Appendix A
Chapter A1
As discussed in Chapter 3, the set of monitored variables in the CADMCS system can be decomposed into three sub-sets, Physical Variables (ME), System Status (MI), and Monitored System Parameters (MP). ME, MI, and MP will be defined in Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3, respectively.
Section 1 Physical Variables (ME)
Physical Variables (ME), can further be decomposed into two sub-sets, Known Actual Values (MK), and Unknown Actual Values (MR). MK, and MR are defined as follows.
1.1. Known Actual Values (MK)
integer &SouNum&
- the number of the excitation sources in an application.
- initial value: &SouNum& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &SouNum& &MMaxSouNum&.
- reference: &MMaxSouNum& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &MGSouN&
- the number of the type of modulated Gaussian excitation sources in an application.
- initial value: &MGSouN& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &MGSouN& MMaxSouNum&.
- reference: &MMaxSouNum& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &SynSouN&
- the number of the type of synthetic excitation sources in an application.
- initial value: &SynSouN& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &SynSouN& &MMaxSouNum&.
- reference: &MMaxSouNum& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
SOUEXPN &ExiSou& [ 1: &SouNum&]
- Each represents an expression of an excitation source in an application.
- initial value: &ExiSou&[m] = 0 , where m = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- range of values: &ExiSou&[m]SOUEXPN, where m = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- reference: SOUEXPN is defined in chapter A6 (New Variable Type Definitions).
real function &
- the conductivity of the materials in an application structure (space).
- function of the location (point vector) in space.
- initial value: &(r)& = 0.
- range of values: { (r)& | (0 (r)& &MMax.
- reference: &MMax& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
real function &r
- the relative dielectric constant of the materials in an application structure (space).
- function of the location (point vector) in space.
- initial value: & r(r)& = 0 .
- range of values: { r(r)| (0 r(r) &MMax) }.
- reference: &MMax is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
real function &µ r
- the relative magnetic constant of materials in an application structure (space).
- function of the location (point vector) in space.
- initial value: &µ r(r)& = 0.
- range of values: { &µ r(r) | (0 &µ r(r)& &MMaxµ) }.
- reference: &MMaxµ& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
real set &T&
- observed responding time, i.e. the elapsed time after applying an excitation source in an application structure.
- unit: second .
- initial value: &T& = {0}.
- range of values: { t | (0 t 10000000) }.
real &fmin
- a minimum value of the frequency interested in for all excitation sources in an application.
- unit: Hz.
- initial value: &fmin& = 1 MHz (106Hz).
- range of values: ( &fmin 1011).
real &fmax
- a maximum value of the frequency interested in for all excitation sources in an application.
- unit: Hz .
- initial value: &fmax& = 100 GHz (109Hz).
- range of values: (&fmin &fmax 1013).
real set &F&
- the frequency corresponding to an excitation source in an application.
- unit: Hz .
- initial value: &F& = { 0 }.
- range of values: { f | (&fmin f &fmax&)}.
surface array &SouBou& [1: &SouNum&]
- Each member represents the outer surface of an applying excitation source.
- initial value: &SouBou& [m] = Origin, where m = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- range of values: {&SouBou&[m] | InApplSpace (&SouBou&[m]) },where m = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- reference: Origin is defined in Section 1 (General Symbolic Constants) of Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions), and InApplSpace is a predicate defined in Chapter A4.
surface &ApplOutSur&
- the outer surface of an application structure.
- initial value: &ApplOutSur& = UnitSpaceSur.
- range of values: {Q(s, t): surface | Q(s, t) InFiniteAppSpace }, where InFiniteAppSpace = { r : point vector | Origin r | | MaxPoint | }.
- reference: MaxPoint and UnitSpaceSur are defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).r | means the magnitude of the point vector r.
integer &NumEtP&
- the number of points requested for the output of the time domain electric field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumEtP& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &NumEtP& MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumEfP&
- the number of points requested for the output of the frequency domain electric field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumEfP& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &NumEfP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumHtP&
- the number of points requested for the output of the time domain magnetic field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumHtP& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &NumHtP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumHfP&
- the number of points requested for the output of the frequency domain magnetic intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumHfP& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &NumHfP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumItP&
- the number of points requested for the output of the time domain electric current in an application.
