Action Items

DC Meeting – 10.21.13 – Chestnut Hill College

[Items highlighted in green require action before the January DC meeting. Items highlighted in blue shall be included on the agenda at a future DC meeting. Items highlightedin yellow are those which were voted on during the meeting].

1)Ivan Marquez motioned to approve the September 9th DC minutes. Linda Andrzjewski seconded. Approved 12-0.

2)Tom Shirley motioned to uphold the CACC policy, which requires two ADs to agree in order for a schedule change to be made. In accordance with that policy, Concordia’s appeal shall be denied. Laura Liesman seconded. Approved 10-1-1.

3)Mark Corino requested that we review our policies in regards to schedule changes. Tom Shirley requested that Jonathan ask for institutions for dates where they are unable to travel to or host games (ie. Homecoming).

4)The DC discussed having an All-Sportsmanship team, where each school would nominate one of their own student-athletes. The student-athletes at the Spring SAAC meeting requested that they have a larger voice in the selection. The Sportsmanship team concept will be an agenda item at a Spring DC meeting.

5)The DC is in support of planning a joint retreat with the ECC. Laura Liesman requested that Ellen O’Brien develop a proposal with more specifics regarding a SAAC retreat(costs, timing, programming, etc).

6)Commissioner Mara contacted Daemon asking if they were interested in an associate membership in golf for 2014-15 or for 2015-16. Tom Shirley suggested this be presented to the Presidents before we pursue Daemon any further.

  1. Tom Shirley motioned to accept Daemon for a two year associate membership should they apply. Ben DiNallo seconded. Approved 10-0-4.

7)It was requested that Human Resources and CFOs meet and participate in a symposium regarding the Affordable Care Act. This could be in conjunction with a DC meeting.

8)Tom Shirley requested the All-Conference Awards committee regroup and walk through each championship. Sandy Michael requested that Jonathan send future minutes from committee meetings/calls as soon as the meetings or calls take place.

9)Dan asked the group for ideas of other awards which could be presented to CACC Champions (other than watches). The conference office will look into other options for championships awards.

10)Tom Shirley asked that each AD speak with their respective cross-country coaches about having a banquet for cross-country. The group of coaches will be polled at the meeting at Philadelphia University on Saturday evening.

11)Laura offered to share the financial survey concerns with the Presidents at the November meeting and ask if they still see value in the survey. Linda Andrzjewski would like the Presidents to be asked what information they specifically desire to review. If they only look at the salary information, then the form could be consolidated. The NCAA report offers an option for institutions to share the form with the conference, which could take the place of the financial survey and enhance consistency.

12)Mark Corino asked for an update regarding the peer review process. Dan explained that there will be a separate committee for each visit, based on recommendations from the Presidents. The whole process is based on the Middle States visits. Ellen will send out the peer review agenda for all the ADs to review.

13)Laura Liesman motioned to have four year terms for all committees with half of the committee members cycling off every two years, beginning after 2014-15. Then, every two years the remaining half of the committee would rotate off the committee. Tom Shirley seconded. Approved 13-0-1.

  1. Sandy Michael motioned that all committees be limited to one less than half of the Directors Council. Laura Liesman seconded. Approved 14-0.
  2. Each committee chair will let Dan know which two members will be rotating off after 2014-15.

14)Laura Liesman suggested each AD and the scheduling sub-committee take a look at Ivan’s schedules.

15)Ivan Marquez has taken himself off of the scheduling sub-committee. Ben DiNallo volunteered to replace Ivan on the committee.

16)Dan Mara and Sandy Michael will speak on behalf of the CACC at the Convention. Dan will touch base with Pat Britz about speaking on the convention floor. Dr. Scales (Nyack) is another candidate for speaking on the floor. Scripts will be provided for the specified individuals to present at the convention.

17)Alex, the CACC soccer assignor is an advocate of the ref talk system. Sandy Michael suggested this be put on Alex’s radar so he can distribute more information regarding costs, etc.

18)Tom Shirley motioned that Jonathan Harper poll the coaches on the post season soccer call and a recommendation be brought to the January DC meeting, in time to potentially sign the contract with Select. Sandy Michael seconded. Approved 14-0.

  1. Jonathan will send out information about Select to the soccer coaches prior to the post season conference call.

19)The CACC financial investment has increased to $38,000 in the past year. Tom Shirley asked what the PC feels is “adequate reserve.” Laura Liesman will bring this up at the November PC meeting.

20)The DC meeting on January 6th and the SID/AT meetings on January 7th will be held at Georgian Court.


