Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction to the Women’s Resource Center of Winona

Introduction to the Women’s Resource Center1

Women’s Resource Center Mission’s Statement3

Her story of the Women’s Resource Center4

Section 2: Introduction to Sexual/Domestic Violence Issues

A short history: Anti‐violence movement presentation8

What is domestic violence? (includes definitions for domestic abuse,

sexual abuse, sexual activity involving a child, threats, mental abuse,

and neglect or deprivation of medical care)12

The evolution of domestic violence theory and law reform efforts in

the United States13

Manifestations of Violence (grid that outlines various forms of

manifestations from violence)21

Power and Control Wheel and Healthy Relationship Wheel (+ case studies)23

Ways a person can be impacted by verbal/emotional abuse27

“So why do they stay?”28

Domestic violence safety plan30

Section 3: Populations Affected by Domestic Violence

Rural Battered Women (victims, perpetrators, and barriors)35

Communities of color Domestic Violence (African American women,

Asian and Pacific Islander women, Hispanic and Latino women, Native

American and Alaskan Indian women)37

GLBT/Same sex domestic violence43

Types of warning signs of elder abuse45

Section 4: Sexual Assault

“What is sexual assault” presentation (includes in order: what is

sexual assault, charges, media influence, myth and fact section, drug

facilitated assault, acquaintance rape, statistics, effects of assault,

prostitution, pornography, stalking)46

Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault: how advocates can assist victims69

Sexual Assault: Response to assault and abuse71

About Sexual Violence72

MNSCU Sexual Violence Procedure77

Sexual Violence Policy82

Facts about prostitution84

Information on escaping prostitution85

Forms and effects of prostitution86

Prostitution Research and Education87

Sexual Misconduct by professionals quiz and answer sheet88

“Project Pathfinder, Inc.” presentation93

Human Trafficking Fact Sheet103

Stalking Fact Sheet104

Things to know if you have a stalker105

Top 10 things to do if you have a stalker106

Stalking Log107

Section 6: Mandated Reporter Training

Mandated Reporter Training108

When you make a report you will be asked the following110

Effects of Violence on Children112

Section 7: Victims’ Rights

“Minnesota Crime: Victims’ Rights” presentation113

Minnesota Crime Victims Reparations Claim form124

Crime Victims’ Rights128

Victim Rights in Minnesota129

Victims’ Rights Chart: Mapping through Notification, Compensations

and Participation130

Section 8: Important Contacts, Forms and Policies

Winona County Criminal Justice Providers: Non‐Emergency Numbers131 Information for Prosecution example form 132

Definitions (Criminal Justice Legal System)133

Winona County Detention Center domestic abuse information

example intake form136

Domestic Abuse Arrest Model Policy (including: definitions,

procedure, responding to calls, arrest decisions, children reports and

forms, and further investigation146

Call for service example intake form156

Winona Police Department Example: Supplementary Report158

Minnesota Session Laws164

Amendment to Statute on Reporting (692.341)165

Domestic Assault by Strangulation (Minnesota 609 Statute)166

Minnesota Statutes, 2000, Criminal code167

Minnesota Statute Levels and Intensity of Assault169

Domestic Abuse Enhancements: Description of consequences based

on number of offenses171

Related offenses summary of Minnesota Laws (609)173

Minnesota Statutes Annotated Domestic Relations Chapter 518 B

Domestic Abuse175

Minnesota State Wide VINE Service190

Misdemeanor Crimes of Domestic Violence and Federal Firearms


Protection orders and Federal Firearms prohibitions195

Order for Protection Process (OFP)196

Section 8: Phone Procedures

Phone Procedures197Resource Numbers 198

Call Map: Map of what to do and who to contact when receiving a

phone call through the WRC201

Women’s Resource Center Policies and Procedures202

“Isn’t Anyone Listening” using active listening techniques231

Section 9: Self-care for Advocates

Self‐Care for Advocates233

Developing and Demonstrating Healthy Boundaries237