California State University of Monterey Bay
Custodial Services Scope of Work (SOW) 2/19/14, Revised 5/12/14
I. Introduction 3
A. CSUMB Description and Strategic Plan 3
B. General Campus Description 3
C. Scope of Work Description 3
II. Management and Oversight 5
A. Contractor Corporate Manager Involvement 5
B. Onsite Supervision and Oversight 6
C. Flexibility 6
D. Best Practices and Required and Preferred Third Party Certifications 6
E. Use of Technology 7
F. Cost Tracking and Invoicing 7
G. Quality Control and Assurance 8
H. Communication and Reporting 8
I. Equitable Pay Definition 9
J. Environmentally Preferred Purchasing (EPP); Materials and Products 9
K. Supply Storage, Office Space, and Utilities 12
L. Recycling/Trash 14
M. Access/Key Control 16
III. Staffing 17
A. Employee Training 17
B. Shift Hours 18
C. Staffing levels 19
D. Drug Free Work Place Certification 20
E. Employee Background Certification 20
F. Authorized Drivers 21
G. Personnel Experience 21
H. Personnel Listing and Records 21
J. Transfer or Replacement of Personnel 21
K. Relief for Absenteeism and Vacation 21
L. Emergency Requests 21
M. Work Stoppage 22
N. Identification of Personnel 22
IV. Basic Custodial Requirements 23
A. Routine Cleaning Definitions 23
B. Conferences/Events & Special Cleaning Requests 28
C. Schedule of Office Service by Building 30
V. Space Definition 31
A. Campus Departments
B. Rate sheet 32
VI. Terminology and Definitions 32
VII. Bidding Process and Selection Criteria 36
Map #1 University Department Function Color Coded
Map #2 Location of Exterior Waste, Recycling, and Composting storage bins.
Attachment A: ISSA-CIMS GB Certification Standards
Attachment B: Task Cost Estimate Sheet (by invitation only)
Attachment C: Approximate Square Footage by Space Type and Estimate by Building Sheet (by invitation only)
I. Introduction
A. CSUMB Description and Strategic Plan
California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB and the University Corporation) provides more than 5,600 students an extraordinary opportunity to learn on a residential campus just one mile from the shores of the beautiful Monterey Bay. Our diverse student body receives personal attention in small classes while pursuing degrees in 23 undergraduate and eight graduate majors.
Founded in 1994 on the former site of Fort Ord by educators and community leaders, CSUMB faculty and staff build on that legacy as we explore innovative ways to meet the needs of a new generation of students while simultaneously powering the Monterey County economy.
The 2013 Strategic Plan for CSUMB includes increasing institutional capacity, while also ensuring alignment of public and private resources with institutional priorities, incorporating planning principles of sustainable design and operations, a strong campus core, valuing natural resources, efficient transportation and social interaction between the university and its environs, among other key planning goals. This SOW (Scope of Work) strives to align the University’s custodial services with those key provisions of the strategic plan. Custodial services for the University needs to be strongly managed by a Contractor, environmentally preferable, sustainable, flexible, and able to grow with the University. They must also be in line with the CSUMB Climate Action Plan ( Throughout this Scope of Work, there will be references to where a Custodial Services Contractor will assist the University to meet the goals dictated in the Climate Action Plan.
B. General Campus Description
The CSUMB campus grew out of the old Fort Ord army base. The main campus address is 100 Campus Center in Seaside, California 93955. There are currently approximately 43 administrative buildings and classroom facilities, a library, a gymnasium, an aquatic center and 3 other athletic facilities, 3 dining facilities, 11 residence halls, a childcare facility, and a theatre. There is a total assignable square footage of approximately 1,026,000. Many of the old army buildings still exist on campus and are slated for demolition.