Summary of Actions

October 21, 2013 9:00

Chestnut Hill College – SugarLoaf Campus- Commonwealth Chateau


Bloomfield: Sheila Wooten

Caldwell: Mark Corino

Chestnut Hill: Lynn Tubman and Denise Wisniewski

Concordia: Ivan Marquez and Kathy Laoutaris

Dominican: Kelly-Ann DiGiulio Light

Felician: Ben DiNallo

Georgian Court: Laura Liesman

Goldey-Beacom: Chuck Hammond

Holy Family: Sandy Michael

Nyack: Mandy Aikens

Philadelphia: Tom Shirley and Rose Schmitt

Post: Karin Mann

Sciences: Paul Klimitas

Wilmington: Linda Van Drie-Andrzjewski

CACC Office: Dan Mara, Jonathan Harper, and Ellen O’Brien

Meeting commenced at 9:11AM.

  1. Minutes of September 9, 2013 Directors Council Meeting -(Attachment #1)
  2. Ivan Marquez motioned to approve the September 9thDC minutes. Linda Andrzjewski seconded. Approved 12-0.
  1. Minutes of October 11, 2013CACC FAR Meeting - (Attachment #2)
  2. Commissioner Mara gave a brief recount of the October 11th FAR meeting.
  3. Tom Shirley asked if there was an update on the East Region Compliance Workshop. Commissioner Mara explained that the NCAA staff was stretched thin in the Fall and the proposed dates in the spring conflicted with Easter. Dan will be in Indy next week to discuss the workshop further, but it may not take place until Fall of 2014. The good news is that the pilot has been approved by NCAA and therefore will take place at some point.
  4. Mark Corino asked where the NCAA Regional Rules Seminars will be held in 2014. The regional rules seminars are scheduled to be held in Atlanta, GA from May 20-23 and in San Diego, CA from June 3-6.
  1. Concordia-Nyack Scheduling Conflict
  2. Commissioner Mara explained to the group that there was a basketball scheduling issue between Concordia and Nyack. Concordia has filed a formal complaint to the Executive Committee regarding the decision to keep the basketball game on the originally scheduled day. The Executive Committee asked Concordia present their concern to the entire Directors Council.
  3. Ivan Marquez explained that he reached out to Keith Davie last winter (2012-13) telling him that Concordia would be unable to host on January 8th because the College is closed. Communication was not consistent between the two institutions, therefore, Ivan reached out to the conference office for assistance in the matter. Kathy Laoutaris added that she sent the original email to Keith in December of 2012 when the Concordia academic calendar came out. Mark Corino asked what the black-out time frame for Concordia was during those winter weeks. They are closed from December 20th until January 10th. Concordia re-opens on January 12th and students are allowed to come back on the 11th. Basketball student-athletes are not allowed to be back on campus until January 3rd. Mandy Aikens explained that she, along with other administrators, and even women’s basketball student-athletes assist with the game management during these inconvenient game days. The alternative dates which Ivan proposed did not work for Nyack. Ivan asked for additional date requests from Keith Davie, but Keith did not respond with other options.

Commissioner Mara asked Ivan and Mandy to leave the room while the DC discussed the matter.

  1. Commissioner Mara reviewed the facts he had compiled based on the email correspondence between the two institutions. He confirmed that Kathy originally requested a date change in December of 2012 and Keith said he would look into other options. Then in September of 2013, another email was sent to Keith, but he did not respond. The conference office was then forwarded the correspondence and asked to intervene. Commissioner Mara sent an email to Concordia and Nyack proposing alternative dates and requesting a conference call to work through the problem. Neither school wanted to have a conference call, therefore, Commissioner Mara felt it was appropriate to enforce the original date. He also reached out to the Executive Committee, and members also agreed to choose the original date.
  2. Sandy Michael does not feel that this issue needs to be discussed at this meeting. Mark Corino added in that changes to approved conference schedules occurs too often without going through the appropriate processes. He feels that when these changes occur, it often leads to an advantage-disadvantage situation. This issue needs to be reviewed as a whole, because all institutions are impacted.
  3. The CACC policy requires two respective ADs to agree in order to change a game. Since the two ADs don’t agree, the original schedule stands. Tom Shirley suggested the game be played on January 20th, which is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. January 20th was a date proposed by Concordia, but the date did not work for Nyack.
  4. Tom Shirley motioned to uphold the CACC policy, which requires two ADs to agree in order for a schedule change to be made. In accordance with that policy, the appeal shall be denied. Laura Liesman seconded. Approved 10-1-1.
  5. Mark Corino requested that we review our policies in regards to schedule changes. Laura Liesman asked if we shall make these schedules hard and fast, except for extenuating circumstances Tom Shirley requested that Jonathan ask for institutions for dates where they are unable to travel to or host games (ie. Homecoming). Baseball poses another issue because double headers are allowed to be split, which creates yet another advantage-disadvantage situation.

Commissioner Mara left the room to inform Concordia and Nyack on the decision made by the Directors Council and to ask them to rejoin the group.

