JOB TITLE:Bank Social Worker
RESPONSIBLE TO:Enablement Team Manager/Safeguarding Lead
LOCATION:LOROS Hospice, Groby Road, Leicester
- To provide expertise for LOROS in respect to Safeguarding vulnerable adults and children, mental capacity act (MCA) and deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS).
- To provide social work assessments and interventions to adult patients at LOROS and to their carers as appropriate working within the legislative requirement of The Care Act 2014
- To provide advice and support to facilitate patients and carers to access appropriate welfare rights.
- To carry out social care assessments for patients with complex needs, working holistically to address issues through the provision of social work interventions.
- To provide welfare rights advice and signposting for patients and families referred to LOROS.
- To assess carers needs and make external referrals as necessary.
- To provide advice to staff in the case of notifications of concern and safeguarding investigations, and to keep an up-dated record of all such cases.
- To provide and participate in training in regards to Safeguarding, MCA and DoLS as required.
- To encourage good practice and support internal, local and national procedures and policies to protect vulnerable adults and children, advising and supporting the integration of MCA and DoLS.
- To complete personal mandatory training as necessary.
- To be responsible for own administration tasks, including the prompt and accurate completion of clinical and statistical records.
- To attend and contribute to multi-disciplinary team meetings.
- To work as part of the Enablement Team supporting safe and effective discharges from the hospice.
- To adhere to the standards, policies and procedures of the Organisation, Professional Code of Conduct and HCPC.
- To be able to plan and prioritise own workload.
- To liaise with Adult Social Care and other agencies, signposting as appropriate.
- To contribute to the MDT decision-making process through attendance at MDT meetings
- To introduce, promote and evidence high quality social work practice within the hospice.
- To act as an advisor in regards to Mental Capacity Assessments, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard applications, and all matters in relation to Safeguarding Adults and Children.
All staff are subject to Equal Opportunities Legislation, the Data Protection Act and LOROS Confidentiality Policy.
To carry out and comply with the prevention and control of infection as per LOROS policies and procedures.
All staff are subject to LOROS policies, procedures and conditions of service, with reference to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
Co-operate with their employer as far as is necessary to meet the requirements of the legislation.
All staff should be aware of and aim to contribute to LOROS’ Vision and Mission and also strive to exhibit the Values & Behaviours at all times (see attached document).
The contents of this job description are not exhaustive and may be amended in accordance with the needs of the service after discussion with the post holder whose agreement will not be unreasonably withheld.
Signed………………………………………………………… Date…………………………………………
Signed……………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………………..
Line Manager
LOROSspecialisesinholistic,multidisciplinarycare,focusedonthewholepersonandincludingfamilyandcarers.Thecaregiventakesintoaccountthepatients’physical,psychological,socialandspiritualneedsaswellas their ownchoices.Familymembersaresupportedinadjusting tolossandbereavement.
P:\PERSONNEL\Job Descriptions\Enablement\Bank Social Worker Aug 2016.doc
in ourattitudeand everything wedo
onpatients,familiesandcarers whilst listening,learningandadaptingtotheirdiverseneeds
withinourorganisation andbyour community
P:\PERSONNEL\Job Descriptions\Enablement\Bank Social Worker Aug 2016.doc
No. of individuals receiving patient care from LOROS pa>2,500
Of whom admitted to Inpatient Ward550
(approx. ½ subsequently discharged)
No. of beds in Inpatient Ward31
Average length of stay (days)12
No. of participants in LOROS educational activities pa2,000
No. of employees320
No. of regular volunteers>1,000
Expenditure on patient care pa £7.5 million
Minimum amount of income to be raised pa£4.5 million
Portion of expenditure covered by NHS1/3rd
Proportion of charity costs directed to care services90%
Cost per hour of running the charity£850
Cost per Bed/Day including “overheads” (85% occupancy)£500
Cost per attendance for Day Therapy£150
Cost of a Community Nurse Specialist visit£100
No. of LOROS shops25
No. of LOROS lottery members22,000
Year LOROS registered as a charity1977
First patient at Groby Road HospiceSept 1985
LOROS is a registered charity and also a company limited by guarantee which is governed by a Board of up to 15 unpaid voluntary Trustees. It is regulated by the Charity Commission, Companies House and the Care Quality Commission.
All money raised is spent locally in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland.