(From the meeting held on
Tuesday, March 16, 1993)
Alderman T. Cavanagh, ChairAlderman T. Cavanagh
Alderman A. Bolstad, Vice-ChairAlderman A. Bolstad
Alderman M. PhairAlderman M. Phair
Alderman L. Staroszik
P. Beelby/D. Edey, Office of the City Clerk
E. Britton, Office of the City Manager
C. Zazulak, Recording Secretary
Alderman Cavanagh called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.
Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh and Phair were in attendance.
MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
That the Community Services Committee Agenda (No. 10) for the March 16, 1993 meeting be adopted with the addition of the following report:
G.1.(b)Response to Citizens Arena Advisory Committee - 1992-2002 Arena Strategy
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
That the Community Services Committee meet on Thursdays of committee weeks to deal with Program Evaluations, beginning with continuation of the Parks and Recreation Department, Development Branch on April 8, 1993 at 1:30 p.m. in the River Valley Room. / City ManagerCity Clerk's
Parks & Recreation
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
MOVED Alderman Phair:
That Item G.1.(b) - Response to Citizens Arena Advisory Committee - 1992-2002 Arena Strategy be made a time specific of 1:30 p.m.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
MOVED Alderman Phair:
That the Committee hear from the following persons:
G.1.(b) CResponse to Citizens Arena Advisory Committee - 1992-2002 Arena Strategy
Ron Sollanych
Edmonton Minor Hockey Association
Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues
Bernie Coderre
South Side Athletic Club
Bill Renshaw
Knights of Columbus Minor Hockey
Bert Sayers
SOuth east Edmonton Recreation Association
G.1.(b) CResponse to Citizens Arena Advisory Committee - 1992-2002 Arena Strategy (Continued)
Linda Hamilton
South East Edmonton Recreation Association
Bob Strynadka
Linda Girard
Mill Woods Recreation Centre Advisory Committee
John Bracegirdle
Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues
Val Pohl
Dan McCosh
Citizen at Large
Sue Trigg
Mill Woods Power Skating
Jim Shirlen
Development on Ice
Shannon Armitage
Mill Woods President's Council
Burnewood Community League
Fountain Lake Community League
Leefield Community League
Milhurst Community League
North Milbourne Community League
G.1.(b) CResponse to Citizens Arena Advisory Committee - 1992-2002 Arena Strategy (Continued)
Ridgewood Community League
Southwood Community League
Woodvale Community League
Howard Worrell
Mill Woods President Council
George Bawden
Joan Kirillo
Terry Owen
Mill Woods Recreation Centre Advisory Committee
Art Wilderman
Mill Woods Hockey Committee
H.05 CInterim Report from the Action Group on Prostitution - Bylaws
Joan Forder
Massage Practitioners Action Group
Diane Koyich
Life Rhythms
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
That the following items be exempted for debate:
F.2.(a), G.1.(a), G.1.(b), G.3.(a), H.01, H.02, H.05
G.4.(a)Community & Family Services Out-of-School Care Program - Recovery Alternatives
That the March 3, 1993 Community and Family Services Department report be received as information. / City ManagerCommunity & Family
G.4.(b) CSafer Cities Initiatives - Edmonton Police Service and Community and Family Services Department Family Violence Follow-Up Response Team - Applying for a Restraining Order
That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:
That the February 18, 1993 Community and Family Services Department report be received as information.
H.02 CAction Group on Prostitution: Interim Report - Cost Recovery
That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:
That the March 5, 1993 Finance Department and Police SErvice report be received as information.
H.03 C1993 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board: 1993 City of Edmonton Travel Grants-In-Aid
That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:
That the 1993 City of Edmonton Travel Grants-In-Aid be awarded to the following organizations in the amounts indicated:
Polonez Polish Folk Arts Ensemble $2,500
Formolo Dance Association $ 300
H.04 C1993 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board: 1993 City of Edmonton Hosting Grants
That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:
That the 1993 City of Edmonton Hosting Grants-In-Aid be awarded to the following organizations in the amounts indicated:
Alberta Chess Association700
Alberta Field Hockey Association1,000
Alberta Section - Canadian Wheelchair
Sports Association1,000
Alberta Sports and Recreation Association
for the Blind 500
Athletics Alberta 1,500
Canadian Ladies' Golf Association,
Alberta Branch 1,500
Edmonton & District Soccer Association400
Edmonton Masters Athletics2,000
Edmonton Minor Soccer Association700
Edmonton Rugby Union 400
Edmonton Springboard and Platform
Diving Club2,000
Edmonton Tiger Taekwondo Club 700
EFCL Ringette700
Ottewell Curling Association 1,200
Swim Alberta2,000
H.06 CAmbulance - Operating and Capital Budget - Supervisor's Vehicle
That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:
1.That the supervisor's vehicle of Emergency Medical Services be retained in 1993.
2.That a needs assessment be carried out to determine what type of vehicle is appropriate for this application.
3.That a review be carried out and a recommendation developed with respect to life cycle of the Emergency Medical Services supervisor vehicles that balances the operational requirements with economic life.
