Military Order of the Cootie
The Honor Degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U. S.
21 June 2010
- OPENING CEREMONIES: The Meeting of the Outgoing Council of Administration was called to order by Commander Orville Humfleet at 1510 hours on June 21, 2010 at Oasis Hotel Meeting Room, Angeles City, Philippines. Commander declared “straight talk” and VFW style voting for this Scratch.
- APPOINTMENTS: Commander made the following temporary appointments for this meeting Scratch only:
- Judge Advocate – Bill Wichmann
- PM – Shawn Watson
- Jimmy Legs – Tom Darkus
- Opening ceremonies were conducted according to the Ritual
- ROLL CALL: Adjutant Hilliard called roll of Grand Council Members and absentees were noted. Following absentees noted:
Council Member Dist. 2 – Kenna
Council Member Connor
Hosp. Chmn. & PGC Webster (Excused)
Shirt Reader, Fund Raising Chmn., Shirt Reader & PGC Teets - Excused
PM, PGC & Supr. Dist 15 SVC Sass
Blood Chairman Provencher
Nat’l Home & Paddy Daddy Chmn. Haney – Excused
Roving Ambassador Montgomery
It was noted that a quorum was present.
- DISTINGUISHED VISITORS:None were present for this council meeting.
- Commander recognized the following Past Grand Commanders:
Ken Swierzewski, Dick Keeley, Jerry Prinz, Bill Wichmann, Jim Malott
And also the following Past Department Commanders:
Dick Keeley, Larry Lyons, Bill Wichmann, Jim Malott
- Acting Judge Advocate Wichmann presented the Rules of Order for this Council Meeting and moved that they be adopted. Seconded by Cootie Combs and carried unanimously.
- Minutes of Dec. 2009 Council Meeting: Adjutant Hilliard announced that the minutes were distributed to all Council Members and published in the Rim of Fire and on the Grand Website. He moved that the minutes of the Dec. 2009 Council Meeting be approved as published. Seconded by Cootie Hudson and carried unanimously.
- Reading of Official and other Communications – Adjutant.
- Commander announced that all Officer and Committee Reports except those requiring action by this Council be deferred until the Grand Scratch.
- Audit Committee Chairman, Bill Wichmannreported that the Auditors have completed audits of the Grand and the Randall Trust Funds. The books and records of the Grand QM and Fund Trusteeswere found to be in order. Audit report was read. Cootie Wichmann moved that the report of the Audit Committee for the Grand Fund and the Randall Trust Fund be accepted. Motion seconded and carried Audit report appended to these minutes.
- Final 2009-10 Budget Report: Chairman Hilliard reported that there were some major differences in actual and budgeted income and expenses during the term but the bottom lines was that total budgeted deficit was very close to the amount budgeted. Budget was read to the Council. The final figures will be used as a guide in preparing the 2010-2011 budgets. Chairman Hilliard moved that the final budget as read be approved by the Council. Motion seconded by Cootie Bradford and carried unanimously. Budget Report appended to these minutes.
- Officer Reports deferred to Grand Scratch but Commander reported that Membership, Hospital, National Home Special Projects are all over 100%.
- No other reports requiring Council action.
- Chaplain Combs gave prayer for National Home.
- Unfinished Business:
- The Department Council approved by a 2/3 majority vote the rescinding of the Grand/DPA agreement on joint sharing of office space in the Post 2485 facility. After twenty minutes of emotional discussion a final amended motion was made by Chaplain Combs that Grand would receive the $5,000.00 and then donate that amount of $5,000.00 to the Department during the Department Convention Business Session. Motion seconded by District 5 Councilman, Hudson and carried by a majority vote.
- No new business.
- Good of the Order:Nothing
- With nothing further to be brought before the meeting, closing ceremonies were conducted according to the Ritual and the Council Meeting was adjourned at 1605 hours on June 21, 2010.
Original Signed copy in Grand Adjutant’s Files
Frank B. Hilliard IV
Grand Adjutant
Grand Commander
All Grand Council Members
All Pup Tent Seam Squirrels
All PT Hungry Cooties
Department Adjutant
Supreme QM/Adjutant
Amendments to these Minutes:
#1 - Audit Report for Grand and Randall Trust Funds
#2 –Final 2009-2010 Budget Report