ELO – Conferenceseries in Denmark

Date: 18th-19th June 2004

Place: Denmark

  1. Introduction

Following the acceptation of the DG Enlargement to back up ELO action to disseminate information on private property and rural development in the perspective of Enlargement, ELO designed a European conference/seminar programme for 2003/2004.

The Danish members of ELO have organized a two days seminar in Denmark, gathering representatives of the national associations of landowners and land users, guests from Latvia and LithuaniansLandowners’Organization and a representative of the ELO Brussels’ Secretariat.

This seminar purchase different objectives. Mainly, ELO provide by the way of European seminar a skull and experience exchange from EU-15 and the Candidate Countries.

The seminar was established on conference series and the visit of two Danish Etates. Also a presentation from a representative of Ministry was done.


  1. Inform the Candidate Countries(CC) representatives on the implementation of European policies at national levels (ex.: what are the problems encountered by national landowners and land users? what are their new strategies?);
  2. Gather information on the situation of the land property, on the investment needs in the rural areas etc. in the CC invited;
  3. Make understand CC representative that ELO and ELO network can help them for the Enlargement and after. Looking at the interventions in Brussels, EU Member States and CC have different problems and challenges. Nevertheless we must create one credible network;
  4. Create a special link between EU Member States and CC. Some specialised Working Groups could be created ;
  5. Demonstrate that through this twinning ELO can contribute to the Enlargement through information exchanged both ways;
  6. Create a data base on Internet with the papers produced in the seminar

2. Day 1- first estate visit (Doennerup estate):

The guest has been received by Martin Einfeldt from the “Danish Forest Association” and Torsten Hansen from the “Danish Forestry Extension”. These two landowners have given, during the meeting time, an introduction on following topics:

  1. Forest situation in Denmark

The Danish wood market breaks down for several years with main consequences on unemployment, reduction of wood value and prices. By the forest profitability loss, the forest function is orienting through public recreation, Natura 2000 protection and PEFC regulation. An exception to this, the Christmas trees production is still continuing.

  1. Natura 2000 in the private Danish forestry,

Torsten Hansen has presented a document focus on Natura 2000. It has been the starting point for the discussion about Natura 2000 compensations et land prices reduction. The guests wanted to know from where the money will come from EU level.

  1. PEFC and the FSC-certification in Denmark,

In Denmark, landowners use the PEFC (10.000 Estates) much more the FSC (300). The signature of PEFC charter by the owner carries positives consequences. It’s the recognition of basis management idea. It’s a day to day management and offers the various possibility of management plan. Every activity is deposited inside the plan. They can be checked in the time.

  1. Financial support possibilities for the private Danish forestry and possible EU financing as well,

-Hunting:Without forest production income, forest landowners have to find another supply as profitability. They will find it in hunting activity. Landowners have to keep hunting practice right on their land. Hunters will pay for the activity. They have to sign a contract.

-Tourism:Another income supply is tourism by allowance or by perception of a tourism fee. Politicians want to promote public access to Danish Estate as promotion of tourism. The conflict comes from virtual public intrusion in private forest. To quantify the situation, the minimum cost for forest worker is 40 €/p. the payment for visitor entrance is around 20€/p. this income do not solve the public intrusion in private forest.

-Renting land: landowners can also rent their land for different activities.

  1. New (2004) Danish (forest) law, strategies for the forestry in Denmark in the future and Rural Development in Denmark.

The new law give a more important access for the public in forest. Due to the Danish forest situation, landowners want to make suggestions for solving forest problems and include them in the New Rural Development Policy. The money they need as compensation has to come from EU through Rural development policy. The actions lead by landowners will be voluntary as for agricultural considerations. The RDP has to promote private right. After a subsidiary period for restoring forest situation, the landowners will turn back to normalactivities.

  1. Debate from Lithuanians and Latvians

-Hunting rights: the government is keeping the hunting rights. Landowners are allowed to hunt on their land only if they hunters and member of hunting clubs.

Exist compensation for hunting but the amount is low. Hunting monitoring is not possible in those countries.

-Landowner’s rights: they have land rights but there is no meaning behind. The government is able to make land free access for anyone. If a landowner leave is country for a while. When he comes, he doesn’t keep his land’s rights.

-PEFC: is a way of recognition for landowners for more private rights. It is a voluntary step. PEFC is largely used in those countries.

After negotiations on the different topics, the guests have been invited for a visit of a PEFC certified forests, animal production aspects, pheasants breeding, Natura 2000 conceptions and house renting.

