Instructions for Preparing Papers for the 11th European Wireless Conference, April 10-13, 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus
Peter Schmidt and Klaus Meier
RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Communication Networks, Aachen, Germany
Abstract- This paper gives instructions to the authors for preparing papers for the 11th European Wireless Conference.
Authors are requested to observe the following instructions to prepare camera-ready paper to harmonize the Conference Proceedings. In case of problems, please contact us.
2.Camera-ready paper
Papers will have a maximum extension of 7 pages.
The proceedings will use A4 paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm). The margins are: inner, 2.2 cm; outer, 2.2 cm; top, 2 cm; bottom, 2 cm.
Except for the Title and the Authors, the text must be written in two columns with a space of 0.8 cm between them. The normal paragraph will be indented by 0.4 cm. Use a proportional, serif typeface like Times New Roman, like used for this paper. If your processor has several type sizes, use the sizes specified in the next Table1.
Category of TextType sizes
Paper Title (centered)14 points Bold
Author Names (centered)12 points Bold
Affiliation (centered)10 points Bold
Abstract (indent the first line by 0.4 cm)10 points Bold
Headings (paragraphs)12 points Bold
Subheadings10 points Bold
Main text (indent the first line by 0.4 cm)10 points
Table names and captions, text in tables,
table superscripts, text superscripts and
subscripts, figure captions8 points
Table 1: Type sizes
The papers will be sent as pdf by updating the submitted paper in the EDAS system of the conference.
3.General Instructions
3.1.Figures and Tables
Figures and tables must be placed after having been referenced in the text. They must be numbered: Figure 1, 2 ... or Table 1, 2 ... Their names must be put below, centered. Large figures and tables may span over two columns.
List all references in the end of the paper. For reference in the text, use numbers in square brackets [ ]. Do not use the word «reference» or «ref» before the number.
In the list of references, place the number, between brackets, left justified, and indent the rest of the text with: the Author names, the name of the paper between quote marks, the name of the book in italic, the name of the publisher and publication date (see example here-below).
Don’t number your pages, a global numbering will be added for the whole proceedings.
The deadline for the final reception is February 28, 2005.
[1]W.R. Stevens. "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols". Addison-Wesley, 1994.