  Release of letters of credit and bonds

·  Changes to position control that do not require a budget amendment

·  Lease amendments

·  Appointments to advisory councils and boards

(2) Timed

Only the clerk of the board can set a timed item due to legal and advertising requirements. If you’ve selected Timed – Presentation from the drop-down box, the clerk will select a time and notify the submitting office or department of this decision.

(3) Department

All items which are not categorized as Consent or Timed are classified as Department items. Department items will be listed on the agenda under the specific office or department that submitted the item. An example of a department item would be setting a daytime public hearing date.

Department items require a staff person from the corresponding office or department to attend the board meeting and present the issue to the board and the public. This presentation is taped by TCTV; adequate preparation is strongly advised.

f. List of Exhibits

Attach all exhibits under the List of Exhibits section of the AIS in the order in which they appear. Examples of exhibits include resolutions, notice of hearings, and contracts. All contracts, prior to submission to the clerk of the board, must be signed and approved by the prosecuting attorney and comply with the Contracting Policy located within the Thurston County Administrative Manual.

g. Clearance from Offices or Departments

Select all offices or departments whose approval is required or are affected by the item. Offices or departments that are required to sign off on standard AISs are listed in appendix B. All required offices and departments must sign off prior to submission of AISs to the clerk of the board and the county manager. Items without appropriate approval will be returned to the submitting office or department. Failure to follow this requirement will result in a delay of the process in scheduling the item on the board’s agenda.

h. Budget Effect Summary

If an office or department is submitting a budget modification, refer to the Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, Policy #2100 and follow those procedures. Put required budgetary/financial information into the blank boxes provided on the AIS.

i. Recommended Action

State the necessary action in the form of a clear motion so that a board member can make a motion by verbally stating the recommended action. Motions are formally read into the record during the board meeting so it is important to keep the motion specific, brief and easy to read. Motions should be one, but no more than two sentences.

Example of a Consent item: Move to approve and authorize the director of Public Health and Social Services to execute the amended Consolidated Contract with the State of Washington Department of Health in the revised amount of $9,747,621.

Example of a Department item: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners move to set a public hearing on Tuesday May 14, 2013 at 5:30 pm, or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, to receive and consider public comment, in room 280, Building 1 of the Thurston County Courthouse complex to consider several amendments to the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan.

j. Item Description

The item description should include a clear and brief explanation of the item and the reason why the board should take the requested action. Present the item description and requested action in plain and concise terms as if the intended audience has never heard of the request, concept, initiative, etc. Provide only pertinent facts and do not include excessive exhibits. However, do not omit essential information that will provide the audience with a complete and clear understanding of the request and the intent.

If the item has previously been presented to the board in a briefing, include the month, day, and year this occurred at the beginning of the item description.

A reference to the financial impact on the budget must be included in the item description. If the funding will come from an outside source (e.g. grant, contract, or other specified source), include the name of the source, the duration and the amount in the item description. Specific contract amounts must be listed so the board can grant appropriate spending authorization.

3.  AIS Submittal

a.  Deadlines

Wednesday by 4 p.m. (13 days prior to the board meeting) - Submit the AIS through the Sharepoint AIS system along with the appropriate documents (resolution, contracts, etc.) The AIS and attached documents must be in final form, having been reviewed by all required offices and departments (see appendix B).

NOTE: Documents that are not in final form, are poorly written, contain grammatical errors, and/or do not provide complete information will be returned. Submitted documents must have appropriate signatures and/or clearance (see appendix A). If the AIS does not have approval from the appropriate offices and departments, the item may be pulled from the board’s agenda and rescheduled to a later time.

Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. the Board of County Commissioners, county manager, and clerk of the board review the current and draft agenda. The clerk will notify the person submitting the AIS of required changes.

Exceptions: In the case of an emerging issue, a walk on item may be scheduled. However, this is an exception to the process and must be approved by the county manager. Contact the clerk of the board or county manager directly to explain the circumstances. You will be notified if the item will be on the agenda.

b. Distribution

The clerk of the board will make copies of the submitted AIS packet and provide it to the county commissioners, county manager and the Prosecuting Attorney's Office.

The clerk of the board is responsible for posting the weekly agenda on the board’s website no later than the Friday prior to the board meeting. Documents are available for review at or with the clerk of the board.

c. Multiple Items

A separate AIS is required for each item.

d. Public Hearings

Two AISs are necessary when setting a public hearing: one to set the public hearing and the second for the hearing itself. Both AISs must be submitted simultaneously. Contact the clerk of the board to schedule a date and time for a hearing.

e.  Legal Notices

All legal notices must be e-mailed (in Word) to the clerk of the board, indicating which newspaper(s) are intended for publication and the date the notice should be published.

4. Board of Health

The Board of Health (BoH) uses the Word version of the AIS. The BoH meets on the second Tuesday of each month.

Electronic copies of the AIS and exhibits must be emailed to the clerk of the Board of Health by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday two weeks prior to the meeting. The current clerk is listed in appendix B.

Issue Date: September 1, 1994 Agenda Item Summary

(Rev: July 9, 2007, February 8, 2010, June 1, 2010, March 27, 2013) 5

Thurston County

Administrative Manual

Clearance from Offices and Departments

The following items must be approved by the offices or departments as listed below and any other affected office or department:

Issue Date: September 1, 1994 Agenda Item Summary

(Rev: July 1, 2009, February 8, 2010, June 1, 2010, March 27, 2013) 6

Thurston County

Administrative Manual


Refer to Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, Policy #2100.

Financial Services

Prosecuting Attorney

Budget Office

County Manager


Refer to Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, Policy #5030.

Financial Services

Prosecuting Attorney

Budget Office

County Manager


Refer to Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, Policy #1100.

Financial Services

Prosecuting Attorney

Budget Office

County Manager


Refer to Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, Policy #4500.

Financial Services


Prosecuting Attorney

County Manager


Budget Office


Prosecuting Attorney

County Manager


Prosecuting Attorney

County Manager


Prosecuting Attorney

Risk Management

County Manager


Human Resources


Contact the authorized signers for each office or department in the order listed below:

PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: Supervising attorney, Civil Division, for financial related items, civil deputy assigned to your office or department

FINANCIAL SERVICES: Deputy Auditor of Finance, Financial Services Manager or designee

BUDGET OFFICE: Budget & Fiscal Manager or Senior Management Analyst

HUMAN RESOURCES: Human Resources Director, Compensation & Benefits Manager

RISK MANAGEMENT: Risk Manager, Risk Analyst, Human Resources Director

Issue Date: September 1, 1994 Agenda Item Summary

(Rev: July 1, 2009, February 8, 2010, June 1, 2010, March 27, 2013) 6

Thurston County

Administrative Manual


1.  Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners

LaBonita Bowmar

Commissioners' Office

2000 Lakeridge Drive S.W. Building 1

Olympia, WA 98501

360-754-3355, ext. 6308

2.  Clerk of the Board of Health

Lydia Hodgkinson

Public Health & Social Services Department


412 Lilly Road NE

Olympia, WA 98506-5132


Issue Date: September 1, 1994 Agenda Item Summary

(Rev: July 1, 2009, February 8, 2010, June 1, 2010, March 27, 2013) 7