System Enhancements Notification - Incident Module – March 2013

Upcoming incident module enhancements add new features and allow more customization for BasicSafe user companies
Incident Reporting and Investigation Enhancements /
Don Brown


Enhancements to the BasicSafe incident module will be forthcoming in January 2013. These changes will be primarly aimed at the incident module but will have impacts on other BasicSafe administrative systems. These changes will impact both Corporate and Site administrator capabilities to customize BasicSafe sites, as well as the amount of data the system captures about employees, incident reports, and incident investigations.

These changes will allow large multi-site companies to accommodate REGIONS as well as the current DIVISIONS and SITES. Fields have been added to capture information required to link BasicSafe systems to user company systems, such as: HR systems, maintenance systems, etc. Filters will now allow sorting of employee files. An Employee Type field allows users to tag each employee with an employee type in the employee database. Global Site Administrators will now be able to navigate to other sites within a company, and a scope tool will allow them to be given administrative responsibilities at selected other sites within their company.

Within the incident tool, the incident admin area will allow the recording of regular work hours as well as work hours for temporary employees. More fields are available to capture information necessary to populate numerous new State replacement forms for the OSHA 301 report. Customizable lists of ACTIVITIES, LOCATIONS, INJURY SOURCES, CAUSES OF INJURY, AT RISK BEHAVIORS, AT RISK CONDITIONS, INCIDENT CHECKLISTS, INCIDENT TYPES, and the DETERMINING CAUSES questionnaire can all be accessed in one place on the Incident toolbar.

When reporting incidents, you can now store your medical facility information and select it when needed. The incident info page now contains more fields of information as well as listings you have created. The investigation page now allows you to populate people and the roles they may have played regarding the incident, as well as a pre-set 5-Why questionnaire. The checklist you built for the Incident Type you selected now shows up as a tab in the report. In the finding tab you can now create or attach child incidents. There are new print options that will allow you to select incident information and create a .pdf report with that information. These print options can be saved as templates and reused so you do not have to go through the selection process again. These and other changes are documented as follows………..

Scope of incident module changes

  1. Regions – Companies can now categorize sites by REGION as well as DIVISION
  2. External Site ID – for use with other systems you may choose to integrate with BasicSafe
  3. Employee Files
  1. Filters
  2. Employee Types
  1. Permissions Change – Global Site Administrator
  2. Incident Tool Changes
  1. Incident Admin
  2. Lists
  1. Activities
  2. Locations
  3. Injury Sources
  4. Causes of Injury
  5. “At Risk” Behaviors
  6. “At Risk” Conditions
  7. Incident Types
  8. Incident Checklists
  1. Create
  2. Add Questions
  1. Determining Causes
  1. Incident Reporting & Investigation Changes
  1. Add Incident
  2. Add Injury/Illness Incident
  1. Injury Types
  2. Medical Facilities and Transportation
  1. Completing the Injury/Illness Incident
  1. Incident Info Tab
  2. Investigation Tab
  3. Detail Tab
  4. Log Tab
  5. Checklist Tab
  6. Causes Tab
  7. Findings Tab
  8. Workers Comp. Tab
  9. Print Options
  1. Action Tool Changes
  1. Additional standard filtering
  2. Create your own action categories and set default assignees
  3. Create your own actions tags for custom filtering

Region Settings

For companies choosing to use the REGIONS settings, please contact BasicSafe to have this feature turned on for your company. This feature works much like the current DIVISIONS setting and is accessed at the corporate administrator level.

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External Site ID

For companies that have chosen to have BasicSafe program custom interfaces between tools like your HR database or other systems, there is a new field in the Manage Site admin area designated for this use. To activate this feature, you will need to contact BasicSafe to discuss what interfaces are required and BasicSafe will provide a proposal to work with your systems personnel to design the necessary interface(s).

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Employee Files - Filters

Filters now allow you to sort employee files by type, name, number or shift.

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Employee Files – Employee Types

Employee files can now be tagged with an employee type tag. Clicking the Edit Employee Types link will open a table that allows you to custom build your own list of employee types. You can then tag each employee file with the appropriate employee type that you created. Then you can use the new filtering tool to find people in the groups you created.

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Permissions Change – Global Site Administrator

The Global Site Administrator permission can now be scoped to allow the people in this group the ability to be administrators at other REGIONS, DIVISIONS, or SITES within a company. The default – if you do nothing – will give this person Global Site Administration privileges at only the site they are assigned to. Using the scope tool (first introduced in the November MSDS changes) you can give the Global Site Administration privileges at other locations. All Global Site Administrators will now be able to navigate to all sites within a company regardless of whether they are provided administrative privileges at those sites or not.This change should allow companies to reduce the overall number of Corporate Administrators (super-users) they have in the BasicSafe system.

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Incident Tool – Incident Admin

Within the Incident Admin area, work hours of temporary employees can be tracked separately if you choose to do so. Data can be entered into these fields the same way it is entered into other data fields. These hours are added to the regular hours to generate the total hours used to calculate incident rate information. If your site is a mine, you can note it here to generate the correct OSHA 301 replacement report for mines.

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Incident Tool – Lists

There is now a new menu in the tool bar titled LISTS. These are lists primarily created by corporate administrators for use across all or selected sites within a company. These lists then show up when incident reporting and investigation is done on each incident. The scope tool is available within some of these lists to direct a portion of the list to specific REGIONS, DIVISIONS, or SITES. The default scope for these tools is set to allow all list information to show up at all sites within a company.