- initial value: &NumItP& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &NumItP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumIfP&
- the number of points requested for the output of the frequency domain electric current in an application.
- initial value: &NumIfP& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &NumIfP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumVtP&
- the number of points requested for the output of the time domain electric potential in an application.
- initial value: &NumVtP& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &NumVtP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumVfP&
- the number of points requested for the output of the frequency domain electric potential in an application.
- initial value: &NumVfP& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &NumVfP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumFZEtP&
- the number of far zone points requested for the output of the time domain electric field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumFZEtP& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumFZEtP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumFZEfP&
- the number of far zone points requested for the output of the frequency domain electric field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumFZEfP& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumFZEfP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumFZHtP&
- the number of far zone points requested for the output of the time domain magnetic field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumFZHtP& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumFZHtP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumFZHfP&
- the number of far zone points requested for the output of the frequency domain magnetic field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumFZHfP& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumFZEfP& &MMaxReqPn&.
- reference: &MMaxReqPn& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
integer &NumEtLn&
- the number of line segments requested for the output of the time domain electric field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumEtLn& = 0.
- range of values: 1 &NumEtLn& 100.
integer &NumEfLn&
- the number of line segments requested for the output of the frequency domain electric field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumEfLn& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumEfLn& 100.
integer &NumHtLn&
- the number of line segments requested for the output of the time domain magnetic field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumHtLn& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumHtLn& 100.
integer &NumHfLn&
- the number of line segments requested for the output of the frequency domain magnetic field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumHfLn& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumHfLn& 100.
integer &NumEtPl&
- the number of planes requested for the output of the time domain electric field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumEtPl& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumEtPl& 50.
integer &NumEfPl&
- the number of planes requested for the output of the frequency domain electric field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumEfPl& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumEfPl& 50.
integer &NumHtPl&
- the number of planes requested for the output of the time domain magnetic field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumHtPl& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumHtPl& 50.
integer &NumHfPl&
- the number of planes requested for the output of the frequency domain magnetic field intensity in an application.
- initial value: &NumHfPl& = 0.
- range of values: 0 &NumHfPl& 50.
point vector array &EtPntReq&[1: &NumEtP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the time domain electric field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &EtPntReq&[n] = Origin, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEtP&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&EtPntReq&[n]), where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEtP&.
- reference: InApplSpace (r) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. Origin is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions) .
point vector array &EfPntReq&[1: &NumEfP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the frequency domain electric field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &EfPntReq&[n] = Origin, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEfP&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&EfPntReq&[n]), where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEfP&.
- reference: InApplSpace (r) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. Origin is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
point vector array &HtPntReq&[1: &NumHtP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the time domain magnetic field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &HtPntReq&[n]&[n] = Origin, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHtP&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&HtPntReq&[n]), where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHtP&.
- reference: InApplSpace (r) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. Origin is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
point vector array &HfPntReq&[1: &NumHfP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the frequency domain magnetic field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &HfPntReq&[n] = Origin, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHfP&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&HfPntReq&[n]), where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHfP&.
- reference: InApplSpace (r) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. Origin is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
line segment array &EtLnReq&[1: &NumEtLn&]
- Each member represents a line segment where the output of the time domain electric field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &EtLnReq&[n] = UnitXSeg, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEtLn&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&EtLnReq&[n]), where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEtLn&.
- reference: InApplSpace (LineSeg) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. UnitXSeg is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
line segment array &EfLnReq&[1: &NumEfLn&]
- Each member represents a line segment where the output of the frequency domain electric field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &EfLnReq&[n] = UnitXSeg, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEfLn&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&EfLnReq&[n]) , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEfLn&.
- reference: InApplSpace (LineSeg) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. UnitXSeg is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
line segment array &HtLnReq&[1: &NumHtLn&]
- Each member represents a line segment where the output of the time domain magnetic field intensity is requested in an application .
- initial value: &HtLnReq&[n] = UnitXSeg , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHtLn&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&HtLnReq&[n]) , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHtLn&.
- reference: InApplSpace (LineSeg) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. UnitXSeg is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
line segment array &HfLnReq&[1: &NumHfLn&]
- Each member represents a line segment where the output of the frequency domain magnetic field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &HfLnReq&[n] = UnitXSeg , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHfLn&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&HfLnReq&[n]) , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHfLn&.
