County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing

RFP No. 900977, Addendum No. 2




RFP No. 901396


Locum Tenens

Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences

Held on September 2, 2015 and September 3, 2015

This County of Alameda, General Services Agency (GSA), RFP Addendum has been electronically issued to potential bidders via e-mail. E-mail addresses used are those in the County’s Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Vendor Database or from other sources. If you have registered or are certified as a SLEB, please ensure that the complete and accurate e-mail address is noted and kept updated in the SLEB Vendor Database. This RFP Addendum will also be posted on the GSA Contracting Opportunities website located at

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RFP No. 900977, Addendum No. 2

Page 1

County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Procurement & Support Services

RFP No. 901396, Addendum No. 2

The following Sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes made to the original RFP document are in bold print and highlighted, and deletions made have a strike through.

Page 6 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 1.f. and 1.n., have been modified as follows:

Page 6 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 1.f. and 1.n. states:

f.Contractor shall provide locum tenens psychiatrists and/or physicians who will render services as required by County, as listed under MENTAL HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS SKILLS REQUIREMENTS, and MEDICAL CARE PROVIDERS SKILL REQUIREMENTS.

  1. Contractor shall verify Provider’s Board Certification (American Board of

Medical Specialties, American Osteopathic Association) or highest level of

training/education in Provider’s primary practicing specialty, if applicable.

Page 7 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 2.i., has been added as follows:

Page 7 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 2.i. states:

  1. Participates with Mid-Level Practitioners in collaboration on the development of the standardized procedure, approval of the standardized procedure, and will be available by telephonic contact at the time of patient examination.

Page 9 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 3.i. and 3.j., have been modified as follows:

Page 9 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 3.i. and 3.j. states:

  1. American Medical Association Physicians Profile, if applicable.
  2. Association of State Medical Board Executive Directors – Medical Board of California Search Results, if applicable.

Pages 9 – 10 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 3.l. to 3.o., have been modified as follows:

Pages 9 – 10 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 3.l. to 3.o. states:

  1. National Practitioner Data Base Query Response.
  2. Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Search Results/Exclusions Search Results: Individual
  3. The ‘OIG Search Results/Exclusions Search Results: Individual’ includes checking the following databases during initial credentialing and on a monthly basis once established as a Provider, to comply with the Federal Office of the Inspector General: Excluded Parties List (formerly the GSA EPLS) (Behavioral Health Services will check monthly) /
(Health care Providers SHOULD be on this list)
Office of the Inspector General List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (OIG LEIE)
(Contractor must check before first day of service) /
(Health Provider should NOT be on this site)
Office of Inspector General (OIG) Most Wanted Fugitives
(Contractor must check before first day of service) /
(Health Provider should NOT be on this site)
Office of Foreign Assets Control Specially Designated Nationals (OFAC SDN) /
(Health Provider should NOT be on this site)
  1. Contractor must make certain that all documents and certificates remain current for the duration of the locum tenens Provider’s term with the County. Contractor shall provide a printed copy of all Locum Tenens health care providers credentials e-mailed directly to the Network Office Administrator before any health care provider reports for work.

l. National Practitioner Data Base Query Response

m. Checking the following databases during initial credentialing and on a monthly basis (unless otherwise noted) once established as a Provider, for providers who have been suspended, debarred, excluded or sanctioned from providing services that are funded by Federal: Excluded Parties List (formerly the GSA EPLS)
(Contractor must check before first day of service at initial credentialing only) /
(Health care Providers should NOT be on this list)

RFP No. 901396, Addendum No. 2

Page 1

County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Procurement & Support Services

RFP No. 901396, Addendum No. 2

Office of the Inspector General List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (OIG LEIE)
(Contractor must check before first day of service) /
(Health Provider should NOT be on this site)
Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Medi-Cal Suspended and Ineligible Provider List
(Contractor must check before first day of service) /
(Health Provider should NOT be on this site)
  1. Contractor must make certain that all documents and certificates remain current for the duration of the locum tenens Provider’s term with the County. Contractor shall provide a printed copy of all Locum Tenens health care providers credentials e-mailed directly to the Network Office Administrator before any health care provider reports for work.

Contractor shall monitor the expiration of Providers’ current State license (i.e., DEA, BBS, Medical Board) expiration and shall be responsible for ensuring that a copy of the current license is available upon BHCS request at any given time after the initial credentialing verification.

Pages 11 – 12 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 5, have been modified as follows:

Pages 11 – 12 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 5 states:


All Locum Tenens Mental Health Plan Providers must possess and provide copies of the following credentials (same as #3. Mental health Care Provider Credential Requirements, provide letters A through N, if applicable).

a. Maintenance of a license in good standing [e.g., California Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), Nurse Practitioner (NP), nursing or Physician Assistant (PA), or other licensed provider] at all times; maintenance of knowledge of laws concerning patient abuse and safety.

b. Graduation from an accredited program.

c. Completion of all documentation and billing requirements in accordance with BHCS policies and procedures.

d. Proof of professional liability and general liability insurance coverage indicating a minimum of $1,000,000 per incident and $2,000,000 aggregate.

