Tabernacle #4 The Ark of the Covenant. Exodus 25:10-16
The ark and the mercy-seat are the first pieces of furniture instructed in Ex 25. The ark was a wooden chest, 2 ½ cubits long and 1 ½ broad and high. The acacia wood of which it was made was overlaid with gold, both inside and outside so that nothing except gold was visible outside.
It was first in order of instruction, because it is first in importance.
Before any details were communicated concerning the sanctuary itself, or its court and chambers, its priesthood and ritual, its furniture and minute details, the design of the ark was given first.
Without the ark the whole service of the Tabernacle would be meaningless and valueless, because the throne of God dwelt on the ark.
The ark was the object to which the brazen altar pointed and the sacrifice gave right of access to the worshipper.
Its pre-eminence above all the other vessels was shown in the days of Solomon, because the ark alone was transferred from the tabernacle to the Temple.
The ark was a symbol that God was present among His people and His covenant blessing was resting upon them. It was the most sacred and glorious furniture of the sanctuary.
The whole sanctuary was built for a habitation for the ark.
It’s Names
It’s Significance
It’s Dimensions
It’s Materials
It’s Contents
It’s Journeying
It’s Coverings.
1. It’s Names.
They are seven names mentioned and each one is wonderful for its variety, dignity and intent..
First, the ark was termed "the ark of the Testimony" (Ex. 25:22). This is the name by which it is most frequently called. It was thus designated because it was there that the "two tables of testimony" (Ex 31:18) were deposited for safe keeping. The Ark testified to the holiness and grace, the majesty and condescension of Jehovah.
Second, the Ark was called "the ark of the covenant" (Num. 10:33). Christ is expressly termed the "Surety of a better testament"‘ or “covenant" (Heb. 7:23); of which He is also the Mediator (Heb. 9:6). This covenant is one into which He entered before the foundation of the world (Heb. 13:20), a covenant in which Christ agreed to discharge all the obligations and responsibilities of His people.
Third, the Ark was named "the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth" (Josh. 3:13). This title was used just before Israel had crossed the Jordan, when the unconquered land of Canaan lay before them. It was, at that time, filled with enemies. But there was the symbol and word of assurance—the Ark which went before them was the Ark of the Lord of all the earth. Zechariah 14:9 refers to its future fulfillment.
Fourth, "the Ark of God" (1 Sam. 3:3). This is very striking because God had neveridentified Himself with any of the other vessels of the sanctuary. But how appropriate, that He should do so, with that which in a special way, symbolized the person of Christ. How this title of the Ark pointed to the absolute Deity of Him who was made in the likeness of men.
Fifth, the Ark was entitled "the Ark of the Lord God" (1 Kings 2:26)—in the Hebrew, "Adonai Jehovah." "Adonai" always has reference to headship, and to God’s purpose of blessing. "Jehovah" is God in covenant relationship. The connection in which this particular name of the Ark occurs is most interesting and blessed. The first chapter of King’s records a conspiracy at the close of David’s reign, to prevent Solomon securing the throne. The second chapter tells how the conspirators and their abettors were dealt with after Solomon came to the throne: Adonijah and Joab were slain, but Abiathar, the priest, was spared because he was a bearer of the Ark.
Sixth, the Ark was designated "the holy Ark" (2 Chron. 35:3). It was so spoken of by king Josiah, in whose days there was a blessed revival of true godliness. Preceding his reign there had been a long period of awful declension and apostasy, and the Ark was no longer kept in the Temple, therefore one of the first acts of Josiah was to give orders for the placing of the holy Ark in the House which Solomon had built. How this shows us that the holiness and majesty of Christ’s person is only appreciated when God is working in power among His people!
Seventh, the Ark was spoken of as "the Ark of Thy strength" (Ps. 132:8). "Christ the power of God," "and the wisdom of God" (1 Cor. 1:24). Blessed be His name, there is no feebleness in our Redeemer; all power in heaven and earth is His. He is none other than "the mighty God" (Isa. 9:6). O that we may draw more and more from His fullness, proving that His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
2.Its Significance.
The ark typified the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The other two arks that of Noah, in which he and his family found shelter from the flood; and that in which the infant Moses was preserved foreshadowed Christ Himself.
The fact that the Ark of the Covenant was composed of two materials and of two only—the wood and the gold—clearly point to the two natures of our Lord: the human and the Divine.
The fact that the two tables of stone were preserved in the ark reminds us the words of the Savior, "Thy law is within My heart" (Ps. 40:8)
In its priority the arkwas pre-eminent over the other sacred vessels.