- reference: InApplSpace (LineSeg) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. UnitXSeg is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
plane array &EtPlReq&[1: &NumEtPl&]
- Each member represents a plane where the output of the time domain electric field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &EtPlReq&[n] = XYPlane , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEtPl&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&EtPlReq&[n]) , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEtPl&.
- reference: InApplSpace (plane) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. XYPlane is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
plane array &EfPlReq&[1: &NumEfPl&]
- Each member represents a plane where the output of the frequency domain electric field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &EfPlReq&[n] = XYPlane , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEfPl&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&EfPlReq&[n]) , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumEfPl&.
- reference: InApplSpace (plane) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. XYPlane is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
plane array &HtPlReq&[1: &NumHtPl&]
- Each member represents a plane where the output of the time domain magnetic field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &HtPlReq&[n] = XYPlane , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHtPl&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&HtPlReq&[n]), where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHtPl&.
- reference: InApplSpace (plane) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. XYPlane is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
plane array &HfPlReq&[1: &NumHfPl&]
- Each member represents a plane where the output of the frequency domain magnetic field intensity is requested in an application.
- initial value: &HfPlReq&[n] = XYPlane, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHfPl&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&HfPlReq&[n]), where n = 1, 2, …, &NumHfPl&.
- reference: InApplSpace (plane) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. XYPlane is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
point vector array &VtPntReq& [1: &NumVtP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the time domain electric potential is requested in an application.
- initial value: &VtPntReq&[n] = Origin , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumVtP&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&VtPntReq&[n]) , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumVtP&.
- reference: InApplSpace (r) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. Origin is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
point vector array &VfPntReq& [1: &NumVfP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the frequency domain electric potential is requested in an application.
- initial value: &VfPntReq&[n] = Origin , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumVfP&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&VfPntReq&[n]) , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumVfP&.
- reference: InApplSpace (r) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. Origin is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
point vector array &ItPntReq& [1: &NumItP& ]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the time domain electric current is requested in an application.
- initial value: (&ItPntReq&[n] = Origin , where n = 1, 2, …, &NumItP&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&ItPntReq&[n]), where n = 1, 2, …, &NumItP&.
- reference: InApplSpace (r) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. Origin is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
point vector array &IfPntReq& [1: &NumIfP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the frequency domain electric current is requested in an application.
- initial value: (&IfPntReq&[n] = Origin, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumIfP&.
- range of values: InApplSpace (&IfPntReq&[n]), where n = 1, 2, …, &NumIfP&.
- reference: InApplSpace (r) is a predicate, defined in Chapter A4. Origin is defined in Chapter A5 (Constant Definitions).
point vector array &EtFZPntReq&[1: &NumFZEtP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the far zone electric field intensity in the time domain is requested in an application.
- initial value: &EtFZPntReq&[n] = FarPnt, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumFZEtP&.
- range of values: outside the application structure and not farther than the point (&MMaxPointInX&, &MMaxPointInY&, &MMaxPointInZ&).
- reference: &MMaxPointInX&, &MMaxPointInY&, and &MMaxPointInZ& are defined in Section 3 of this chapter. FarPnt is defined in Chapter A5.
point vector array &EfFZPntReq&[1: &NumFZEfP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the far zone electric field intensity in the frequency domain is requested in an application.
- initial value: &EfFZPntReq&[n] = FarPnt, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumFZEfP&.
- range of values: outside the application structure and not farther than the point (&MMaxPointInX&, &MMaxPointInY&, &MMaxPointInZ&).
- reference: &MMaxPointInX&, &MMaxPointInY&, and &MMaxPointInZ& are defined in Section 3 of this chapter. FarPnt is defined in Chapter A5.
point vector array &HtFZPntReq&[1: &NumFZHtP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the far zone magnetic field intensity in the time domain is requested in an application.
- initial value: &HtFZPntReq& = Origin, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumFZHtP&.
- range of values: outside the application structure and not farther than the point (&MMaxPointInX&, &MMaxPointInY&, &MMaxPointInZ&).