C. Scope of Work Description
This Scope of Work (SOW) describes the required and desired custodial services for the CSUMB campus. Language from this SOW may be used in future RFPs and/or contracts. A Contractor that has been sent an RFP may use this document to understand the custodial requirements and needs of the University. This SOW was assembled with input from stakeholder groups from almost every University function and Department and with knowledge of previous successes and deficiencies. It does not capture every special need or request that may arise at any given time. However, it does attempt to define all routine cleaning needs and known special needs from various Departments. CSUMB staff expects flexibility and understanding in any Contractor selected to perform these services. The routine cleaning needs that are defined in this document (See Section IV) meet stakeholders’ surveyed needs. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to 1) make sure that routine cleaning procedures are followed, and 2) that additional special needs are adequately responded to, and 3) that annual and monthly campus-wide cleaning are completed as well as the routine spaces.
Specific buildings and facilities listed on this SOW may be deleted prior to the award of this contract, at the discretion of the University and/or the Corporation. Likewise, other buildings and facilities may be added or deleted during the life of the contract, through a change order to the contract, or at the time of renewal for optional periods, at the discretion of the University and/or the Corporation. The price for the additional buildings shall be computed by the cost by cleanable square feet according to the type of room or area as initially proposed by the Contractor. If the Contractor feels it is necessary, a request will be made in writing to the Contractor, and a price shall be negotiated between the University and/or the Corporation and the Contractor, which will be mutually agreed upon. A change order will then be made to the contract. If an agreement has not been reached, the University and/or the Corporation reserve the right to handle services internally or contract out with an alternate provider.
In the event that space is to remain unoccupied and will not require cleaning, the University and/or the Corporation will provide written notice no less than (5) working days in advance stating when the areas are to be dropped from or returned to the normal cleaning schedule. The period for deducting for unoccupied space will start on the effective date of the notice and will continue through the day prior to assumption of custodial services.
II. Management and Oversight
A. Contractor Corporate Manager Involvement
Superior Management of custodial staff is necessary to accomplish the current and future custodial needs of the University. Consistent quality control/assurance, collaboration, and communication of custodial services at CSUMB are extremely important to all of the stakeholders surveyed. Therefore it is key that there be an appropriate level of chain of command to ensure consistent and quality services. Equally important is longevity in the Manager and Supervisor to prevent loss of service. A contractor providing custodial services to CSUMB will have a Manager at their corporate office that designs the services to meet this SOW, and oversees a full-time onsite Supervisor who ensures that the work is executed. The Manager is responsible for ensuring accountability of the Supervisor and that the Supervisor is meeting all the aspects of this SOW. Where the Supervisor is not available or deficient, the Manager will fill in.
The Manager will consider and propose procedures that reduce costs to the University while maintaining quality services when designing the custodial practices. A CSUMB Committee has been formed to determine this SOW. The committee is comprised of staff from the Facilities Services and Operations (FSO) department, the University Corporation, and the Campus Planning & Development Department. This group has sought feedback from campus stakeholders. The proposed design of the services will be conducted in collaboration with this Committee and will meet or exceed the needs of this Scope of Work. An FSO Manager from CSUMB will oversee a contract with a custodial services company; herein after referred to as the CSUMB Manager.
The Contractor shall designate a Contract Manager who shall have the overall responsibility for the performance of the work. In addition, the Contract Manager shall have the authority to provide additional staffing when requested by the University and/or the Corporation and the authority to represent the Contractor on issues of quality of work performed.
The Contract Manager will be responsible for the total supervision and oversight of Contractor’s employees. The Contract Manager, in connection with the Contractor, has the exclusive authority to hire, transfer, promote, discipline or discharges any employee of Contractor. The Contract Manager and On-Site Supervisor have the exclusive authority to establish the work schedules and assignments of Contractor’s employees.
The Contractor shall provide the name, telephone number (day and night) and address of the Contract Manager, in writing to the CSUMB FSO Manager at least five (5) workdays prior to the contract starting date.
B. Onsite Supervision and Oversight
Supervision and Oversight of custodial services at CSUMB is required and an extremely important piece of the scope of work. There must be a Manager/Supervisor onsite during all shifts to oversee the work, perform quality checks, fill in for absences or special circumstances, and communicate with CSUMB staff. The individual responsible for onsite supervision will be responsible for all aspects of the scope of work.
