The Green President
In the election of 2042, Mrs. Adams-Smith ran against George Bush VII. Mrs. Adams-Smith's strong support of education and environment helped her win by a landslide. As part of her campaign Mrs. Adams-Smith promised to help reduce the foreign trade deficit, reduce the impact of global warming and improve the environment. She also promised to improve public education and quality of life in America.
Your job is to serve on a senate committee to review and make recommendations regarding the legislation she will be introducing. You are a senator and as such you must look at the needs of your constituents and see if you are representing them properly. If your constituents are unhappy, you may end up jobless, (so you better do your research).
The Green Legislation:
Bill 700: Bye-Bye Beef
Cattle, sheep and other domestic herds will no longer be allowed to graze on federal lands. Farmers leasing federal lands will be required to cull their herds and raise bison, elk, or other indigenous animals to improve the balance of the previous existing ecosystems. Beef still available on the market will be taxed 300%. This tax will be increased to 600% for beef imported from Africa or South America to prevent the land degradation in those countries. The funds raised from this tax will be used to subsidize the education, new techniques and equipment the ranchers will need.
Bill 711: Cooling off the Greenhouse
A gas tax of $2.00 per gallon for domestic gasoline will be implementers in $.20 increments semiannually, over the next five years. Revenue from this tax will be used to build an efficient high-speed train system, which link states and cities across the country. In addition 25% of the revenue will be used to facilitate research in renewable, nongreenhouse causing forms of energy and provide a public education program on energy conservation.
Bill 747: Zero Population Growth (Stop Soilent Green!)
A population policy will be implemented which will encourage small families and provide fee birth control and sterilization for those who seek it. Men and women with two or fewer children will receive a 5% tax reduction on their tax bill. Families with more then 2 children will be taxed an additional 2.5% for each child over two. Family planning education and free birth control or sterilization will be available at all public schools (with parent consent for minors) and both juveniles and adults will be encouraged to enroll.
Bill 777: A Place to Put Your Stuff.
Landfills will now charge for dumping at a rate of $.20 per pound. This cost will be passed on the garbage makers (that mean all the trash producing Americans out there). Revenue collected from this rate will be used to fund research and development for reusable materials, decomposable materials, and garbage law enforcement. No charge will be posted for proper disposal of recyclable materials. Illegal dumping will be changed to a felony punishable by hefty fines and social service cleaning-up roadside litter.
Bill 799: Do We Really Need this Stuff Anyway? Funding for the Environmental Protection Agency will be increased to provide labs for the independent testing of synthetic and industrial compounds. Once a chemical has been labeled hazardous it will be taxed at a rate which allows for research and development for alternatives and for consumer education programs. All products will be labeled with specific information regarding any potentially dangerous chemicals.
Bill 800: In the Wake of Exxon Valdez.
A hearing will be held after every accidental chemical spill to determine if the perpetrator has failed to comply with OSHA or EPA standards regarding the safe handling or transport of the materials. If failure to comply can be demonstrated, the perpetrator will be fined for the total cost of clean up and felony charges will be filled against all administrators involved, punishable by up to 5 years in state prison.
Bill 888: Let there be TREES!
Communities who encourage the retention or creation of wildlife areas will be give opportunities to apply for grants which will allow them to continue the process. These grants will be funded by the taxation of wood being exported from this country or imported to this country.
Bill 1000: For the Preservation of Wildlife and the enjoyment of ALL AMERICANS.
The size of the existing national parks will be doubled and 70 more parks will be added. I will cut from the defense budget for this. One B-2 bomber and one Stealth Bomber should cover it! Taxes, Taxes, Taxes! But in a free market capitalistic economy, what better way to provide funding and incentives.
Evaluation of Green "President" Activity
If this country really wanted to tackle environmental problems would the bills you negotiated be realistic? For each bill listed below, state your opinion as to whether or not these new regulations are acceptable. Include a description of the benefits and the drawbacks of each bill, as well as a summary risk involved if nothing is done to resolve each environmental issue.
Research form for Senator of the state ofPopulation:
Total Density
Most Practiced Religion and its major ideologies:
GDP Income per Capita
Top 4 sources of revenue
Biggest Employers
Nonrenewable Natural Resources
Significant Wildlife and Wilderness
Other Information
Your State's View on...
Explain your state's view and logical rational for that view for each bill in the space provided.
SB 700SB 711
SB 747
SB 777
SB 799
SB 800
SB 888
SB 1000
Include any change in language or amendments added.
SB 747
SB 777
SB 799
SB 800
SB 888
SB 1000
Write Three bills of your own that you feel will improve our environment.
Evaluate your negotiating skills by answering the following questions.
1. I could have gotten more of what my state wanted if I ...
2. Did you always agree with the viewpoints of your constituency? How did you decide whether to follow your feelings or the needs of your state?
3. Describe how negotiations went between group members. Did any single group member dominate the discussion? How did you settle issues in which everyone disagreed?
Fore each bill, record the following information. Place a "0" for the way your state wanted to vote and an "X" for the actual outcome.
700 Bye Beef
711 Greenhouse
747 ZPG
777 Landfills
799 Toxic Chemicals
800 Toxic Materials
888 Trees
1000 National Parks
Did you enjoy this activity? Explain your answer.