3. Day one – second visit (Copenhagen: “Kobbertårnet”)

An introduction to Danish and European agriculture policy has been done by Kasper Thormod Nielsen from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. He has developed the following topics:

-EU CAP- reform and how it is implemented in Denmark

  1. The Danish objectives
  2. The result of CAP-reform
  3. The Danish Model
  4. Mains issues in connection with Danish implementation

-The implementing of the agriculture subsidies in the new EU member states.

The discussion was focused on the forest’s place inside the RDP. On this topic, the Latvians participate to the EC Working Group in Brussels.

Our guests introduce their country, organisation, investment possibilities and specific topics by the following presentations:


  1. Private forestry in Latvia(Eriks Zakis, Chairman of FOA of Latvia Board):
  • Challenges and opportunities
  • Cooperation activities and organisations of land/forest owners.
  1. Sustainable forest management and the systemofmonitoring,verification and reporting of SFM used in Latviaprivate forests(Skaidrite Albertina, Dr.Biol., Director of Project, Research and Developmentsector of FOA of Latvia).

Lithuania (by Algis Gaizutis):

1.Private forest ownership in Lithuania

2.Forest Owners Association of Lithuania

3.Real property market in the BalticState

4.Restitution of ownership and land reform

4. Day two – first estate visit (Vennerslund estate)

Count Kim Brockenhuus-Schack has received the guests. The first intervention has been to show different agricultural engines and farm’s sheds.

The second intervention was a presentation about managing an estate in Denmark including agriculture, forestry, rental of houses and hunting.

For hunting topics, two presentations have been given. The first speaker was Niels Kanstrup. He spoke about “Hunting and wildlife management in Denmark”. The second speaker was Niels Søndergaard, Head of education at The Wildlife Management College. He has explainedthe “hunting Danish school for hunters and gamekeepers”. Kristian Stenkjær (Chairman of “The Danish Estate Gamekeepers”) and the owner him self has assisted to the presentation.

Debate from Lithuanians and Latvians

There was an interest about steps to follow in term of hunting management plans to deposit a similar one in New European countries. In fact, it seems to be hard to introduce animal hunting legislation in those countries due to a high green population mentality. The same happens for wood production.

To implement some similar legislation, the high decisional level blocks private initiatives. Anyway, In Latvia, the voice of landowners is carrying from the bottom by landowners associations (from the bottom).

In Latvia, administrative forms for hunting club to rent a hunting land do not exist.

For land right implementation, eastern countries will have to wait a long time. The Latvia land right situation is precarious.

A solution has been proposed by Mr Zakis.

  • Divide the country into private and public owners.
  • Land restitution to landowners
  • To continue privatisation process
  • Management plan

However, in Latviano privatisation process exists. The same situation is found in Lithuania

5. Conclusion

In order to the objectives disclaimed above, we have the following considerations:

The debates were focus on the each country situation in aim to find the problems encountered by national landowners and land users in different topics. Main fears are the hunting and land rights. A strategic key is the implementation of hunting and land rights from others European Member State experience. Another one is continuing lobby between landowner’s association in front of European Commission and government.

Information on the situation of the land property and other topic in the CC invited has been collected. This step will help for better knowledge of eastern countries situation.

Danish representatives and eastern countries guests understand that ELO and ELO network can help them for the Enlargement and after. EU Member States and CC have different problems and challenges. They want to create one credible network and continuing the debate and actions;

The two days seminar has created a special link between EU Member States and CC. the participants want to continue working for the network and improve the situation in each respective country. The creation of specialised Working Groups has not been studied

The documents received from each participant landowner’s association have been put on the internet ELO website (



  • Thomas Garth-Grüner, Member of the board in Danish Estate and Manors, Responsible for the seminar.
  • Lars-Hågen Lange, Vice chairman in Danish Estate and Manors
  • Christian Castenskiold, Member of the board in Danish Estate and Manors
  • Niels Sondergaard
  • Torsten Hansen
  • Niels


  • Mr. Algis GAIZUTIS (President of the Forest Owners Association of Lithuania)
  • Mr. Edvardas RAUGALAS (Vice-president of the Lithuanian Landowners’ Union)


  • Mr. Eriks ZAKIS (President of Forest Owners Association of Latvia - FOA)
  • (Mrs) Dr. boil. Albertina SKAIDRITE (director of project sector of FOA Latvia and chairperson of PEFC National Governing Body of Latvia)


  • Mr. Robin du Parc