- reference: &MMaxPointInX&, &MMaxPointInY&, and &MMaxPointInZ& are defined in Section 3 of this chapter. FarPnt is defined in Chapter A5.
point vector array &HfFZPntReq&[1: &NumFZHfP&]
- Each member represents a point (location) where the output of the far zone magnetic field intensity in the frequency domain is requested in an application.
- initial value: &HfFZPntReq&[n] = FarPnt, where n = 1, 2, …, &NumFZHfP&.
- range of values: outside the application structure and not farther than the point (&MMaxPointInX&, &MMaxPointInY&, &MMaxPointInZ&).
- reference: &MMaxPointInX&, &MMaxPointInY&, and &MMaxPointInZ& are defined in Section 3 in this chapter. FarPnt is defined in Chapter A5.
1.2. Unknown Actual Values (MR)
array of real vectorfunction E(r, t) [1: &SouNum&]
- Each represents the actual value of the time domain electric field intensity in an application.
- unit: V/L (volt per meter).
- initial value: E(r, t)[s] = 0, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- range of values: { E(r, t)[s] | (abs(| E(r, t) [s]|) &MMaxE&) }, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&, and abs() is the standard absolute function, and | E | means the magnitude of the vector E.
- reference: &MMaxE& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
array of real vectorfunction H(r, t) [1: &SouNum&]
- Each represents the actual value of the time domain magnetic field intensity in an application.
- unit: Q/(LT) (Ampere per meter).
- initial value: H(r, t)[s] = 0, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- range of values: { H(r, t)[s] | (abs(| H(r, t) [s]|) &MMaxH&) }, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&, and | H | means the magnitude of the vector H.
- reference: &MMaxH& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
array of real vectorfunction B(r, t) [1: &SouNum&]
- Each represents the actual value of the time domain magnetic flux density in an application.
- unit: VT/L2 (tesla or ampere per square meter).
- initial value: B(r, t)[s] = 0, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- range of values: { B(r, t) [s] | (abs (| B(r, t) [s] |) &MMaxB&) },where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&, and | B | means the magnitude of the vector B, and abs() is the standard absolute function.
- reference: &MMaxB& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
array of real function V(r, t) [1: &SouNum&]
- Each represents the actual value of the time domain electric potential in an application.
- unit: volt .
- initial value: V(r, t) [s]= 0, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- range of values: { V(r, t) [s] | (abs (V(r, t) [s]) &MMaxV&)}, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&, and abs() is the standard absolute function.
- reference: &MMaxV& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
array of real function I(r, t) [1: &SouNum&]
- Each represents the actual value of the time domain electric current in an application.
- unit: Ampere .
- initial value: I(r, t)[s] = 0, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- range of values: { I(r, t) [s] | (abs (I(r, t) [s]) &MMaxI&)}, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&, and abs () is the standard absolute function.
- reference: &MMaxI& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter.
array of real vectorfunction e(r, f) [1: &SouNum&]
- Each represents the actual value of the frequency domain electric field intensity in an application.
- initial value: e(r, f)[s] = 0, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum.
- range of values: { e(r, f)[s] | (abs(| e(r, f)[s]|) &MMaxE&) }, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&, and | e | means the magnitude of the vector e.
- reference: &MMaxE& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter. abs () is the standard absolute function
array of real vector function h(r, f) [1: &SouNum&]
- Each represents the actual value of the frequency domain magnetic field intensity in an application.
- initial value: h(r, f)[s] = 0, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- range of values: { h(r, f)[s] | abs(| h(r, f)[s]|) &MMaxH&) }, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&, and | h | means the magnitude of the vector h.
- reference: &MMaxH& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter. abs () is the standard absolute function.
array of real vectorfunction b(r, f) [1: &SouNum&]
- Each represents the actual value of the frequency domain magnetic flux density in an application.
- unit: VT/L2 (tesla or ampere per square meter).
- initial value: b(r, f)[s] = 0, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&.
- range of values: { b(r, f) [s] | (abs(| b(r, f) [s] |) &MMaxB&) }, where s = 1, 2, …, &SouNum&, and | b | means the magnitude of the vector b.
- reference: &MMaxB& is defined in Section 3 of this chapter. abs () is the standard absolute function.
array of real function v(r, f) [1: &SouNum&]