Worthington Fire Protection District
Trustee Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2007
Attendees: Melissa Ames,Dan Clark, John McGlynn, Shannon Davis, Chief Gary Yurt, Bill Rembold, Kevin Tyler, Kevin Groody, Greg Davis
Visitors:Matt Wood, Jon Cooke, Tony Haden, Nolan Caudill, Tim Rice, Josh Lile, Mike Wallingford, Rick Williams, Bobby Clark, Chris Bauscher, Brennen Lawrence
The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours by Dan Clark.
Secretary's Report
A motion was made by Dan Clarkand seconded by Shannon Davis to approve the Secretary’s Report, with changes - HenryCounty should be replaced with LakeJericho. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
A motion to approve the February Treasurer’s Report was made by Bill Rembold and seconded by Kevin Tyler, subject to audit.
Treasurer Clark advised that he will be contacting CPAs within the district to take over our bookkeeping this fiscal year. He discussed with Medina the GL numbers and they are now under control.
Standing Committees
Audit- John McGlynn had noting to report at this time.
Budget and Finance–John McGlynn had nothing to report at this time.
Human Resources –Shannon Davis had nothing to report at this time.
Long-term Planning – Bill Rembold advised that he completed the 10-year Plan and will distribute copies to everyone. Additionally, he has budgeted for three (3) new apparatus within this timeframe.
Political Action –There was nothing to report at this time.
Chief’s Report
Chief Yurt advised that this was a very active month with 172 runs.
The Community Risk Department is overwhelmed now with Code Enforcement.
We have several PR Events coming up.
We received two grants – one piece of fitness equipment and an on-line training program.
Chief Yurt advised that the department has several pieces of equipment for sale. A motion was made by Kevin Tyler to declare the items as surplus and proceed with the sale. The motion was seconded by Dan Clark. Motion carried.
Station One Headquarters
Nothing to report at this time.
Old Business
Nothing to discuss at this time.
New Business
Members of the CON Task Force (Sergeants Tony Haden and Matt Wood and Firefighter Jon Cooke) gave an overview of the Certificate of Need for implementing our own Emergency Medical Service program, to include ambulances. Chief Yurt advised that, per legal council, an outside Public Relations firm be hired, so as to not be biased with the media.
A motion by Kevin Tyler was made to move forward to apply for a CON ambulance to be provided by the Worthington Fire Department and proceed with hiring a PR organization, not to exceed $15,000.00. The motion was seconded by Bill Rembold. Motion carried.
Dan Clark discussed the financing issues of the new apparatus, which comes due 30 days after delivery. Several options were discussed which include a variable term rate loan for five (5) years, fixed rate of 4.5% for five (5) years which includes a pre-payment penalty, and an annual appropriation. If the financing is not rolled into the Bond Issue, we will incur interest.
Treasurer Clark further advised that additional lending institutions would be contacted for their rate information.
A motion was made by Bill Rembold and seconded by Shannon Davisto adjourn the meeting at 2047hours.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Madison D. Steele, AA
Worthington Fire Protection District Page 1 of 2 Minutes –April 18, 2007 Meeting