Expanded Core Curriculum
Developmental Checklist
Blind/Low Vision
This checklist is to be completed with the help of the child's primary caregiver on a biannual basis. The information learned will be used for IFSP outcome and IEP goal development. Space is provided to include developmental concerns specific to the child.
Child’s ______Date of birth ______
I. COMPENSATORY SKILLS – Accommodations, modifications, or alternative approaches to access instruction provided to peersDates of review:
____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____
a. Orients to communication partner
b. Recognizes primary caregiver using sensory information
c. Explores object and uses it for the correct purpose
d. Counts by rote, then counting objects
e. Uses sensory cue to find weighted cup at mealtime Identifies large print alphabet letters
f. Listens to a story read aloud
g. Uses sensory strategies to get and put away materials or tools at the beginning and end of routines
h. Matches tactile materials/objects
i. Uses tactual symbols to follow daily calendar
j. Identifies gender functionally (goes into correct restroom door labeled with tactual symbol)
k. Identifies Braille dots/alphabet by touch
l. Holds stylus to punch dots with a slate
m. Other:
n. Other:
II. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY – Skills essential to identify and use adaptive devices appropriately to access media and tools in a variety of environments
Dates of review:
____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____
a. Uses objects on a voice-output device or grid to choose an activity
b. Uses texture-coded keys and buttons to operate a noise-producing toy or object
c. Uses clutter reduction and high contrast to interpret pictures, symbols, or signs
d. Types on a keyboard
e. Uses a Braille writer to print Braille letters, words
f. Uses a computer with appropriate adaptations, such as speech output
g. Uses a tape- or CD-player to listen to a story
h. Other:
i. Other:
III. ORIENTATION & MOBILITY – Skills essential to understand spatial relationships in a variety of environments to move through space to chosen destinations
Dates of review:
____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____
a. Places arm in sleeve when shirt is placed over head
b. Points to or names body parts
c. Reaches for objects with closest part of body typically used for reaching
d. Demonstrates spatial concepts (right, left, under, over, etc.)
e. Reaches with right or left hand as directed
f. Returns objects and tools to defined storage space (molded form)
g. Identifies locations in a building using landmarks
h. Travels with assistance from a sighted guide/adult
i. Trails wall using protective techniques during transitions between rooms
j. Uses a cane or pre-cane device
k. Other:
l. Other:
IV. SOCIAL INTERACTION – Skills essential for interacting with others in ways that promote pleasure, cooperation, productivity, and build lasting relationships
Dates of review:
____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____
a. Faces in the direction of the speaker
b. Responds to own name
c. Smiles or gesture to continue interaction
d. Uses facial expressions, body language, vocalization, or gestures to engage social partner
e. Separates possessions from those of others
f. Takes turns during communication or play
g. Maintains appropriate social distance during interactions with others
h. Distinguishes between family, friends, and strangers
i. Asks for help from others
j. Refrains from eye poking/self stimulating
k. Demonstrates understanding of appropriate and inappropriate behaviors within social situations
l. Responds to social interactions with children and adults
m. Demonstrates appropriate ways to interrupt a conversation
n. Other:
o. Other:
V. RECREATION & LEISURE – Skills essential for participating in appropriate social and/or independent activities
Dates of review:
____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____
a. Plays alone with a wide variety of toys
b. Plays reciprocal hand games, such as patty cake and high five
c. Engages in activities for special occasions such as birthday or Christmas parties
d. Plays simple games (motor, card, board or table) with other children
e. Participates in arts and crafts activities
f. Chooses a preferred, age-appropriate activity
g. Listens to personal music collection or plays a musical instrument
h. Other:
i. Other:
VI. CAREER EDUCATION – Skills essential to work in a chosen field successfully and to transition from the school environment to employment or to achieve one’s highest potential
Dates of review:
____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____
a. Helps remove clothing by lifting arms or legs as directed with tactual cue
b. Recognizes own toothbrush, cup, or clothing item with sensory information
c. Differentiates between known and unknown people using sensory information
d. Participates in simple chores with modeling by adult or using hand-over-hand
e. Sorts like and different items into containers
f. Recognizes through tactual exploration the tools used by community workers
g. Accepts correction and discipline in an age-appropriate manner
h. Remains on task until completed
i. Other:
j. Other:
VII. VISUAL-SENSORY EFFICIENCY – Skills essential for the use of sensory input to obtain information
Dates of review:
____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____
a. Shifts gaze between two objects given high contrast background
b. Recognizes familiar object by touch
c. Responds differently to different adults’ voices
d. Tolerates wearing glasses
e. Cleans corrective lenses
f. Visually scans and/or tracks objects/print materials
g. Recognizes dark-lined pictorial cues to follow activity sequence
h. Demonstrates emerging use of a magnifying device
i. Cleans prosthetic eye
j. Follows 3-step verbal direction related to familiar routines
k. Other:
l. Other:
VIII. SELF DETERMINATION - Skills essential to determine own needs and strategies for successful participation in life
Dates of review:
____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____ / ____
a. Adjusts behavior to situational demands (calms when reassured)
b. Chooses a preferred object or activity between two offered
c. Uses “no” or “finished” (verbal or gestures) appropriately
d. Understands consequences to behaviors
e. Recognizes impact of behaviors on others (shows empathy when upsets others or waits to interrupt a conversation)
f. Chooses from a range of options
g. Completes a task within timelines
h. Able to explain visual needs to others
i. Appropriately tells an adult when (s)he cannot see
j. Puts cane, coat, possessions in appropriate spot
k. Other:
l. Other:
IX. INDEPENDENT LIVING - Skills essential to manage one’s personal life and home environment
a. Anticipates eating when presented with bib or spoon
b. Drops trash in receptacle
c. Washes hands independently
d. Assists with washing and drying face
e. Brushes teeth independently
f. Demonstrates anticipation of next activity in daily routine
g. Tells an adult when needs to use restroom
h. Recognizes requested behaviors may be tied to reward
i. Prepares simple snack independently
j. Other:
k. Other: