Minutes Maastricht October 13th
NR 1
Title Youth Camp & Exchange Chairpersons Meeting
Date 13th October 2011 8:30-12:00
Chairperson: MD-YCEC Lou Hessing, MD 110 The Netherlands
Vice-Chairperson: MD-YCEC Jean-Pierre Beaufort, MD 112 Belgium
2nd Vice-Chairperson: MD-YCEC Erel Karamanoglu, MD 118 TurkeySecretary: CO-YCEC Doris Reva, D 120 Estonia
Agenda Secretary: YCEC Paul Vanderhaeghen, MD 112 Belgium
Agenda Item 1: Opening and Welcome
MD-YCEC Lou Hessing (MD 110 The Netherlands) welcomed everyone and introduced the Board of the YCEC seminar (Jean-Pierre Beaufort, MD 112 Belgium; Erel Karamanoglu, MD 118 Turkey; Jessica Hoey, LCI Youth Programs Department; Doris Reva, D-120 Estonia; Paul Vanderhaeghen, MD 112 Belgium).
Agenda Item 2: Roll-Call YCEC who are authorized to vote in the meeting
MD-YCEC Lou Hessing (MD 110 The Netherlands)
Roll-call was conducted of YCECs who are present at the meeting and have the right to vote for decisions (one per each country).
Agenda Item 3: List of Attendees
YCEC Paul Vanderhaeghen (MD 112 Belgium) introduced the list of participants. 25 countries have registered to the YCEC meeting.
Agenda Item 4: Approval of the minutes of EF Bologna
YCEC Paul Vanderhaeghen (MD 112 Belgium) introduced the report from Bologna YCEC meeting held on November 4-6, 2010. No comments were made.
Conclusion: The minutes of Bologna YCEC meeting were approved.
Agenda Item 5: Re-branding the YCEC program
Jessica Hoey (LCI Oak Brook, Youth Programs Department)
Jessica Hoey introduced the current existing YCE Program materials (e.g. visitor guide, host family guide, YCE-510A annual camp & chair report form, YCE-1450 annual program report (online) etc) and asked for suggestions from YCECs which one of those are used at all, which material is considered useful, which is outdated etc.
Annual Youth Camp & Exchange Directory – from this year on the camp contacts and district chairpersons contacs will be separated to avoid confusion of who to contact in order to apply to the camp. Several comments were made to improve the form of the directory (e.g. some content could be password locked, same infomation could be presented in Excel as it is easier to work with, index of countries could be added in front etc).
New YCE Program brand - the YCE Program will be re-branded, also having in mind the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the YCE program. The re-branding will include the existing collateral material with updated design and content plus new/different collateral materials will be concluded in the future. All ideas and suggestions are welcome.
Agenda Item 6: Additional costs in YCE program
YCEC Primoz Stosicki (D 129 Slovenia)
CO-YCEC Doris Reva (D 120 Estonia)
Outgoing fee - unfortunately camp fee is not the only fee youth attending YCE Program are facing. Lots of countries have implemented outgoing fee, which means that youths going abroad have to pay a fee in order to qualify for the program. In some countries these fees are even 300 EUR or higher and youths have to pay for their air ticket and camp fee and pocket money themselves. This means that the fee of 300 EUR is solely used by sponsoring Lions Club/District for their purposes/projects.
Hidden costs – there are examples of ”hidden costs” for taking part in the program which are not announced in advance and are not in line with the Board Policy. For example – youth have to pay for their own food, transportation, visits etc during host family stay. By Board Policy that is not acceptable (i.e. all costs at hosting country should be covered by hosting Lions, see Board Policy for more information) and the issue should be addressed to the hosting country´s YCEC.
Agenda Item 7: Deadline for applications
MD-YCECSimone Roba (MD 108 Italy)
In Europe a common deadline for applications for all countries is needed. If someone needs a deadline of Feb 28 and most of the countries have the deadline of March 31, we can meet in the middle and decide that March 15 is the common deadline of applications for all European countries.
Deadline is imortant to have because until that deadline agreements should be followed! After the deadline late applications can be refused or the free places can be filled with youth on the waiting list.
Suggestion to vote as an decision: Agreements made in de “bazaar” of EF have a deadline of March 15th .
Conclusion: Votes yes – 18, no - 0. The suggestion is accepted, the common deadline for applications in European countries will be 15th March.
Agenda Item 8: Only two successive days for meeting of YCEC at EF
MD-YCECSimone Roba (MD 108 Italy)
For the next EF – a suggestion to have YCEC meeting in only two days instead three days. During the first day, meeting (seminar) all day long; in the second day, workshop (two hours) in the morning and then bazaar.
Conclusion: Next YCEC meeting will be only in two successive days.
Agenda Item 9: Appreciation from Japanese YCEC
YCEC Kazuyo Furukawa (MD 334 Japan)
Japanese YCEC expressed appreciation and gratitude for all the support and kind words of all European YCECs after the earthquake hit Japan in March. Fortunately they were able to still organise the Japanese YCE program, although in a smaller amount. Japan is a safe country and they are expecting a lot of youth from Europe to Japan in the years to come.
Two requests from Japanese YCEC:
1)Japan would like to ask from YCECs to accept three weeks of homestay after 6th August because of the school/university session of Japanese youth;
2)Individual tours (either before or after the YCE Program) are not allowed for incoming youth visiting Japan.
Agenda Item 10: International President Wing-Kun Tam´s greetings for 50th anniversary of YCE Program
IP Wing-Kun Tam: YCE Program is one of the best and most successful program of LCI. We are a big family, offering more opportunity for the young people to learn different cultures, they are able to understand and respect other cultures, they are able to know better and widen the scope of understanding in the whole world. These youth have friends from all other the world, then there is no war and there is peace. By having a YCE program, YCECs have done a good job helping in the growth of world tolerance and peace. Happy birthday! Then you believe, you can do it!
Lou Hessing: All people working for YCE Program form a very special family. For YCE Program 50th anniversary there was a special pin and an umbrella designed.
Lou Hessing gave a present of YCE pin and an umbrella to IP Wing-Kun Tam.
Agenda Item 11: Only authorized senders of AF - Fill in all items AF
MD-YCEC Cristobal Herrero (MD 116 Spain)
Only application forms which are signed and completed (sections VI and VIII) by authorized YCEC should be accepted.
Answer of the board -
There will be no problem if you follow these recommendations -
When you receive an AF you have to:
-Look if the AF is coming from the e-mail address of an authorized YCEC (see the name and e-mail addresses of this YCEC in the list you receive every month);
-Verify if ALL items are filled in.
If not coming from an authorized YCEC or if not all items are filled in, you send back this AF and explain why you do not accept this student.
Conclusion: You can only accept AF from a YCEC who is mentioned in the YCEC contact list which Paul sends every month (i.e. YCECs who are reported to Oak Brook). If from an European country you receive an AF which is not sent from an authorized YCEC mentioned in the list, you should not accept this student. If you have accept, it is at your own risk. If there is no YCEC assigned in the sending country, district governor´s signature can also be accepted or contact LCI for more inform.
Agenda Item 12: Set-up of the YCE-Board & Functioning for 2012
MD-YCEC Lou Hessing (MD 110 The Netherlands)
Europa Forum 2012 (Belgium) Board will be:
YCE Chairperson of the Forum: Jean-Pierre Beaufort, MD 112 Belgium
Co-YCE Chairperson of the next Forum: Erel Karamanoglu, MD 118 Turkey
Agenda Item 13: Election or re-election of the secretary of the year
MD-YCEC Lou Hessing (MD 110 The Netherlands)
Secretary responsible of gathering the agenda together with the Board, maintaining the website and being secretary all over the year.