C. Flexibility
CSUMB has routine cleaning needs, and they also have special, by request cleaning needs. A Custodial services Contractor needs to be nimble enough to meet the demands of both without sacrificing one or the other. The Contractor’s Manager and On-Site Supervisor will allow for special cleaning needs and have the ability in their staff to ramp up quickly to meet any quick turn-around, and special cleaning needs. They will be flexible with their clients’ needs to be able to shift resources where needed. Wherever possible, the Supervisor will allocate additional resources to meet these needs so as not to fall deficient on routine cleaning needs as defined in this SOW. If this flexibility results in deficiencies, those deficiencies will be discussed and reported to CSUMB staff.
An On-Site Supervisor must be present during the performance of the specified work. The term “On-Site Supervisor” means a person designated in writing by the Contractor. The On-Site Supervisor will be required to interface with the University, Corporation and Facilities staff daily, at the beginning and ending of the cleaning shifts, but he/she will not be managed by the University, Corporation or Facilities staff, but rather by the Contract Manager. The Contractor shall provide in writing to the CSUMB FSO Manager, at least five (5) days prior to the contract starting date, and thereafter when any details change, the names, and telephone numbers (day and night) and addresses of On-Site Supervisor(s) and designated alternates.
D. Best Practices and Required and Preferred Third Party Certifications
Custodial services will be conducted meeting the requirements for International Sanitary Supply Association Cleaning Industry Management Standard for Green Buildings (ISSA- CIMS GB) ( It is required that a service provider maintains ISSA-CIMS GB certification throughout the duration of a contract. The contractor must meet all 6 areas of management best practices of the CIMS standard:
· Quality systems
· Service delivery
· Human resources
· Health, safety, and environmental stewardship
· Management commitment
· Green Building (GB)
The full standard is provided as Attachment A. If a proposing Contractor is not currently certified, proof that the certification is underway must be obtained and provided to CSUMB. The Contractor will be required to gain certification within 3 months of award of the Contract. If the Certification is not obtained within the required time frame, CSUMB may choose to re-award the Contract to the next in-line bidder from the selection process. The Contractor must sustain the certification throughout the duration of the contract.
Additional third party certifications that are preferred, but not required are California Green Business Certification ( and Green Seal Standard for Commercial Cleaning Services (GS-42) or ( Previous experience with large institutions, and particularly educational institutions is also preferred. Experience with custodial services provided in LEED EBOM buildings is also preferred. It is recommended that during any future RFP process, those businesses with the specified 3rd party certifications be invited to submit proposals.
E. Use of Technology
The Contractor will utilize technology wherever feasible for tracking and reporting purposes. Proper use of technology will enhance employee accountability, QA/QC, cost tracking and effective invoicing. The use of electronic cleaning checklists and QA/QC checklists are highly preferred. Electronic reports and invoices to CSUMB Facilities staff are also preferred. Technology can aid a Supervisor to effectively track the work completed, verify and audit at least 15% of the completed work each day, and have a paperless and handheld means of tracking the work. It also helps the University meet a Climate Action Plan goal (PRO3) of “Ensure that all the procurement office operations possible are electronic rather than paper.” Ideally, technology can be used for logging the number and types of routine cleanings and listing the special cleaning need that were requested for invoicing purposes.
F. Cost Tracking and Invoicing
The ideal vision for the use of technology is that costs will be tracked based on services rendered. Services will be logged upon completion and tallied for frequency. An example would be an administrative building where 5 out of the 6 offices were cleaned and one of the two bathrooms were cleaned in an evening. The Contractor is required to track this work and will be paid for the spaces that were cleaned that evening. Payment will not be made for routine services that are not completed, logged, and reported. All services performed will be tracked by Building, which are all assigned by Department function (see section IV Basic Custodial Requirements and Map #1). Special, non-routine services will also be logged with an adequate description of services, and will be tracked by Department function.
Invoices will be provided monthly. Each invoice will be itemized by Building and separated for University Corporation and State entities, and ideally include the following: