Parkside Middle
Cambridge International School
World Language Program
Parent and Student Handbook
8602 Mathis Avenue
Manassas, VA 20110
Administrative Team, Support Staff, and Guidance 3
Vision & Mission (Philosophy) 4
“Our Pledge to Our Students” 5
Important Dates and Report Card Schedule 6
Bell Schedule 7
Parkside Testing Schedule 2014-2015 8
Grading Policy 9
Parent Steps to Student Success 13
Homework Policy 14
Retake Form 15
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support of Virginia (PBISV) 16
Hear Parkside R.O.A.R Towards Success!!! 17
Parkside Middle School’s Dress Code for Students 19
Parkside Middle School’s Procedures 21
Bus Expectations 22
World Language Specialty Program 24
Cambridge International Program 25
Parkside Middle School Clubs 26
Parkside Middle School Athletics 27
Athletic Programs Offered at Parkside 28
Attendance 29
Attendance Roles and Responsibilities 30
Medication Disbursement and Vaccination Policy 31
School Counseling Services 32
Administrative Team, Support Staff, and Guidance
Administrative Team
Dr. Mary Jane Boynton, Principal
Ms. Erin Merica, Assistant Principal (7th/8th Grade)
Ms. Lisa Vega, Assistant Principal (6th Grade)
Ms. Abbey Jones, Specialty Program Coordinator
Mrs. Ashley Harigan and Mr. James Bricker, Activities Directors
Support Staff
Mr. Daniel Evers, School Safety and Security
Officer Rob Berkibile, School Resource Officer
Mrs. Lisa Martin, School Nurse
Mrs. Elena Walker, Secretary
Mrs. Sheila Naylor, Attendance Secretary
Ms. Lourdes Vega, Parent Liason
Mrs. Tammy Lauper, Help Desk
Guidance Department
Ms. Willette Trevis, Guidance Director
Ms. Caroline Young
Mr. Clifton Gorham
Ms. Shannon DiMisa
Ms. Desirae Bruce, Secretary
Vision & Mission (Philosophy)
Mission Statements:
The mission of Parkside Middle Cambridge International School, a culturally and technologically rich learning community, is to inspire and empower all students in a student-focused environment to excel both academically and socially and prepare them to be productive citizens and future leaders.
Vision Statements:
The vision of Parkside Middle Cambridge International School, a culturally and technologically rich learning community, is for all stakeholders to be committed to encouraging and challenging the whole child by providing a safe and respectful student-focused environment that fosters a rigorous academic and technological curriculum that will prepare students to become productive citizens and future leaders.
• A nurturing, safe, and orderly student-centered school environment promotes optimum achievement.
• Students' learning is the shared responsibility of all stakeholders: the administration, the teachers, the parents, the student, and the community.
• Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process within the classroom and in extra-curricular activities.
• Instruction that is student centered, taking into account students’ diverse social, emotional and physical needs, increases student success.
• Our stakeholders’ commitment to continuous improvement and recognition of achievement is imperative to ensure that our students become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.
• A caring relationship between staff and students fosters mutual respect and an appreciation of the differences in one another.
• A variety of assessment tools is essential to accurately evaluate student performance and create effective and meaningful instruction.
The Cambridge approach supports schools to develop learners who are:
Confident in working with information and ideas – their own and those of others
Responsible for themselves, responsible to and respectful of others
Reflective as learners, developing their ability to learn
Innovative and equipped for new and future challenges
Engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference.
“Our Pledge to Our Students”
At Parkside, we are vested in the success of each and every student in our care. Therefore, our faculty and staff understand and agree that the following expectations, duties and procedures are an integral and sacrosanct commitment to who we are as a community of learners.
As an important member of the Parkside staff, I pledge to:
1. Taking attendance (it is a legal requirement);
2. Classroom webpages set up and maintained once a week by all teachers (it is a county requirement);
3. Min. of two grades every six full classes posted in the grade book for parent to view in parent portal;
4. Hallway coverage provided by all faculty and staff during all class changes;
5. 10/10 rule;
6. Hallway passes (passes have been printed for each grade level and encore, plus administration);
7. Technology – everyone must follow the county policies for overall acceptable usage and the BYOD initiative;
8. Opening activity for every class (bell ringer);
9. Closing activity/exit ticket for every class;
10. Clear agenda, to include date, standard, language objective, and activities posted and visible for all students to follow for the duration of the class period;
11. Student-centered lessons (the expectation is that we should not be seeing teachers sitting at their computers for any length of time during the instructional day);
12. Teacher data collections (this will be done through our own data collection tool);
13. Student data folders (to be updated by students weekly);
14. Tardy policies will be followed by all teachers;
15. Dress code for all students, faculty, & staff will be monitored and followed;
16. Communication to parents will be regular and consistent. No student will receive an interim or report card grade below a C without having documented parent notification.
Important Dates and Report Card Schedule
August 31st School Begins
September 7th Holiday
October 12th County Professional Development Day-No School for all students
October 30th End of Middle/High School 1st Grading Period (45 Days)
November 2nd Teacher Professional Development ‐ No school for all students
November 11th Veterans Day Holiday
November 27th - 27th Thanksgiving Break5
December 21st ‐ 31st Winter Break
January 1st Winter Break
January 3rd School Reopens
January 18th Martin Luther King Holiday
January 29th End of Second Grading Period
January 29th End of First Semester
February 1st Teacher Professional Development - No school for All students
February 15th Presidents' Day Holiday
March 21st – 28th Spring Break
April 15th End of Third Grading Period
April 18th Teacher Professional Development ‐ No school for all students
May 30th Memorial Day Holiday
June 17th End of Fourth Grading Period
June 17th Last Day of School for Students
Report Card Schedule
Grading Period / Interims / Report Cards1st 9 weeks / October 9th / November 10th
2nd 9 Weeks / December 18th / February 9th
3rd 9 Weeks / March 15th / April 26th
4th 9 Weeks / May 27th / Mailed by June 27th
Bell Schedule
6th Grade / 7th Grade / 8th GradeAdvisory
8:00-8:09 a.m. Final Tardy Bell
8:10-8:15 a.m. Announcements/Pledge / Advisory
8:00-8:09 a.m. Final Tardy Bell
8:10-8:15 a.m. Announcements/Pledge / Advisory
8:00-8:09 a.m. Final Tardy Bell
8:10-8:15 a.m. Announcements/Pledge
Block 1
8:15 – 9:11 a.m.
56 minutes / Block 1
8:15-9:11 a.m.
56 minutes / Block 1
8:15-9:11 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 2
9:11 – 10:07 a.m.
56 minutes / Block 2 (ENCORE)
9:11 – 10:41 a.m.
90 minutes / Block 2
9:011– 10:07 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 3
10:07-11:03 a.m.
56 minutes / LUNCH A
10:41 – 11:06 a.m.
25 minutes / Block 3C
10:41 – 11:37 a.m.
56 minutes / Block 3
10:07-11:03 a.m.
56 minutes
Block 3A
11:06 – 12:02 p.m.
56 minutes / LUNCH C
11:37 – 12:02 p.m.
25 minutes
11:03-11:28 a.m.
25 minutes / Block4D
11:03-11:59 p.m.
56 minutes / Block 4
12:02 – 12:58 p.m.
56 minutes / Block 4 (ENCORE)
11:03 – 12:33 p.m.
90 minutes
Block 4B
11:28-12:24 p.m.
56 minutes / LUNCH D
11:59-12:24 p.m.
25 minutes
Block 5
12:24-1:20 p.m.
56 minutes / Block 5
12:58 – 1:54 p.m.
56 minutes / LUNCH E
12:33 – 12:58 p.m.
25 minutes / Block 5F
12:33 – 1:29 p.m.
56 minutes
Block 5E
12:58 – 1:54 p.m.
56 minutes / LUNCH F
1:29 – 1:54 p.m.
25 minutes
Block 6 (ENCORE)
1:20 – 2:50 p.m.
90 minutes / Block 6
1:54 – 2:50 p.m.
56 minutes / Block 6
1:54 – 2:50 p.m.
56 minutes
Parkside Middle School office hours are from 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Please check our school website for important information and upcoming school events!