Conclusion: Paul Vanderhaeghen (MD 112 Belgium) was collectively agreed to take the office of YCE secretary for next fiscal year.
Agenda Item 14: Announcing EF Brussels 2012
Stephan Willems (Secretary of EF 2012, MD 112 Belgium) presented a promotional movie of Lions Europa Forum 2012. The Forum will be held from 6th to 8th September.
Agenda Item 15: Additional application forms
YCEC Ole Andersen (MD 104 Norway)
There are “private”, additional application forms that some countries require in addition to the official one. Some countries require an additional application form to be completed by the applicant and sent to the host country after they have accepted the student. This is unnecessary bureaucracy, generates extra work, confusion and gives Lions a reputation of a bureaucratic, paper-shuffling organization.
Simone Roba: LCI could send all the YCECs listed the standard application form.
Jessica Hoey: Board Policy does not force to use a certain application form, however, the issue may be solved when there is individual communication between YCECs or the application form is suggested by European YCECs as a group. If a different application form is used, information about it can be also presented at the camps directory.
Suggestion: European YCECs will not tolerate extra application forms.
Conclusion: Everybody present is for not to tolerate additional application forms to be filled in if they cover the same information more-less already presented in the standard Excel form. If extra information is needed, it can be asked by emails.
Agenda Item 16: Code for saving files
Simone Roba (MD 108 Italy)
After receiving thousand of AF a simple idea that can help everybody: use the same code for saving files.
A.F. ---> Country MD - Surname Name - AF =Italy 108 Ia3 - Roba Simone - AF
letter to Host Family --->Country MD - Surname Name - HF =Italy 108 Ia3 - Roba Simone - HF
passport/I.D. ---> Country MD - Surname Name -ID =Italy 108 Ia3 - Roba Simone - ID
pictures --->Country MD - Surname Name -picture=Italy 108 Ia3 - Roba Simone
Conclusion: It is advisable to use a easy-to-understand file name that includes country´s name abbrevation (e.g. ITA), district number, student´s name and the short abbrevation of the file (e.g. AF for application form) sent. (Common agreement reached at Friday`s YCEC workshop, 14th Oct).
Agenda Item 17: MD 201 Australia Report
PDG YCEC Rod Bradley (MD 201 Australia) via email
Greetings to you all from MD 201, we wish you a successful Europa 2011 – Youth Camp and Exchange Meeting.
There are a few items we in MD 201 wish for you to address when preparing for 2012. These are:
- Communication: From 2012, we will only communicate with the Youth Exchange Program Manager responsible for youth travelling to Australia. We will definitely not communicate with the individual youths, their families or Lions Clubs before or during their visit to Australia. This year we encountered a lot of problems relating to communication.
- Travel arrangements: The flights for the youth must be arranged by the Youth Committee and the youth must arrive on the same day (in 2012, the required day of arrival in Australia is 30 June). This year many youth and their parents booked flights resulting in youth arriving over a 16-day period, flights having to be rebooked and additional expense. Youth should arrive in Australia before lunchtime on Day 1 in Australia to permit internal travel to their hosts.
- Youth Applications: The Country Program Manager to check that the youths’ applications have been completed correctly and retain copies of all documents. This year some applications did not include host letters, copies of passports and all signatures and requests for these documents were referred to the youth. All applications should be forwarded to Australia before 31 March 2012.
- Agreement forms 2012: We will prepare a form of agreement between MD 201 and all participating Youth Exchange Countries and will forward these for signature.
Serge van Hoorick (MD 112 Belgium)
Some example of feedback from the youth who have participated in the YCE Program:
a host family is unprepared to host a youth (host family do not know about Lions organisation etc);
a host family has been hired (they are paid) to host a youth;
a host family is undedicated to hosting a youth (they have no interest in hosting).
Suggestion from Serge van Hoorick:a sample form which obgliges host family to host a foreign youth when this family´s child participates in the program could be prepared for the potential host family to sign.
A lot of problems with host families and costs have incurred in Mexico, Peru, Australia, Canada.