  1. Minutes of September 20, 2013 CACC SWA and SAAC (Attachment #3A-B)
  2. SWA meeting
  3. Linda Andrzjewski shared with the group that the SWA meeting was largely informational. Some topics covered included: updates on legislation, review of PC minutes; and review of the SWA position description. The SWAs made some minor changes to the description, attempting to make it less prescriptive, since each SWA has a different role on her campus. There was also a discussion regarding the selection criteria for the Woman of the Year award. The CACC chooses a Woman of the Year based on the NCAA criteria. The SWAs also requested the SWA and SAAC meetings be split. Mark Corino suggested the SWAs meet in conjunction with the Directors Council.
  4. Sandy Michael asked Jonathan Harper to explain the process for Sportsmanship Award voting. Jonathan explained that the coaches have been asked to poll their student-athletes to determine who to nominate for the sportsmanship award. The SIDs vote on Coach of the Year. The DC discussed having an All-Sportsmanship team, where each school would nominate one of their own student-athletes. The student-athletes at the Spring SAAC meeting requested that they have a larger voice in the selection. This will be an agenda item at a Spring DC meeting.
  5. SAAC Meeting
  6. Ellen O’Brien summarized the September SAAC meeting. She shared that there was excellent attendance at the meeting held at Felician. Some items discussed included: Campus updates; implementation of an online forum (Google Drive); National SAAC update; Path to Graduation initiatives; legislative grid process; and a potential conference project. The SAAC representatives are interested in attending an overnight retreat, mimicking the ECC retreat. The ECC requests grant funding to offset costs for the overnight SAAC event. Ellen is working with Leslie (ECC) to plan a joint retreat for the 2014-15 academic year, and will be attending the ECC retreat this February to gain further insight.
  7. The DCis in supportof planning afuture joint retreat with the ECC. Laura Liesman requested that Ellen O’Brien develop a proposal with more specifics (costs, timing, programming, etc).
  1. Membership Committee – Tom Shirley
  2. Tom Shirley has not heard anything further from Daemon College. Commissioner Mara contacted Daemon asking if they were interested in an associate membership in golf for 2014-15 or for 2015-16. Tom asked if this will be run by the Presidents at the November PC meeting. He suggested this be presented to the Presidents before we pursue this further.
  3. Tom Shirley motioned to accept Daemon for a two year associate membership should they apply. Ben DiNallo seconded. Approved 10-0-4.
  4. Mark Corino has been contacted by the Northeast Conference to join as an associate member in women’s bowling. The dues fees would be $3,500 and a multi-divisional championship is guaranteed.
  1. Affordable Care Act - Ramifications on Campus
  2. Commissioner Mara contacted Janet Judge, inquiring about potential contacts who were speaking about Affordable Care Act ramifications. She will reach out to Dan if she comes up with any names.Tom Shirley was approached by his is CFO who is concerned about the January 1 compliance deadlinet. In accordance with the ACA, any employee who is working at least 30 hours a week must be given benefits, retirement, and must be given a wage that would allow him/her to qualify for inclusion in the retirement plan.

Laura Liesman explained that part-time head coaches can be paid a minimum wage (exempt), because of their supervisory role. Part-time assistant coaches need to be paid on an hourly basis. The hours can be spread out over the course of the contract, but must average out at the end of the term.

  1. Perhaps the Human Resources and CFOs should meet and participate in a symposium regarding the Affordable Care Act. This could be in conjunction with a DC meeting.
  1. Intra-Conference Transfer Policy (Attachment #4)
  2. Ellen O’Brien reviewed the outcome of the Intra-conference Transfer Appeals Committee conference call which was held on September 26th. The group agreed that perhaps the concern over the policy stemmed from the fact that three appeals had been submitted and granted in a three month span. All policies are naturally going to have appeals and waiver requests, but this does not mean the validity or effectiveness of the policy has been compromised. The committee voted in favor of maintaining the Intra-conference Transfer Policy and mandated that a summary of facts be presented to the Directors Council following any future appeal decisions.
  1. All-Conference Committee – Jonathan Harper
  2. Assistant Commissioner Jonathan Harper reviewed the minutes from the conference call he had with Ben DiNallo, Tom Shirley, Greg Gornick, Greg Pellegrino, Matt McLagan, and Eric Rhew. The group discussed the criteria for the Top XIV award—It is awarded to the student-athlete who has the highest GPA and is participating at the championship site. Credit hours are used in tie-breaker situations. Student-athletes must have participated at least one year at the institution before being considered a qualified candidate.
  3. The group discussed the potential issue that two SIDs are also cross-country coaches. This year SIDs are voting for Coach of the Year, but since they cannot vote for themselves, this does not appear to pose a problem.
  4. Jonathan suggested that a formula be used to determine all-conference awards in tennis. By using a formula, the best tennis players are sure to be recognized as all-conferences players. This would prevent problems from occurring, such as a coach ranking our 2013 women’s tennis player and rookie of the year as number 13.
  5. Another item that was discussed was in regards to the awards for cross-country. Should the top five finishers be named to the first team, second five to the second team, and third five either to a third team or honorable mention? Perhaps we could designate a medalist at the championship meet and then have coaches vote on runner of the year and rookie of the year, which would be based off of an entire season, rather than one meet.