Founded: 1900
President: G.J. Williams, Esq
Meeting organiser :Marilyn Walker,
P.E. Dept, e-mail :
Alleyn’s School,
Townley Road, tel.: 07984 204285
London SE22 8SU
Dear All,
As we get very near to the end of term, I am sending a first copy of the information for the L.S.A.A. Cross-Country Competitions scheduled for next term so that you have the initial details for any forward planning required. (You will have already received the dates in Pat Turner’s affiliation circulation in November). A copy of this letter and entry form will be re-sent at the start of next term for those who are fortunate enough to have finished term already. There are two competitions in which pupils from affiliated schools can compete:
a)The Inter-Schools’ Cross-Country Championships - which are scheduled to take place on Wednesday 7th February 2018 at Wormwood Scrubs. The competition is again being run at Wormwood Scrubs and we are extremely grateful to Thames Valley Harriers and the Parks staff for enabling this to happen due to the National Championships taking place at Parliament Hill close to the date of our competition. As signalled in the title, this is an Inter-Schools competition which also serves as a prime selection competition from which runners can be selected to compete for the London team at the English Schools’ Championships.
b)The second is an Inter-Borough competition on Tues 6th March for teams from years 7 & 8 (and the selection procedure will vary from one borough to another). As per the Inter-Schools, only runners from schools affiliated to LSAA are eligible to compete in this competition.
This letter gives details of the first of these two competitions to which all affiliated schools are encouraged to send a team (or individuals). It will take place on :
at : Wormwood Scrubs Park, Scrubs Lane, London W12 0DF
A reminder that there is no free parking available and no parking for coaches or minibuses over 6’6” in height. (There is now a school located on the redgra area post Grenfell Tower fire and Linford Christie Stadium is out of bounds for vehicles). Therefore athletes will need to be dropped off in Scrubs Lane and walk up to the venue. Cars and minibuses under 6’6” might be able to find a parking space in the expensive car park behind the hospitals.
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Following the mess left in the clubhouse last year we will not be allowing athletes or other students to use the clubhouse toilet facilities. There are toilets inside the recently updated changing rooms but it is essential that ALL students are aware that they must bring a carrier bag to put their muddy footwear in, as they may not wash those off in the washbasins or showers. They should bring wet wipes if they feel they need to clean up their legs and arms before travelling home.
Please read these instructions carefully… CHECK THAT YOUR SCHOOL HAS AFFILIATED, then….
All schools may enter ONE team for each age group. A team consists of a maximum of SIX runners on the day - the first FOUR finishers will score points for the team. You may also nominate up to SIX reserves per team. They will NOT run on the day unless you substitute them into the team because of illness/injury etc. Only athletes that you have declared on the form will be eligible to run. In exceptional circumstances a school with a proven track record may request to enter an extra team in any of the age groups – to do so, please contact Marilyn BEFORE the closing date to find out the additional requirements.
When completing the form, attached as a separate document: (please note 2 separate forms for boys and girls)
- Fill in ALL details about your athletes before sending me the entry form. Make sure you enter them into the correct race - remember to check that they are the correct age (not a year old or young for their school year as happens occasionally).
School year Date of birth
JUNIOR ‘A’ 8 & 9 01.09.2003 – 31.08.2005
**JUNIOR ‘B’ 7, 8 & 9 01.09.2003 – 31.08.2006**
INTERS 10 & 1101.09.2001 – 31.08.2003
SENIORS 12 & 1301.09.1999 – 31.08.2001
**As it continues to be very popular, we will again hold a Junior ‘B’ race in which year 7 competitors may take part. Runners in this race will not be given selection letters for the English Schools’ Championships and schools should ideally only enter a team in the ‘B’ race if they have entered a team in the Junior ‘A’ race - and if entries are not very high then the boys’ and girls’ ‘B’ races may be run together.
Individual athletes – you must complete an entry form even if you are only entering one athlete. You must also ensure that they will be accompanied by a responsible adult on the day – ideally a teacher from your school but if that is not possible then a parent or a club coach.
- PLEASE LEAVE THE COMPETITOR’S NUMBER BLANK ON THE ENTRY FORM - these will be allocated to each school team by the organiser and the entry form returned to you by e-mail with the allocated numbers for each runner. This will also serve as your confirmation of entry and you will be able to re-allocate these numbers to your reserves on your declaration sheet on the day if required.
Remember - only those entered on the original declaration sheet may take part in the competition.
NB. Marshals must be available for the whole afternoon, or at least until the end of the Junior B races (see timetable below). Last year several marshals abandoned their position after a couple of
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races because their school was leaving. It is each school’s responsibility to ensure that someone is able to stay until the end of the Junior Boys’ B race. If you are not entering teams in all age-groups and are leaving after your athletes have all competed then you must still provide 1 or 2 marshals who will stay the whole time and make their own way home, if necessary.
Marshals should report to the marshals’ check-in area (which will be signposted) at 11.45 a.m. Marshals should ensure that they are equipped with a mobile phone, and are dressed suitably for the weather conditions They will then be briefed by the chief marshal /course referee and allocated to their position on the course.
Please do not ask us to accept a team on the day if you are not providing a marshal for the course.
Please return the entry form to a.s.a.p. but before 4p.m. on WEDNESDAY 24th January – you will receive confirmation of your entry electronically (including the numbers allocated to your runners) by Wednesday 31st January if you have affiliated and completed all information requested on the form.
Timetable for the day:
11.30 – 12 noonCheck-in for teams and marshals
11.50a.m. Marshals’ meeting12.30p.m. Junior Girls ‘A’,
12.50p.m. Junior Boys ‘A’ 1.15p.m. Intermediate Boys
1.45p.m. Inter & Senior Girls2.10p.m. Junior Boys ‘B’
2.25p.m. Junior Girls ‘B’ 2.45p.m. Senior Boys.
Details of the course plus your numbers (please ensure that athletes wear correct allocated number) and results envelopes will all be provided on the day when your team manager checks in – AT LEAST HALF AN HOUR BEFORE THE FIRST RACE !! i.e 12 noon at the latest. You will need to bring safety pins (4 per runner) to pin on the numbers.
Please print off and give in at registration a copy of your entry form which has your allocated numbers assigned to the runners – including any changes you have made by using the declared reserves.
Results will be produced as soon as possible after the event. Medals MAY be distributed on the day if results are all in sufficiently quickly; if not they will be sent out to schools in the couple of weeks after the race. A full set of results will be published on the LSAA website and e-mailed to team managers a.s.a.p. after the race.
In addition letters inviting selected athletes to take part in the English Schools’ Cross-country Championships will be distributed at the end of each race (only the ‘A’ race for the Junior age groups). Please encourage your athletes to return the reply form A.S.A.P. if they wish to be considered for selection – a not able to take part return is also appreciated.
Any queries, do not hesitate to contact me using the details at the top of this letter. I look forward to seeing many of you at the L.S.A.A. Cross-Country Championships in the New Year.
Marilyn Walker
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