Dania Elementary School

300 Southeast 2nd Avenue

Dania, Florida, 33004

(754) 323-5350

Student/Parent Handbook

2015 - 2016

Principal: Dr. Lewis Jackson

Assistant Principal: Ms. Leslie Phillips

School Hours...... 7:50 a.m. –1:50 p.m.

Office Hours...... 7:20 a.m. –2:50 p.m.

Faculty Hours...... 7:20 a.m. – 2:50 p.m.

Breakfast Served...... 7:05 a.m. - 7:35 a.m.

School Mascot...... Dolphin

School Colors...... Blue and White

This Agenda Book belongs to:

Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______, Florida Zip Code ______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

*Emergency Contact Name: ______Phone: ______

*Emergency Contact Name: ______Phone: ______

Teacher: ______Grade: ______

Lunch #______


Office ...... 7:20 a.m. –2:50 p.m.

First Bell...... 7:45 a.m.

Classes Begin...... 7:50 a.m.

Dismissal...... 1:50 p.m.

Student/Parent Handbook

The pages of this handbook are filled with important information regarding school policies and procedures. This section has been prepared to answer some of the questions frequently asked by parents and students. Its purpose is to explain the policies, safety, rules, and regulations governing conduct and the general operational guidelines of our school.

We suggest that parents and students review the contents together. Additionally, we feel that the handbook will serve as a helpful reference for you at school and home. If you have any questions that remain unanswered after reading the handbook, please contact the school office.

I have reviewed the School Agenda Book and discussed it with my child. I understand that I am encouraged to review this Agenda Book daily and communicate with the teacher when necessary. I also understand that I can expect communication from teachers, counselors, and administration whenever there is a concern about my child.


Student’s Signature Date

Parent’s SignatureDate


Teacher’s Name

Let your child know that you plan to monitor his/her progress through the Agenda Book and call on him/her to meet required responsibilities. Please sign, tear out and return this page to your child’s teacher.

Nota Para los Padres

Entiendo que debo leer la agenda de mi hijo/hija a diario y comunicarme con sus maestros cuando sea necesario. Tambien entiendo que los maestros, consejeros y administradores se comunicaran conmigo cuando haya algun problema con mi hijo/hija.


Firma del padreFecha

Digale a su hijo/hija que usted va a vigilar como esta yendo en la escuela a traves de la agenda y hablara con el/ella para ayudarlo a cumplir con sus responsabilidade.


Message from the Principal...... 5

Agenda Book Usage...... 6

Arrival Procedures...... 6

Attendance...... 7

Excuses, Make Up Assignments, and Tardiness

Baked Goods...... 7

Before & After School Care (ASP)...... 7

Birthday Party Policy...... 8

Breakfast & Lunch ...... 8

Price, Payment, and Free/Reduced Application Process

Cell Phone Use...... 8

Communication...... 9

Conferences...... 9

Discipline...... 9

Dismissal Procedures...... 9

Car, Bike, Walkers, Bus,

Early Release, Rainy Day, Emergency...... 10

Early Release Days...... 11

Eligibility to Enroll...... 11

Registration and Medical

Field Trips...... 12

Guidance...... 12

Health...... 12

Homework...... 12

Illness/Injury...... 12

Clinic Policy and Head Lice Policy

Insurance...... 13

Interim Reports...... 13

Lost & Found ...... 13

Media ...... 13

Messages...... 13

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)...... 13

Pets...... 13

Report Cards...... 13

Safety...... 13

School Advisory Committee (SAC)...... 14

Student Achievement Recognition...... 14

Student Responsibilities...... 14

Student Services for Exceptional Students (ESE)...... 14

Support Staff...... 14

Tardy Policy...... 14

Telephones...... 15

Testing Programs...... 15

Textbooks & Materials...... 15

Title 1...... 15

Truancy...... 15

Visitors...... 16

Volunteers...... 16

Weapons Policy...... 16

Withdrawal Procedures...... 16

Principal’s Message to Parents

I am the proud principal of Dania Elementary School, and I have the distinct honor of welcoming you to another school year. Dania Elementary School has a history of being an outstanding school; we are entering the 102nd year as a Broward school site. It is my commitment to continue the tradition of excellence by providing your child with challenging, rigorous, and rich education experiences.

Dania Elementary parents areour most valued partners in the important job of educating the children of our community. It is our belief that transparent communication between school and home is very importantin promoting the achievement of every student. This Agenda Book can be a valuable communication tool if it is used effectively. I encourage you to regularly read and discuss items written in this booklet with your child(ren).

I look forward to working closely with each of you. Adhering to high expectation and abiding by the ancient African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”, we can/will collaborate to accomplish greatness.


Lewis Jackson, Ed.D.


