Scottish Charity Number: SCO 15748
Application Form for an Organisation
The objectives of the Trust are to promote education and training of young persons under the age of 22 who are in need of care, or are living in deprived circumstances, or otherwise require assistance in adjusting to independent living.
Grants may be given for the following purposes:
1. Projects and schemes deemed to be for the benefit of children and young persons.
2. Assistance to other charitable bodies for the benefit of children and young persons
3. Assistance to individuals to further their education or employment prospects.
Notes on application:
1. Please type or use capitals in black ink.
2. Complete all sections 1-7 inclusive.
3. You may be asked to confirm information given in the application.
4. Your application will be considered primarily on the answers to the questions on this form but brief supporting papers may be enclosed, if necessary.
5. It is a requirement that all equipment bought is adequately insured and used under proper supervision.
6. It is a condition of grant that an organisation working with Children and Young People has the appropriate Child Protection procedures in place.
7. Please enclose a copy of the constitution and the latest audited accounts.
8. Al reference to individual young people should be anonymised
This application form should be returned to:
Jennifer Law
Secretaries & Treasurers
Exchange Place 3
Semple Street
Edinburgh EH3 8BL
All information disclosed to the Trust will be treated confidentially
Application Form
1. / Details of Applicant / AnswersSurname:
First Name:
Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms etc
Day Telephone Number:
Evening Telephone Number:
Post held in organisation
2. / Details of Organisation
Name of organisation:
If successful, name the exact title of the bank account to which cheques should be made payable (Please note that cheques cannot be paid to individuals)
Further details of organisation (when formed, aims and objectives, number of leaders and members etc.)
for an Organisation
3. / Purpose for which grant is requested(describe as simply as possible what you want to do, outlining particularly what need it is designated to meet and how it will bring particular benefit to young people) / Answers
4. / How many young people who experience educational, social or economic disadvantage would funding this application support?
5. / List the expenses that will be incurred and the amount of grant you are requesting
Please indicate amount
of grant requested:
6. / Give details of any other sources of funds
(Indicate how much money you have already raised.
What fund raising plans do you have?
Details of any other grants received or applied for)
Application form for an Organisation
7. / Have you received a grant from Red House Home Trust before? Yes ¨ No ¨If yes, when?
8. / Declaration
I have read the guidelines attached to this application form and confirm that the information given above is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand the information will be used to assist in proceeding with this application and I hereby give consent to its use for that purpose.
I confirm that the appropriate Child Protection procedures operate within this organisation.
I enclose a copy of the constitution and the latest audited accounts.
I agree that funds will be used in line with the detail in this application
Signature of Applicant ...... Date ......