If a problem arises with a host family and it is not possible to find a solution with the (contact) YCEC, contact the district governor, the council chairperson or LCI (Jessica Hoey).
Richard Williams (MD 105 British Isles & Ireland): would it be possible to report that kind of problems to LCI and in result this district cannot hold a YCE Program anymore?
LCI (Jessica Hoey): LCI cannot forbid the activity itself, but the issue can be raised to the district governor and council chairperson.
Conclusion: All problems should be first addressed to the (contact) YCEC, if that is not successful, then to the district governor or council chairperson. If these measures do not help, LCI should be definitely contacted to address the issue with the help of LCI.
Every country decides on its own how to oblige families whose child has participated in the program to host a foreign youth.
Agenda Item 19: Late cancelling
YCEC Eric Gilles (MD 103 France)
They sent acceptance forms in May but received nine cancellations just a couple of days before the camp starts. Once the acceptance form is sent, is it not normal to cancel a place that late.
Conclusion: Late cancellation is not tolerated and measures should be taken from both sides to avoid this situation. Hosting YCEC should ask for the copy of the airline/bus/train ticket.
Agenda Item 20: Closing of the Meeting
Lou Hessing closed the meeting at 12:00.
Agenda Item 21: Workshop: “Social media and how to use and help in combination with our work for Lions YCE”
Henderikus Cazemier (MD 110 The Netherlands) made a presentation about ways of social media which could be used in YCE Program (district webpage, Facebook, Twitter, Linkeldn etc).
Agenda Item 22: Cross Cultural Game
Henk Dijk (MD 110 The Netherlands) organised and leaded a cross cultural game for the participants of the workshop.
AttachmentsThe list of participants
Maastricht 13th October 2011
Lou Hessing Doris Reva
Chairperson of the meetingSecretary of the meeting
NR 2
Title Youth Camp & Exchange Chairpersons Meeting (Open Session)
Date 14th October 2011 14:45-16:15
Chairperson: MD-YCEC Lou Hessing, MD 110 The Netherlands
Vice-Chairperson: MD-YCEC Jean-Pierre Beaufort, MD 112 Belgium
2nd Vice-Chairperson: MD-YCEC Erel Karamanoglu, MD 118 Turkey
Secretary: CO-YCEC Doris Reva, D 120 Estonia
Agenda Secretary: YCEC Paul Vanderhaeghen, MD 112 Belgium
Agenda Item 1: Opening and Welcome
MD-YCEC Lou Hessing (MD 110 The Netherlands) welcomed everyone to the meeting. D-YCEC Primoz Stosicki (D 129 Slovenia) thanked George Everdij for the workshop on Guide Book held in the morning.
Agenda Item 2: Conclusion from the YCEC meeting on Thursday, 13th October
MD-YCEC Lou Hessing (MD 110 The Netherlands) presented the report of YCEC meeting held on Thursday, 13th October.
Eric Gilles (MD 103 France): Remark on Agenda item 19 (Late cancelling) - the acceptance form should be sent both to the youth and YCEC in order to assure that it is received.
Agenda item 16 (Code for saving files) – Paul Vanderhaeghen (MD 112 Belgium) will send everybody codes for each country by email for saving files.
Richard Williams (MD 105 British Isles & Ireland) – asked LCI to arrange a letter from IP for the YCECs.
Agnes Kozma (D 124 Romania) – the host family form should be included in the Guide Book. Paul Vanderhaeghen (MD 112 Belgium) – this topic will be discussed in next Lions Europa Forum in Brussels.
Richard Williams (MD 105 British Isles & Ireland) - suggested Lou Hessing send in name of the European YCE countries the YCECs outside Europe our Guide Book and suggestions and issues discussed at the meeting.
Maastricht 14th October 2011
Lou Hessing Doris Reva
Chairperson of the meetingSecretary of the meeting
Minutes EF Maastricht 2011page 1 of 9