AGENDA BOOKS: Dania Elementary School is happy to provide each student in grades 1-5 with an Agenda Book at the beginning of the school year. If a child loses or misplaces his/her Agenda Book, there will be a $6.00 replacement fee.

Hints for Using Your Agenda Book

Please review the “Hints for Using Your Agenda Book” with your child and become familiar with its format and contents.

Please review and sign your child’s Agenda Book daily to ensure that classwork/homework is properly completed. This will also keep you current with upcoming school activities and projects.

[ES1]During the School Day

  1. Listen carefully when your teacher gives an assignment. Look at your teacher and think about the assignment. If you have a question about the assignment, ask your teacher.
  2. Locate today’s date on the calendar.
  3. Locate the date when the assignment is due. All long-term assignments should be recorded on the due date, the date the assignment is to be turned in. Homework should be recorded on the day that it is assigned.
  4. Write an entry for the assignment on the due date. Make your entries brief, but be sure that you can understand them.

Before You Leave School

  1. Check your planner. Decide what homework you need to do this evening.
  2. Get out the materials you will need for your homework.
  3. If you don’t understand one of your assignments, ask your teacher or a classmate about it before you leave school.

At Home

  1. First, do the assignments that are due immediately. When you finish an assignment, draw a single line through the entry on the calendar.
  2. Next work on assignments that are due in the future.

ARRIVAL: Students should not arrive at school before 7:20 a.m. except for those students who participate in the breakfast program. Parents of Pre-Kindergarten through third grade students should use the south parking lot for drop off. Fourth and fifth grade students and siblings will use the south side of Building #2(old cafeteria). All vehicles should slowly move forward to the farthest empty drop off spot before having their child(ren) exit the car.

If your child is a bus rider, make sure he/she is at the appropriate bus stop ten minutes early. Also, we ask that you be patient with bus transportation the first few days of school. The children on the buses will be dropped off at the school’s Bus Loading Zones and directed to their classes. Students may ONLY ride the bus to which they are assigned and should not ask permission to ride another bus.

The east parking lot is reserved for school buses only. Please adhere to the signs.

ATTENDANCE AND/OR ILLNESS AT SCHOOL: Punctuality and regularity in attendance are necessary for successful academic performance. If students are ill, they should remain at home until fully recuperated. All absences must be reported by telephone within 48 hours, followed by a note when the student returns. This note should state the cause and date of the absence (State Law). The attendance phone number is 754 323-5352.

Children will be excused for the following reasons:

  1. Illness of student
  2. Illness of immediate family member
  3. Death
  4. Religious holidays of the student’s own faith.
  5. Required court appearance or subpoena.
  6. Special event. Examples of special events include important public functions, conferences, state/national competitions, as well as exceptionalcases of family need. The student must get permission from theprincipal/designee at least five days ahead of time.
  7. Scheduled medical or dental appointment.
  8. Students having, or suspected of having, a communicable disease orinfestation which can be transmitted are to be excluded from school andare not allowed to return to school until they no longer present a healthhazard (F.S. 1003.22). Examples of communicable diseases and infestationsinclude, but are not limited to, fleas, head lice, ringworm, impetigo andscabies. Students are allowed a maximum of five excused days absence foreach infestation of head lice. Students on field trips and students who attend alternative to suspension programs are not considered absent.

Make-Up Work for Absences

It is the student’s responsibility to make up all assignments due to an EXCUSED ABSENCE. Students have two school days for each day they are absent (not including the day of return) in which to make up assignments. Previously assigned work is due on the day of return. It is suggested that the students have the phone number of a homework buddy to help with details regarding an assignment. Hospital and/or homebound instruction are provided for children with illnesses, which extend beyond 15 school days. Information regarding this service is available from the Guidance Office.


School is the child’s first job. Punctuality is a valuable part of learning and should be stressed. By being on time students will have the needed time to prepare for the day’s work in a relaxed manner. If parents know students are going to be late, please send a note stating the reason. In this way, the teacher will know that the student was not lingering or playing on the way. The tardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m. Students arriving at 7:51 a.m will be marked tardy on their attendance card and must report to the office for a tardy pass to enter their classroom.

BAKED GOODS: Due to Florida Health Regulations, home-baked goods or home cooked dishes may NOT be brought to school for consumption by students, only commercially prepared goods.

BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE: Before school care is not available for students at Dania Elementary. After School Provider (ASP) provides after school care for the students at Dania Elementary. Dania Elementary staff also work in the program. For more information call (954) 596-9000.

BIRTHDAY PARTIES: Birthday celebrations in the classrooms are discouraged. Parents may send in cupcakes or cookies and these items will be distributed during the students [ES2]lunch period.No home-prepared food is permitted per School Board policy.

BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PROGRAM: Our cafeteria provides students with a hot lunch. Meals are balanced within the guidelines of good nutrition. A breakfast program is also offered and participation is voluntary. Breakfast is served at 7:05-7:35 daily.

Breakfast- $1.20Reduced Price - $0.30

Lunch -$1.90 Reduced price - $0.40

Ice cream will be available on Wednesdays and Fridays for $0.60

Meals may be paid monthly, weekly or daily. Advance payments may be made on Mondays or the first day of each week. Please put advance payments in an envelope with the student’s name, grade level, and lunch number. Parents may come in and make breakfast/lunch payments from 7:20 a.m. to 7:45 a.m.

Children who qualify may be eligible for free or reduced priced meals. Online applications can be accessed online at

Lunch application information packets are placed in the students’ first day packets, or are available in the front office. Applications are processed in 2-10 business days.

Meal payments may be completed online using School Payment Solutions at You will need to have the following information to register and create your account:

  • Child’s School District (Broward)
  • Child’s School (Dania)
  • Child’s Student ID, Birth Date, Address
  • A valid email address for your account

You will be required to add one student to your account when registering. However, once your account is active, you can login and add any number of additional students to your account. Once you have completed registration, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you specified during registration. You MUST confirm your email address via the instructions in the email in order to activate your account and login for the first time.

Charging Lunches

To facilitate the smooth operation of the cafeteria you are only allowed ONE lunch charge. Students with more than one charge will be provided a nutritional option.

Our school is a School of Wellness, it is very important that our children are encouraged to eat nutritious, healthy meals. For this reason, it is very important that you adhere to the following requests:

  • NO candy is to be brought to school.
  • NO soft drinks are to be brought for lunch.
  • NO glass containers are to be used in lunchboxes.

CELL PHONES: Cell phones may be brought to school, but must be turned off and kept out of sight during school hours (per Code of Student Conduct). The School is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones.


Menu- a monthly menu for breakfast and lunch will be sent home.

School newsletter - The Dania Dolphin Press will be sent home each quarter. It will contain news, highlights, notices of upcoming events, and timely information.

PTO newsletter- The PTO newsletter will be published as needed and will contain information regarding[ES3] PTO projects and plans.

Parent Link- Parent Link is used to send reminders and urgent information via telephones, email, and/or text.

Website – The school website ( provides valuable information, including our School Improvement Plan, Cafeteria Inspection Results, Important Dates, and Contact Information.

CONFERENCES: Parents and teachers must work closely together to develop and implement good educational programs for children. Conferencing represents one of the ways in which the home and school come together. For conferences to be successful and informative please follow these suggestions:

  1. A request in writing or a phone call to the teacher requesting a conference will ensure sufficient time and privacy. Teachers are available for conferences from 7:20 –7:50 a.m. and from 2:15 – 2:50 p.m.[ES4]
  2. Before the conference, decide if the conference is of a nature that should be discussed in the presence of the child. (Children are often included in conferences.)
  3. If you have a scheduled conference, please let the teacher know if you will be there or if you need to reschedule at another time. At least two conferences will be scheduled yearly to discuss your child’s progress.
  4. Notify the teacher if you feel that an additional conference is needed.

DISCIPLINE: The School Board of Broward County has adopted a Student Code of Conduct. Please review the Code of Conduct, which outlines behavior expectations for ALL Broward County students. Please sign and return the “Acknowledgement Form”. Teachers MUSThave this form signed and on file for each student.

DISMISSAL PROCEDURES: It is very important that we make the arrival and dismissal from school as safe as possible. You are the most significant role model that your child has. If you are picking up a car rider, please stay in your car in the car line and move along. It is also impossible to have every parent park their car and walk their child to their classroom. Please adhere to the following procedures to ensure a SAFE arrival and dismissal. Teachers must be notified in writing if a student will be taking transportation home that deviates from the normal routine. If the written notification is not received, the student will go home in the usual way.

Car Riders

Cars should maintain a single file, stay close to the curb and not pass another car unless directed to do so. Please pull all the way forward before stopping to pick up or drop off your child. Cars in the line may not stop and wait for a child or get out and leave the vehicle unattended. Students will not be allowed to leave the pickup area and walk to a parked car unless accompanied by an adult. If there is a need to enter the building, a suitable parking place should be found so that the flow of traffic is not interrupted. Be sure to place the completed car rider form on your dashboard with the student’s name, grade and teacher. Car pick-up and drop off will be on the south side of the school. Parents of kindergarten through third grade students should use the south parking lot for drop off. Pre-K, fourth, fifth grade students and siblings will use the south side entrance to the old cafeteria.

Due to safety concerns, parents should not drop students off in the bus area.

Bus Riders

Bus transportation is provided for students residing 2 miles or more from school. In order to help ensure the safety of all passengers, each bus rider is expected to cooperate and follow bus safety rules. Bus pick-up/drop-off is on the east side of the school.