I.01.Status of Late Reports
That the April 6, 1993 date be approved as the revised date for the Parks and Recreation Department's reports on Cost Recovery for Festivals and Community Groups (Council Policy) and the Award Recognizing an Edmonton Author and Book. / City ManagerParks & Recreation
April 6, 1993
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
F.2.(a)Alderman Phair on Fire Department Directions and Goals
The Committee considered the March 1, 1993 Fire Department report and heard from Chief Sherburne and G. Witt.
MOVED Alderman Phair:
That the March 1, 1993 Fire Department report be received as information. / City ManagerFire Department
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
G.1.(a)Notification for Pesticide Application Programs
The Committee considered the February 9, 1993 Parks and Recreation Department and heard from B. Anderson and I. Birse.
MOVED Alderman Phair:
That the February 9, 1993 Parks and Recreation Department report be received as information. / City ManagerParks & Recreation
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
G.3.(a) CCommunity Use of Fire Station Racquetball and Tennis Courts
The Committee considered the February 17, 1993 Fire Department report and heard from Chief Sherburne.
MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:
1.That fire stations not be modified to allow community use of racquetball and tennis courts.
2.That repairs to fire station tennis courts be dealt with during the 1994 Capital Budget review.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Starozik
H.01.Ambulance Response Time Strategies: Review of Long Term Strategies
The Committee considered the March 5, 1993 Emergency Medical Services Department report and heard from G. Witt, W. Meyer and J. Bachinsky.
MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
That the March 5, 1993 Emergency Medical Services report be received as information. / City ManagerEmergency Medical
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
That the Committee meet in private.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
The Committee reconvened at 11:00 a.m.
Mayor Reimer and Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh and Phair were in attendance.
H.05.CInterim Report from the Action Group on Prostitution - Bylaws
The Committee heard from Dr. Barbara Romanowski, Chief McNally, T. Grue, H. Sapers, Dr. Howell.
The Committee also heard from J. Forder, Massage Practitioners Action Group and D. Koyich, Life Rhythms.
MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
That Item H.05 - Interim Report from the Action Group on Prostitution - Bylaws be postponed to be dealt with at the next meeting of the Community Services Committee scheduled for April 6, 1993. / City ManagerCity Clerk's
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
OPPOSED:Mayor Reimer
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
The Committee recessed at 1:00 p.m.
The Committee reconvened at 1:30 p.m.
G.1.(b) CResponse to Citizens Arena Advisory Committee - 1992-2002 Arena Strategy
The Committee considered the March 15, 1993 Parks and Recreation Department reports and heard from D. Ausman, B. Burn and E. Gibbons.
The Committee also heard from the following persons:
R. Sollanych
Edmonton Minor Hockey Association
G. Harris, J. Acton, B. Maxim
Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues
B. Coderre
South Side Athletic Club
B. Renshaw
Knights of Columbus Minor Hockey
B. Strynadka
L. Hamilton
South East Edmonton Recreation Association
L. Girard
Mill Woods Recreation Centre Advisory Committee
D. McCosh
Citizen at Large
MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
That the Committee take a fifteen minute recess.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
The Committee recessed at 3:15 p.m.
The Committee reconvened at 3:30 p.m.
The Committee continued hearing from the following persons:
J. Shirlen
Development on Ice
A. Wilderman
Mill Woods Hockey Committee
J. Kirillo
The Committee heard from D. Ausman, B. Burn, L. Brenneis, D. Linman.
MOVED Alderman Phair:
That City Council approve the report "Revised Response to Citizens Arena Advisory Committee - 1992-2002 Arena Strategy" (Enclosure I of the February 18, 1993 Parks and Recreation Department report).
AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
The Administration reduce the overall Community League allocation by 25 hours/week and that these hours be offered to M.C.A.R.F.A.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, CavanaghCARRIED
OPPOSED:Alderman Phair
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
That City Council approve the report "Revised Response to Citizens Arena Advisory Committee - 1992-2002 Arena Strategy" (Enclosure I of the February 18, 1993 Parks and Recreation Department report) subject to:
The Administration reduce the overall Community League allocation by 25 hours/week and that these hours be offered to M.C.A.R.F.A.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh CARRIED
OPPOSED:Alderman Phair
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
MOVED Alderman Phair:
That the March 15, 1993 Parks and Recreation Department report entitled Interim Report: Response to Citizens Advisory Committee 1992-2002 Arena Strategy - Minor Sports Groups be received as information.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
MOVED Alderman Phair:
That the March 15, 1993 Parks and Recreation Department report entitled Interim Report: Response to Citizens Advisory Committee 1992-2002 Arena Strategy - Ice Time be received as information.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
MOVED Alderman Phair:
That the March 15, 1993 Parks and Recreation Department report entitled Interim Report: Response to Citizens Advisory Committee 1992-2002 Arena Strategy - Arena Ice - Group User Meetings be received as information.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
MOVED Alderman Bolstad:
That the Administration be instructed to bring the following information for the Council meeting:
a)a copy of the overhead presentation made at the Community Services Committee on March 16, 1993; and
b)a breakdown of the benefits that have been provided to M.C.A.R.F.A. in the past, a breakdown of the hours that M.C.A.R.F.A. received last year, an estimate of the hours they would receive under the proposed arrangement, and the opportunity for a further fifteen hours of community ice in the area.
FOR THE MOTION:Aldermen Bolstad, Cavanagh, PhairCARRIED
ABSENT:Alderman Staroszik
The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Community Services Committee Minutes
March 16, 1993Page 1