Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction
Lesson Plan Outline

1. Lesson Title: Pantomimed Fairy Tales

2. Date of Implementation:

Week Three

3. Lesson Author(s):

Mr. Shawn Salevsky

4. Subject Area(s):


5. Grade Level:

Grade 6

6. Approximate Time Needed:

2 Weeks

7. PA Content Standard(s):

9.1. Production, Performance and Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts

A. Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities.

  1. Theatre: • scenario • script/text • set design
  2. Theatre: • balance • collaboration • discipline • emphasis • focus • intention • movement • rhythm • style • voice

C. Identify and and use comprehensive vocabulary within each of the arts forms.

D. Identify and and use comprehensive vocabulary within each of the arts forms.

G. Explain the function and benefits of rehearsal and practice sessions.

8. Objectives/Lesson Outcomes:

Students will review definition of pantomime and create a pantomime based on a popular fairy tale. Students then will film and edit pantomime using digital camera and moviemaker. Students will also use to select appropriate style music to apply as backround to their pantomime scenes. Students will also develop and review plot as they give their pantomime activities a beginning, middle, and end. Review the five main ingredients for drama

9. Materials and Resources Required:

A. Technology (include location and equipment):

Computer with moviemaker

Digital Camera

B. Printed Materials:

Printed fairy tale

Using moviemaker quick guide

C. Other Supplies:

10. LessonProcedures:

  1. Using formative assessment review pantomime definition
  2. Students divide into groups and select a fairy tale
  3. Students using library research fairy tale and find appropriate version of fairy tale to use for pantomime and print it out
  4. students plan pantomime and fill out sheet identifying the story elements
  5. students plan pantomime and create list of props that will have to be pantomime
  6. using rehearsal check list students rehearse pantomime
  7. students perform and film fairy tale pantomime
  8. using movie maker students edit filmed pantomime by first capturing video and creating clips to use. Students will then edit movie for a clean beginning, middle, and end
  9. using students locate and download appropriate backround music for fairy tale pantomime
  10. Students then go back into movie maker and add music to backround
  11. students save film and finish movie for assessment

11. Modifications for Differentiated Instruction:

A. Remediation:

Students will be directed to the movie maker tutorial as well as individual teacher guidance

B. Enrichment:

Students will also create narration as well as a title and end page

12. Student Assessment:

Assessment will be performance based rubric