Parkside Testing Schedule 2014-2015
TEST / Testing Window / Online or Paper/PencilPre-Test / September 8-18, 2015 / · Math & LA ALL GRADES online
· 8th Grade Social Studies, writing & Science online
· 6th-7th Grade Social Studies & Science (online optional)
· ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E. (online optional)
Benchmark 1 / November 2-24, 2015 / · Math & LA ALL GRADES online
· 8th Grade Social Studies, writing & Science online
· 6th-7th Grade Social Studies & Science (online optional)
· ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E. (online optional)
ACCESS TESTING / January 11 – March 17, 2016 / · ALL ESOL STUDENTS
VAAP / DUE March 31, 2016 / · SPED
Benchmark II / February 29 – March 18, 2016 / · Math & LA ALL GRADES online
· 8th Grade Social Studies, & Science online
· 6th-7th Grade Social Studies & Science (online optional)
· ALL World Language, ENCORE & P.E. (online optional)
VGLA / DUE April 27, 2016 / · ESOL
SOL Testing / March 1-16, 2016 / · 8th Grade Writing (MC & Short Paper)
SOL Testing / May 2 - May 27, 2016 / · 6th-8th Grade LA
· 6th-8th Grade Math
· 8th Grade Science
· 8th Grade Civics & Economics
· Algebra & Geometry
SOL Expedited Retakes / June 1 - June 16, 2016 / · All SOL Areas
End-Of-Year Exams / June 1-10, 2016 / · Spanish 1A, 1B, I & II
· French 1A, 1B, I & II
· Algebra & Geometry (if necessary)
Post Assessment / May 31- June 10, 2016 / · 6th -7th Grade Social Studies & Science
Grading Policy
“Failure is not an option”
In accordance with Prince William County Public Schools policy 661-2, the grade a Parkside Middle School student receives in grades 6-8 should be based upon the same criteria. The following are the criteria for determining achievement grades. Achievement is based on school academic performance on assignments directly related to the curriculum.
The middle school grading scale is as follows:
A 90 – 100 4.0
B+ 87 – 89 3.4
B 80 – 86 3.0
C+ 77 – 79 2.4
C 70 – 76 2.0
D+ 67 – 69 1.4
D 60 – 66 1.0
F 59 and Below 0.0
In grades 6 – 7, teachers may record either letter grades in the grade book, but regardless of the method of recording grades in the grade book, each grade must be converted into its letter equivalent before averaging except in Carnegie unit classes. For grade 8, the high school numerical grading scale will be used for all students.
Parkside Middle School has initiated a program to support our students who have not mastered required standards. The A-B-C-PIP, (Panther in Progress), is a program that allows a student time to receive remediation and an opportunity to retake assessments. The intention of this program is to eliminate the opportunity for students to accept any grade lower for 70% for middle level classes and 80% for high school level classes. We have high expectations for all of our students and our goal is to prepare and encourage students to strive for mastery in middle school, high school and beyond.
Any student who does not earn the minimum score of 70% for middle level classes and 80% for high school level classes on all assessments will be required to retake, (PIP). Students will receive additional help and instruction on the content not mastered and will be given the opportunity to retake the un-mastered content. Additional opportunities for re-teaching may be provided by the teacher during the school day or outside the school day by the teacher or through additional education programs at Parkside. Students who do not complete the PIP process after the third opportunity will be placed on an academic contract.
PWCS Regulation 724-1 states students receiving excused absences shall be responsible for contacting their teachers to make arrangements for make-up work within a time specified by the teacher.
Grades are assigned for individual summative assessments, which are directly designed around state and county standards. The follow 16 principals shall be applied to the Parkside Grading Policy:
1. Students will only be graded on achievement; no behavioral grades may be awarded.
2. Students will not be graded down for turning in late work. Please see late policy for specifics.
3. Extra credit will be awarded where higher student achievement is exemplified.
4. Students who cheat/plagiarize will receive an alternative assignment, plus an assignment on ethics and an administrative referral.
5. Student absences will not be recorded as a grade.
6. Students will be graded on individual ability; group scores/grades will not be used.
7. Grades will be organized and attached to a specific learning standard and learning target.
8. Student grades will be assigned solely on learning standards and learning targets that the student is able to identify.
9. A student’s grade will be assessed based on individuality; students will not be compared to other students.
10. Student grades will be based on quality assessments.
11. Student grades will be weighted per Parkside policy.
12. Students will not receive a grade of zero as a punishment.
13. Student grades will be awarded based on summative assessments only.
14. Students will have the opportunity to redo summative assessments.
15. Students will be involved in the grading process through the use of their data folders, and, (where appropriate), contributing to assessment design.
16. Any grade that is recorded below 70% for middle classes, and 80% for high school classes, must be retaken for appropriate mastery.
Weighting of grades:
All Parkside grades will be weighted at 1.
What are learning targets?
Learning targets are four categories that break down the standards/curriculum into areas that we want our students to be successful in. When we assess with these categories in mind it is easier to discern where a student most needs support. The 4 categories are: 1. Knowledge 2. Reasoning 3. Skill 4. Product. As an example we might see student A has the knowledge for multiplication, but cannot produce the correct answers when asked to produce a multiplication chart. By breaking down student ability into categories, one can more clearly see where a student might need support.