Knights of Columbus

Fr. Jeremiah Murphy Council # 6435 March 2014

Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish

“A place where the men of our parish can come together to support our priests, families, and school through Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.”

NEXT MEETING APRIL 9, 2014 @ 7:30pm

Pray for…

Bill Giblin, Frank Saggio, Joyce Lohbeck, Tammy Franz, Paul McDonnell, Vince Rocchio, Carl Grimwood, Cliff Brandt, The Boeger Family, Andy and Jackie Nappier, Dan Smentkowski, Bob and Mary Lou Guidines, John Nahlik, Mary Ann Barnett, Tim Lodes, Ray Wieschhaus, Bob Stehlin, Pam Szolga, Ann Mattingly, Fr. Wesloh, Fr. Don Molitor, Leroy Silver, Jack Sorrentino, Dale Anderson, Margret Bottchen, Greg, and Leonard Hirtz, Lou Bartoloni, Donna Heller, Charlie Bacher, Mary Schmitt, Jane and Dee Walters, Ronald Sheets, Jim Clark, Scott Beck, Ralph Schultheiss, Bill Hrdlicka, Frank Saggio, Nick Yates, Wally Friehaut , Phil Ambrose, Sue Whitworth, Shaun Stagner, Kenny Sheets, Betty Meyer and Pope Francis I


First Sunday Breakfast

April 6, 2014

Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring:


MARCH 30TH 12 NOON - 5:00 PM


KRISTA GROSS 636 274-1968

JANE SAGGIO 636 671-2939

Enjoy the afternoon shopping with your favorite Crafter or Vendor –

Surprise visit from the Easter Bunny looking forward to seeing you!


Build a Bluebird House

Sunday March 23rd

Back Hall 1 pm.

It’s not just for kids either.

You are never too old to build a birdhouse.


This is a Knights program for Community Outreach. Each member family is asked to donate 40 cans for Lent. Bring them to the hall on any Friday afternoon, or bring them to the next meeting, or call Kevin Duff (314-960-8342) to make arrangements for drop off. All the donations will be going to the Peace Pantry. We will be delivering them Tuesday, April 15th.


APRIL 13TH – 1 PM.

Egg Hunt starts promptly @ 1:30

Puns of the Month

Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.

I’m reading a book about Anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.

I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

It’s not that the man didn’t know how to juggle. He just didn’t have the balls to do it.

The other day I held the door open for a clown. I thought it was a nice jester.

I’m glad I know sign language, it’s pretty handy.

I couldn’t quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me.

Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink.

I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.


The Knights Mouse Race netted right at $3,000

Thanks to all

The Washer Tournament netted $450

Thanks everyone


49 members still owe their dues for 2014

Hall Rentals for 2013

The hall was rented 50 times in 2013.

40 times were paid rentals.

10 times were donated rentals to Church, School, Knights and Ladies functions.

Large hall was used 22 times and Small hall was used 22 times

Both halls were used for one event 6 times.

The pavilion was rented out 15 times.




Did you ever wonder why there are guys who like working bingo most of the time? The way I got involved was when Jordan went to O.L.Q.P. with the tuition program. After a couple of years I just realized that I was having a great time and the guys I work with are a hoot. It kind of reminds me of when I used to be working at my old job. We always tried to outdo each other with wisecracks. We have our regular cast of characters each week and then you throw the tuition guys, who work once or twice a month, into the mix and it makes for a fun time. Not to mention the bingo players.

There are a lot of really nice folks that come to play bingo. Some of them treat me like family and they are always celebrating someone’s birthday or offering us snacks and stuff. Yes, there are a few not-so-nice players. I guess you could call them “really serious” players. They tend to “shoosh” people who are having fun. Sometimes they get on my nerves, but overall I really enjoy it.

I just wish we could get some of our other members to step up. You don’t have to work bingo every week. Heck, once a month would be great. We are very often short-handed. Most weeks one of our pull-tab guys has to walk around with the 50/50 tickets plus the pull-tabs because we just don’t have enough support.

After being active in the 70’s and 80’s I dropped from sight for a while. I started participating again in 2005. Since about 2009 I’ve been doing the newsletter and I still have never seen a lot of the guys that I send the letters to. I really would like to meet some of you folks. This bingo helps a lot with the up-keep of our hall. Without bingo we would be very hard pressed to maintain the building.

I don’t want to forget our guys that sit in the back and count and bundle pull-tabs. That is a great deal of help there too and they can always use more.

And let’s not forget the Ladies. They work hard back in the kitchen to get the food prepared and served to the crowd. They can use more help all the time too.

Maybe you could stop by on a Friday evening and check it out. Once you get to know the crew, you may find out that you like us. Well, most of us anyway.

God Bless, Kevin

KC Meeting minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm

Prayer offered by Father Mike

Admission committee

Our first, second, and third degree was a great success

Grand Knight Report

3/31 - Adult Faith Development Mission - asking us to put up and take down tables, volunteers needed. Starts at 6pm, ends at 8:30 pm. Helpers should be there at 5:30 pm.

Chaplain's report: 3/31-4/3 - Lenten mission, each evening in the church basement. The parish dance on Nov 1st with Sh-Boom . This is the last year that they will be together, so they wanted to have them out one last time.

Treasurer's Report

Report handed out, pending bills read aloud, motion raised to pay the bills raised, seconded, carried.

Financial Secretary's report

Dues were due January 1. $30 for standard members, $15 for honorary members

49 are late on paying

Reading of Auditors and Trustees

Columbkill Building Association: report handed out

Chancellor's report on vocations: Ladies Red Hat Bingo 3/16, meal at 1 pm, Bingo to follow, non-smoking event

Pro-life director: Posters donated by Supreme for the pro-life march

Council director: 4/13 Easter egg hunt - opens at 1 pm, looking for egg-stuffing volunteers. 3 different age groups

Mouseraces - $2720.80 profit --3/23 Bluebird house building, 1 pm.

Spring essay contest, 750-1000 words, will be on faith, study, evangilization, genorisity, apathy, and patriotism. Due 4/8, 2 winners, 1 male, 1 female. 7, 8, and 9 graders. 4/6 - Blues family night at the hall, 6 pm game.

Old Business: Ray Brune Fishing Clinic / Tournament – June 21, 2014 at Camp Solidarity in Pacific - Spring meat shoot planned for TBA. Indoor meat shoot using a .22 caliber house rifle and bird shot. $1000 startup money requested. Having trouble finding the bird shot - Moonlight golf planned for spring 2015, possibly 2014 - Looking into having a car show - 1/12 - motion made to donate the hall to the OLQPAA for their soccer banquet, and a Saturday in April for their trivia night

New Business: Washers Tournament - $452 profit, great job Frank - 40 cans for Lent - each Knight brings in 40 canned goods for the food pantry. - Kevin has a report about hall rentals for those interested in knowing about it. Thank you to Steve Haug for getting the donations of BBQ grills and coffee pots

3/22 - 3/30 Supreme has designated that week as an outreach week, that would be a good time to really get our canned goods in, or any other good deed we can all do to help the needy in our area

Deacon Paul has requested our assistance to help out maintaining and completing some small projects around church and our cemeteries

Report of the 4th Degree

Cardinal Glennon - 3/17 in Kimmswick

Bishop Schierhoff - 3rd Wednesday at St. Anthony's auditorium