


City, State, Zip

Telephone: Home Work

Cell phone


1. Do you live in: house__, apartment__, trailer__, other__

: own__, rent__

1a. If you rent, are pets allowed:____

: # of pets allowed_____

:weight limit on pets____ if yes what is the limit____

:Landlords name



2. List all human members in the household including ages:

3. Does anyone in the household have allergies, if yes please list:

4. Who will be the primary caregivers for the pet:

5. How do other family members feel about fostering:

5a. Have you prepared your children that fosters will not be staying forever:

6. Where will the pet be kept (day and night) if it is alone:

7. Have you ever crate trained before:

7a. Do you have an available crate for your foster:

7b. What size is your crate:

8. Are you willing to housetrain the dog if necessary:

9. Is your yard fenced, describe:

9a. If no, do you agree to keep the dog on a leash when outdoors:

10. Have you ever owned a dog before:

10a. If yes, what Breeds:

11. Please list current pets: Breeds, names and ages:

12. Please list former pets names and reason you no longer have:

12a. Have you ever surrendered a pet to a shelter/rescue, or lost a pet due to straying, or death due to other than natural causes. Explain:

13. Do we have permission to visit your home:

14. List your veterinarian's name:



15. Are you willing to take your foster to a veterinarian on GAR’s approved list:

16. Are you willing to take your foster to a trainer/behaviorist on GAR’s approved list:

17. Are you willing to foster a special needs or senior dog:

18. Are you willing to foster a dog recovering from surgery and/or on medication:

19. Are you willing to foster more than 1 dog at a time:

20. Will you be able to provide quality brand dog food(at your expense):

21. Have you ever owned or fostered a dog before:

All of the information I have provided on this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. I have read the Foster Family Handbook prior to submitting this application and agree to its terms. I understand falsifying answers on this application, or at any other time during the fostering process, disqualify me from fostering.