Each of them pointed to some aspect of Christ’s work but the ark spoke of His person: they spoke of what He has done this of what He is.
It is the blessed person of Christ which gave value to His work.
Today, in evangelical circles, the emphasis is placed on what the Savior has done for us, rather than on what He is in Himself. Scripture often reverses this order.
On the annual day of atonement, the high priest first entered the holy of holies with his hands full of sweet incense (Lev. 16:12), before he took in and sprinkled the blood (v. 14)—God would first be reminded of the fragrant perfections of Christ’s person, before His redemptive work was placed before Him!
Mark the order in the announcement of John the Baptist "Behold the Lamb of God" (first His person) which takes away (second His work) the sin of the world," (John 1:29).
Paul says, "I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ (His person) and Him crucified"—His work" (1 Cor. 2:2).
John in the book of Revelation, ‘I beheld . . . and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb (His person) as it had been slain"—His work (Rev. 5:6).
Thus it was in this order of the Tabernacle furniture: first the ark which tells of Christ’s person, then the mercy-seat which point to His work.
3. Its Dimensions.
The ark was two and a half cubits in length, one and a half in breadth, and one and a half in height. The repeated half cubit draws our attention. The word "half" in the Hebrew comes from a root which means to cut in two.
One commentator has pointed out that these half cubits suggest that the knowledge of Christ given to us now is only partial: "Now we know in part" (1 Cor. 13:9). Those who have the fullest knowledge of Christ would say, in the language of the Queen of Sheba, ‘it was a true report that I heard and behold the half was not told me’ (1 Kings 10:6-7).
So with our all-glorious Lord! Our finite minds are trying to grasp something of the wondrous fullness ofsomething which passes knowledge.
Another says that, Two and a half is half of five, and one and a half is half of three, and both of these numbers have a meaning in Scripture which is deeply significant.
It is to be noted that the ark measured, the same in height as in breadth, which at once points to the perfections and uniqueness of Christ. The "breadth" would speak of Him in His dealings with man, the "height" His relations God-ward.
In meeting the needs of men, He never lost sight of the claims of His Father: See how in responding to the requestl of Lazarus’ sisters, the glory of the Father was His only motive and consideration (John 11:4-6).
4 .Its Materials.
Indeed acacia's can grow very huge. If you make a picture search for "acacia giraffe" you will see several very large species.
The largest one I found in the Negev has a diameter of about 1,5 meter and was about 5 meter in height (J. P. van de Giessen)
The ark was made of "shittim wood," a species of the acacia, which is said by many to be imperishable. It is a tree which is found in the arid desert. The "shittim wood," grown here on earth, typified the humanity of our Savior.
Isaiah 53:2 speaks in the language of this type: "For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground."
"There are three things about this shittim-tree which makes it a peculiarly fitting as a type of this. It is the tree now called the acacia seyal—the only tree that grows to any size in the deserts through which Israel passed.
First it is a tree that can thrive in a very dry soil.
Second, it has very long, sharp thorns.
Third, it is the tree from which is obtained the gum Arabic, largely used in medicinal preparations, which is obtained by piercing the tree at nightfall, and that which oozes out is the gum-arabic sold in the market.
To the spiritual mind these facts are sweetly suggestive of our Lord,
He grew in a dry and thirsty land and was in the constant freshness of communion with God.
Though indeed crowned now with glory, a crown of thorns was all this world had for Him.
And we remember also that it was He who was pierced for us when the blood flowed forth from His side, as the only balm for the troubled soul and sin-burdened conscience" (Mr. C. H. Bright).
As the shittim-wood was one that never rotted, it was a most appropriate emblem of the sinless humanity of the Lord Jesus.
It is indeed striking to find that in the Septuagint (the first translation ever made of the Old Testament—into Greek) it is always translated "incorruptible wood."
The "incorruptible wood," reminds us of the untainted humanity of Christ.
Christ was truly Man – the title the Son of Man, reminds us that. Paul affirms, "the Man Christ Jesus" (1 Tim. 2:5). But His humanity was uncorrupt and incorruptible. In Him was no sin (1 John 3:5) for He was the Holy One of God; and therefore disease and death had no claim upon Him.
He was begotten by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin. Mary was told by Gabriel about "that holy thing which shall be born" (Luke 1:35).
The wood of the ark was overlaid with gold within and without. This represents His Divine nature. "While the acacia boards gave form and dimensions to the ark, the appearance was all gold—no wood was visible. Thus our Lord’s humanity gives Him the form in which He was and is. He became a Man, and was and is eternally ‘the Man Christ Jesus.’ But God guards us from having only a low view of this most lowly One. The gold covers all. Look at Him and you shall see that all is Divine!