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Incident Tool – Lists – Activities

The activities menu allows you to create your own lists of general activities and specific activities. You will want to create lists that best represent your operation and the activities that take place at your sites. Once these lists are built, they can be used in your incident reporting to tag incidents with this information. This will then allow you to search on historical information to determine which activities are associated with incident occurrences.


Incident Tool – Lists – Activities (cont.)

Once you have created general and specific activities, you can click on one of the general activities to allow you to check which specific activities belong to that general class of activities. Specific activities can be linked to multiple general activities. As you check specific activities they will show up in a listing in the center of the screen. This specific example for locomotion shows six specific activities linked. The scope tool would then allow you to make locomotion/crawling available to any specific REGION, DIVISION, or SITES that you want these setting to be available to. Since the scope default is all, if you do nothing, these setting will show up in all your sites (okay for most companies).


Incident Tool – Lists – Activities (cont.2)

As an alternative to clicking a general activity, you can click a specific activity. This will then show you which general activities a given specific activity is linked to. It also generates a listing in the center of the screen between the two activity lists. The scope tool can also be accessed here.

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Incident Tool – Lists – Locations

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Incident Tool – Lists – Injury Sources

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Incident Tool – Lists – Causes of Injury

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Incident Tool – Lists – “At Risk” Behaviors

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Incident Tool – Lists – “At Risk” Conditions

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Incident Tool – Lists – Incident Types

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Incident Tool – Lists – Incident Checklists

Once the Incident Types are defined, Incident Checklists can be built for each incident type if desired. As stated previously, the Injury/Illness Incident Type is pre-existing in the system and does not need to be user created. An Injury/Illness checklist can be created even if no other Incident Types are created by the user company. These checklists, if created, will then appear as part of the Incident Reporting and Investigation process.

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Incident Tool – Lists – Incident Checklists - Create

To create an incident checklist, simply choose the checklist type and then click either the Add Row to Top or the Add Row to Bottom buttons.

This will open a row where you can create two questions in the checklist. These questions can be related to each other, or can be unrelated. Keep in mind that you can use the scope tool to make this row of two questions only show up in selected sites. The default scope setting will make this row show up in all sites within the user company.

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Incident Tool – Lists – Incident Checklists – Add Questions

To add questions to your checklist, simply click the Add Question button and enter in your question text. Then choose the type of question you want to add. You can choose a YES/NO selection for users to answer the question. You can choose the Selection Box to create a list of selections for users to answer the question (this will require you to create the selection options for the users). You can also choose to provide users a single line text answer or a multi-line text answer. This process can be continued for all the rows of questions you choose to add to each checklist.

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Incident Tool – Lists – Incident Checklists – Determining Causes

The determining causes questionnaire can now be accessed from the list menu on the incident toolbar. This is the same questionnaire that has existed in the past. This questionnaire is site specific and can be created and edited by corporate and site administrators for each unique site.

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Incident Tool – Add Incident

The Add Incident selection will now contain the Incident Types you have created in the Lists area, plus the system pre-established Injury/Illness incident type. Typical workplace injuries will normally be reported in the Add Injury/Illness Incident selection. Incident reports can also now be reported with child incidents – FOR EXAMPLE – a fire incident can be reported – this fire incident may have more than one personnel related injuries – these personnel injuries can be linked as children to the reported fire incident.

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Incident Tool – Add Injury/Illness Incident


Incident Tool – Add Injury/Illness Incident 2

The Select Injury Type field is now a free field to do with as you wish. This field is no longer tied to determining whether an incident is recordable or not. This field is also not related to any of the lists created earlier in this document. You can use the edit pencil to manage this list as you see fit for your operation.

All Injury/Illness incidents are considered to be NON-OSHA incidents until you log the incident to your OSHA log. This feature is shown later in this document. The OSHA log step is the sole determination of whether or not an incident is placed on your OSHA log for the year.


Incident Tool – Add Injury/Illness Incident 3

Users can now choose a medical facility from a site listing they create using the edit pencil. Users can now identify the method of medical transportation for incidents that occur.

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident

Once the Injury/Illness Incident has been created, it will become part of your incident table listing. From this listing you can use the edit pencil to open the incident and complete the reporting and investigation to the level of detail that your company requires. New print and save option are on each tab in the report, and the save options are also at the bottom of each tab. There are also new tabs within the tool.

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Incident Info


Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Incident Info2


Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Incident Info3

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Investigation


Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Investigation2

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Detail Tab

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Log Tab

The Log Tab remains relatively unchanged. As previously stated, this logging process is the sole determining factor that the system uses to trigger when an injury or illness incident is placed on the OSHA log.

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Checklist Tab

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Causes Tab

The Causes Tab has not been changed except that now you can access this causal questionnaire for editing on the toolbar of the incident tool. Like other checklists, you can choose to use this tool or leave it unpopulated. Thought needs to be put into this questionnaire to minimize future changes that might impact past incidents that have used this tool.

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Findings Tab

The findings tab now allows you to attach child incidents to this incident report or create child incidents from this location. If there are child incidents linked to this incident, these child incidents will be listed here. Parent incidents will also be listed here. Only child incidents can be linked to another incident (the Parent).

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – WC Tab

The Workers Comp. tab remains unchanged from previous versions.

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Incident Tool – Completing Injury/Illness Incident – Print

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Action Tool Additional Standard Filtering

Additional standard filtering fields in the action tool allows you to find items much more quickly when sorting through thousands of action records.

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Action Tool Categories

Create your own custom unique action categories and even assign default assignees to that category if you choose to

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Action Tool Tags

Create your own custom unique action tags and tag your actions for filtering (see next page)

Action Tool Tags

Your custom action tags show up on the filtering screen with the standard filters

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