Responses to Written Questions

Q1) What are the SLEB waiver requirements? If applicable, can agencies still participate in the contract with a SLEB waiver letter?

A) A SLEB waiver is required to be submitted for approval to Office of Acquisition Policy (OAP).

Q2) How can a bidder obtain a SLEB waiver?

A) There is no SLEB waiver process available to bidders. Bidders, however, may take exception of the SLEB requirement. All exceptions to bid specifications/requirements must be listed on page 13 of the Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet (Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments). Please note, however, that the County is under no obligation to accept any exceptions and such exceptions may be a basis for bid disqualification.

Q3) What options are in place for bidders that are unable to partner with a SLEB subcontractor for this RFP?

A) If a bidder cannot fulfill the SLEB subcontracting requirement, one option the bidder can take is an exception on the Exceptions, Clarifications, and Amendments, on page 13 in Exhibit A where it will be considered. Another option is that a waiver may be granted for the exception if it is determined that the bidder has done their due diligence and has provided valid reasons as to why the SLEB subcontracting requirement cannot be met. However, the County is under no obligation to accept any exceptions and such exceptions may be the basis for bid disqualification. If the bidder has searched for SLEBs by using the County database located at and still needs more information and/or guidance, they should contact Linda Moore of OAP at 510-208-9717 or .

Q4) What should a bidder do to fulfill the SLEB requirement if they are not able to sub-contract with a SLEB?

A) Please click the following link for more information about SLEB requirements:

Small Local Emerging Business Program

Q5) Can the County please explain the penalties for not meeting the 20% SLEB requirement for sub-contracting?

A) Please refer to the Standard Services Agreement (SSA) breach of contract provisions for this contract and (below) SSA template SLEB provision:

SMALL LOCAL AND EMERGING BUSINESS (SLEB) PARTICIPATION: Contractor shall subcontract with company name (street address, city, state; Principal, name), for services to be provided under this Agreement in an amount equal to 20% (or adjust percentage if more than or less than 20%. If less than 20% a copy of approved GSA Waiver or Board approval is required) of the contract value of this Agreement in accordance with County’s Small and Emerging Local Business provision, which includes but is not limited to:

a. SLEB subcontractor(s) is independently owned and operated (i.e., is not owned or operated in any way by Prime), nor do any employees of either entity work for the other.

b. As is applicable, Contractor shall ensure that the certification status of participating SLEB subcontractors is maintained in compliance with the SLEB Program for the term of this contract.

c. Contractor shall not substitute or add any small and/or emerging local business(s) listed in this agreement without prior written approval from the County. Said requests to substitute or add a small and/or emerging local business shall be submitted in writing to the County department contract representative identified under Item #13 above. Contractor will not be able to substitute the subcontractor without prior written approval from the Alameda County Auditor Controller Agency, Office of Contract Compliance (OCC).

d. All SLEB participation, except for SLEB prime contractor, must be tracked and monitored utilizing the Elation compliance System. Contractor and Contractor’s small and/or emerging local businesses participating as subcontractors on the awarded contract are required to use the Elation web-based compliance system as described in Exhibit E (Contract Compliance Reporting Requirements) to report and validate payments made by Prime Contractors to the certified small and/or emerging local businesses. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that they and their subcontractors are registered and trained as required to utilize the Elation compliance system. SLEB prime contractor with SLEB subcontractors must enter payments made to subcontractors in the Elation System and ensure that SLEB subcontractors confirm payments received.

The County will be under no obligation to pay contractor for the percent committed to a SLEB subcontractor if the work is not performed by the listed small and/or emerging local business.

For further information regarding the Small Local Emerging Business participation requirements and utilization of the Alameda County Contract Compliance System contact the County Auditor-Controller’s Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) via e-mail at .

Q6) Can the County please explain the penalties for not meeting the 20% SLEB requirement, in the event that the SLEB sub-contractor does not fulfill its recruitment duties?

A) Please refer to the answer above (A5).

Q7) How does Alameda County expect a company to meet a 20% SLEB requirement when the likelihood of an open vacancy will be for one full-time equivalent position (Locum Tenens or permanent placement opportunity) or when there is no guarantee for any Locum Tenens hours at all?

A) The County prefers bidders meet the full 20% SLEB subcontracting requirement. If a bidder cannot meet the full 20% SLEB subcontract requirement, partial SLEB subcontracting would be better.

Bidders who cannot meet any part of the 20% SLEB subcontractor requirement, should take exception of the SLEB requirement. All exceptions to bid specifications/requirements must be listed on page 13 of the Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet (Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments).

Please note, however, that the County is under no obligation to accept any exceptions and such exceptions may be a basis for bid disqualification.

Q8) Will incumbents for the psychiatry services need to re-bid for this RFP?

