GP Address: / / Dept of Public Health & Primary Care
Institute of Public Health
University of Cambridge
Forvie Site
Robinson Way
Cambridge CB2 0SR
Tel: 01223 330312
Fax: 01223 330330



This surgery is taking part in a research study conducted by the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at CambridgeUniversity. Ageing is now recognized as one of the major challenges facing the world’s populations. The aim of this study is to find out how health and well-being change as people grow older. Some people experience difficulties as they get older while others remain fit and active. We are interested in the full range of experiences so that we can get a true picture of the ageing process and whether these are changing over time.

This research is part of a national study which aims to improve our understanding of changes which occur with ageing and to help policy makers meet the needs of the modern generation of older people.

The interviewers for this study will be calling in the next week or so to ask if you would be able to help. You have been randomly selected from our list and none of your medical details have been passed to the researchers. The research will be most valuable if as many as possible of those of you who are approached are willing to take part.

When the research interviewer calls s/he will produce identification and explain the study in more detail. If s/he calls at an inconvenient time s/he will be happy to call again later.

Your cooperation is, of course, voluntary and your decision will not affect your medical care. I have enclosed an information sheet explaining the study in further detail.

If you have any questions, please telephone the research team on 01223 330312 to discuss your queries. We hope you will take up the opportunity to support this research.

Yours Sincerely


A Collaborating Centre in the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II

GP Patient Invitation letter Version 1 11/05/2007