LOEX 2002 – Integrating Information Literacy into the College Experience
http://www.emich.edu/public/loex/conferen/2002/index.htm (program, other sessions)
Interesting things I learned at each session and links handouts or websites
Keynote: Information Literacy and the Learning Community: the Centrality of Teaching for Academic Librarians. Mary Reichel, UL, Appalachian State U; ACRL Pres.
Learning Library – see Research Strategies 2000, v 17 – special issue
Making the most of college. Students speak their minds. Richard J. Light. (2000). Harvard Press
- Opportunity to redefine how library contributes to the academic enterprise. 50% of students at her university in a learning community.
Information Literacy Meets the Real World and the Winner is…? Virginia Commonwealth U. (Dan Ream,)
VIDEO - Asked 4 questions about Information Literacy to 2 groups of people – 1. students 2. people at a church supper (all ages). What is Information Literacy; Are you Information Literate; #3? If I offered you a workshop on how to search for information or $1. what would you choose?
Guess the % who took the workshop.
A System-wide, Multi-Campus Approach to Integrating Information Competence into the Learning Outcomes of Academic Dept. California State U
- information literacy competencies (IC) integrated into the curriculum on 23 campuses
- $1 million in grants support the strategic direction (2 grant examples presented)
- 2001 deliverable – departmental IC learning outcomes; assignments promoting and demonstrating IC
1. History prof – grant for a faculty retreat ($100/faculty) including librarian who taught databases, online archival materials; Q & A. Result: defined IC for history majors (handout – Jane has); revitalised faculty – ongoing process.
2. Education PhD student – IC in doctoral program. Focus group – chain of ideas method to ID which courses meet each IC standard; ID any standards not covered. Results in a matrix.
What Students Really Cite: Findings from a Content Analysis of First-Year Student Bibliographies. Illinois State U.
Bibliography; templates for coding sheets
- Assess student learning - analyse bibliographies of 4 min. speech in student portfolios
-Results: Internet used less (24%); books (27%) and articles (34%); popular (77%); 75% last 5 years except for books. Items not in the library or web (26%); evidence of recycling research.
- Librarian feedback on BI session worksheets helped TAs know how to evaluate bibliography and help students.
- Citing electronic version of a print journal – different format. 87% not conform to APA (described in course textbook). 36% all citation info correct.
- Time consuming method
Inch-by-Inch, Row-by-Row: Growing an Information Literacy Program. U. Rhode Island.
Plan is a tool for now and future – revise and review regularly; tell many audiences what you’re doing, at many stages; keep it moving – don’t wait til it’s perfect
Planning to Plan – who will plan; retreats (2x year); Open Space Meeting; university organizational structure – curriculum change agents; timing of decisions; what’s happening elsewhere and with what outcomes; what to do with results – progress reports; report to higher ups whether they want to hears about it or not
Planning to Write the Plan – who? library curriculum committee; audiences – include Alums, employers – tailor amount of info; modular development; What to accomplish
Writing the Plan – why it’s imp. to future of all students; context of what you’ve been doing – unmet needs; include program assessment tools; organize by student year; by disciplines or programs; by type of instruction; by timeframes
Implementing the Plan – immediate (e.g. online module with quizz); not too distant (e.g. faculty update/sharing session); long term (e.g. 3 credit course) etc; training librarians in teaching IL; market; educate re IL
Ongoing Review of plan at regular intervals; report successes widely – shiny brochures! stick to a timetable for review; take opportunities
The Information Literacy Toolkit: Fostering Critical Research Skills in the Online Environment. U. Minnesota – Twin Cities (Jerilyn Veldof)
Presentation: http://staff.lib.umn.edu/rcs/dist/present/LOEX2002/sld001.htm
- IL strategy – scalable; research univ. with no language about IL competencies
- tools – easy, add value to curriculum, builds worth, customizable; user centred
- mysql database (plan to redesign – Open Source)
Outcomes: increase librarian/faculty collaborations
Plans: staged assessment of student learning; integrate into academic evaluations
Ideas Exchange – assig. examples, lesson plans for faculty; assignment sequencing
CourseLib – library webpage for course; teach from it; turn off end of term
Quick Study – modular IL tutorial – linked to IL standards (more interactive in future)
Assignment Calculator – 12 steps to complete assignment based on due date and subject
Research Quickstart – database generated pathfinders for 200 subjects
FAQ Database – questions from digital reference
Searchpath, a New Information Literacy Tutorial or How a Grant, Hard Work and Open Publication License Made it Possible. Western Michigan U.
Handouts: Helpful Resources; Searchpath: A Fact Sheet
- Use – augment instruction without taking up class time. BI classes focus on subject specific and higher level stuff. Prerequisite for all classes requesting instruction Fall 2002
- TILT with extensive changes – e.g. less detail, pages fit 1 screen (no scrolling), informal rather than cute tone, fewer images etc.
- Library support – ref desk release time; salary for web coding person
- Open Publication Licence available end of summer
- Assessment and feedback analysis planned
Problem–based Learning to the Rescue: Faculty Collaborations that Work. Purdue U.
Presentation http://www.lib.purdue.edu/LOEX/
Bibliography; worksheets for developing problems
Info lab (tutorial pbl) http://www.lib.purdue.edu/EAS_LEADER/index.html
Forestry class example http://www.lib.purdue.edu/Leader_Forestry/ (student projects incl)
- pbl develops same skills as info lit
- Based on course syllabus, discussions with faculty and subject, devise real world problems student groups can resolve using information they gather.
- Suggest sequence of assignments to move the process forward and so students get IL skills and experiences.
- Librarian may not ever be in the classroom. Link to tutorials for help learning to search databases.
- engineering / science most often use pbl – ID others – group – what do you need of us?
- lunch meeting of faculty using BI – present idea
- 5 steps to writing effective statements – current situation with set of phenomena; list skills students bring to course; students play a role; outcome product e.g. grant proposal, letter etc. KND method – What we know; What we need to know; What we need to do
Talking with Faculty and Administrators: Using Numbers. Western Michigan U.
- Questionaire to engineering students – check things (IC) you have learned; how do you gather info for course assignment - Int’l students issues; differences between terms
- Shared results with faculty, library admin (for impact at higher levels) – in context of other published studies
- Mapped Info Lit standards with ABET engineering skills – common language – sent to Dean and suggested partnership with library would help them meet new accreditation goals.
Next year: LOEX 31st - Madison Wisconsin - May 8-10, 2003
The Reflective Teacher: a Bridge to Lifelong Learning
Anne Fullerton LOEX 2002.doc 2002-08-30