A) Yes. Incumbents for the psychiatry services will need to re-bid for this RFP.

Q9) Does the previously awarded bidder need to resubmit bid for this new RFP?

A) Yes. The previously awarded bidders needs to resubmit bid for this new RFP.

Q10) Can the County please explain why the previous Locum Tenens RFQ was cancelled?

A) The cancellation of the previous RFQ for Locum Tenens was due to a protest from one of the bidders.

Q11) Can bidders refer to the previous Locum Tenens RFQ to provide the County with the hours and specialties of services?

A) No. The previous Locum Tenens contract was an RFQ and this current RFP #901396 has different requirements. Qualified bidders are required to go through the bidder interview and evaluation process. Bidders must refer to this RFP for the new specifications in order to submit a proposal that meets the County’s requirements.

Q12) Does the County know how many bids will be submitted and accepted?

A) No. The County would not know in advance how many bids will be submitted at the response due date.

Q13) Page 4, Section C (BACKGROUND) of the RFP states:

BHCS provides mental health and substance abuse services to seriously mentally ill individuals residing in our communities and incarcerated in the County jail. County-operated program sites are located in Oakland, San Leandro, Alameda, Fremont and Pleasanton.

Can the County please provide a list of the direct facilities that the contractor will be providing services?

A) Yes. Below is a list of some of the facilities that a contractor may be providing services:

Name of Location / Address
Alameda Community Support Center / 1429 Oak Street
Alameda, CA 94501
Criminal Justice Mental Health / 5325 Broder Blvd.
Dublin, CA 94568
Eden Community Support Center / 2045 Fairmont Drive
San Leandro, CA 94578
Juvenile Justice Center/Guidance Clinic / 2500 Fairmont Drive
San Leandro, CA 94578
Oakland Community Support Center / 7200 Bancroft Ave Suite 125-A
Oakland, CA 94605
Crisis Response Program/Schreiber Center / 409 Jackson Street
Hayward, CA 94544
Tri-City Health Center / 39500 Liberty Street
Fremont, CA 94538
Valley Community Support Center / 3730 Hopyard Road
Pleasanton, CA 94588

Q14) How many facilities will the contractor be required to provide services?

A) A contractor may be required to provide services at multiple clinics/locations. For example, clinic A needs someone for 20 hours and clinic B needs someone for 20 hours. We may decide to bring in two contractors, one for each location, or if one contractor is interested in working 40 hours, they could potentially work at both clinics.

Q15) How many psychiatric positions are open for the contractor to provide personnel?

A) It is difficult to predict as it is variable. The number of positions that will be open at any given time will vary as well as which facilities will have a need. Some sites that currently utilize locum tenens contractors are the Adult Outpatient Center in Oakland, jails in Oakland and Dublin, and outpatient clinics at the Eden Community Center in San Leandro, the Tri-City Center in Fremont, and the Alameda Center in the City of Alameda.

Q16) Can the County please provide the total amount of contract usage (total invoice amounts per classification and hours) per vendor, for each year over the term of the current contracts in place for locum tenens services?

A) We can provide total usage of locum tenens services in aggregate. The amounts by classification are not available, but listed is a break down by vendor and by fiscal year, which begins July 1st:

Q17) Can the County provide an estimated amount of contract usage for the terms of this contract?

A17)Future trends are difficult to predict. According to the on-line bid form, Behavioral Health Care Services (BHCS) projects 99,276 labor hours for seven types of Providers over the three year term of this contract:

Provider Classification Title / Hours, First Year / Hours, Second Year / Hours, Third Year / Hours, Three Year Total
Psychiatrist, Out Patient / 12,500 / 12,500 / 12,500 / 37,500
Psychiatrist, Jail Setting / 5,000 / 5,000 / 5,000 / 15,000
Psychiatrist, Young Adult / 5,000 / 5,000 / 5,000 / 15,000
Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) / 2,080 / 2,080 / 2,080 / 6,240
Registered Nurse (RN) / 192 / 192 / 192 / 576
Nurse Practitioner (NP) / 6,240 / 6,240 / 6,240 / 18,720
Physician's Assistant (PA) / 2,080 / 2,080 / 2,080 / 6,240
TOTAL: / 33,092 / 33,092 / 33,092 / 99,276

Q18) Can the County please explain the needs distribution process, post contract award, considering there will likely be multiple vendors with varying rates?

A) BHCS will let all vendors know about open positions for which BHCS is seeking Locum Tenens Providers. BHCS is always open to receiving Curriculum Vitae from interested/available providers. That said, doctors are not interchangeable and BHCS will make contracting decisions based on the quality and fit of the presented applicants.

Q19) How will needs for services be distributed to the contracted bidder(s)?

A) BHCS will let all vendors know about open positions for which BHCS is seeking Locum Tenens Providers. BHCS is always open to receiving Curriculum Vitae from interested/available providers. That said, doctors are not interchangeable and BHCS will make contracting decisions based on the quality and fit of the presented applicants.