The Divine nature is displayed over the ‘form of a servant’. His blameless walk, meekness and obedience reminds us He is co-equal, co-eternal Son.
It is all gold, though the form of the Servant was there, with perfect human faculties and dependence—everything that belongs to man, apart from sin. Spread over all this is the gold of His deity.
Thus, in the wood and the gold together forming the ark we have the great mystery of godliness—God manifest in flesh; the symbol of the union of the two natures in the God-man. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us!
5. Its Contents.
These are described in Hebrews 9:4: "The ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant." Some have seen a contradiction between this verse and 1 Kings 8:9: "There was nothing in the ark save the two tables of stone." But there is no conflict between the two passages, for they are not treating of the same point in time. Hebrews 9:4 is speaking of what was in the ark during the days that it was lodged in the Tabernacle, whereas 1 Kings 8:9 tells us of what comprised its contents after it came to rest in the Temple.
The three articles specified in Hebrews 9:4 points to God’s provisions in Christ while they are Journeying through the wilderness.
This becomes abundantly clear when we consider the first thing named, "the golden pot that had manna." The manna was the food which Jehovah gave to Israel while they were Journeying from the house of bondage to the promised inheritance. It foreshadowed Christ as the Bread of life, the food of His pilgrim people. But most blessed is the added word here. In Exodus 16:3, we simply read that Moses said unto Aaron "take a pot and put an omer full of manna therein and lay it up before the testimony, to be kept; whereas in Hebrews 9:4, the Spirit tells us it was "a golden pot." The Old Testament could not give us that. it is reserved for the New Testament to bring it out. The Manna was the grace of God meeting the need of His people in the wilderness. Now while the Old Testament makes it plain that Israel’s deepest need would be met through the promised Messiah, yet it was by no means clear that the Messiah would be a member of the Godhead; rather was the emphasis thrown upon the fact that He was to be the seed of Abraham and of David. But with the New Testament before us, a vessel which was holy and Divine was no other than His beloved Son incarnate. It is in John’s Gospel, particularly, that we get the truth of the "golden pot." There we see the Vessel which was capable of holding the grace of God for His people: "full of grace and truth" is found only in John!
The amount stored therein was "one omer" which, as we learn from Exodus 16:16, was the quantity for each man. Thus the amount preserved was the measure of a man; but the golden pot which contained it tells us that this Man is now glorified. This is confirmed by a comparison of Exodus 25:18 with Hebrews 9:5 where the cherubim of "gold" are called the cherubim of "glory." It is in the Man Christ Jesus, now crowned with glory and honor that God’s people find their nourishment.
The second article within the ark was "Aaron’s rod that budded."
In Numbers 16 and 17, we read of a revolt against Moses and Aaron headed by Korah; a revolt occasioned by jealously at the authority God had delegated to His two servants. This revolt was followed by a manifest vindication of Aaron. The Lord told Moses to take twelve rods, one for each tribe, writing Aaron’s name on the rod for Levi. These rods were laid up before the ark and the one that should be made to blossom would indicate which had been chosen of God to be the priestly tribe. Next morning it was found that Aaron’s rod had "brought forth buds, blossomed and yielded almonds." Afterwards, the Lord ordered Moses to bring Aaron’s rod before the testimony "to be kept for a token against the rebels."
Thus the question of the priesthood was determined solely by Jehovah. The "rods" were all of them lifeless things, but during the interval that they were laid up before the testimony, unseen by the eye of man, the mighty power of the living God intervened, a miracle was wrought, the dead rod was quickened, and resurrection-life and fruit appeared.
Now what is before us in Numbers 17, is not God dealing in judgment, but in grace: "And the Lord said unto Moses. Bring Aaron’s rod again before the testimony, to be kept for a token against the rebels; and thou shall quite take away their murmurings from Me that they die not." Thus, the priestly ministry of Aaron was to preserve God’s people before Him while they were passing through the wilderness. How plain is the type. That which answers to it is found in the ministry of our great High Priest in heaven, who secures our salvation to the uttermost by His constant intercessions for us (Heb. 7:25). Here, then, is God’s provision for us in Christ: food to strengthen, priestly grace to sustain.
The third thing in the ark was the two tables of stone on which were written the ten commandments. The reader will recall that the Lord gave to Moses on two separate occasion tables of stone engraved by His own finger. The first ones Moses dashed to the ground when he beheld the idolatry of the people (Ex. 32), thereby intimating that fallen man is unable to keep the law. But God’s counsels cannot be thwarted, neither will He abate the requirements of His righteousness: